13 year old with crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 15, 2012
I have been wanting to learn more about the disease I have been diagnosed with and found this site so I decided to share my story.

This December of 2012, I was officially diagnosed with Crohns. I have had horrible dirreah and stomach cramps for about 6 months before the diagnose. The GI thought that the cause was Celiac because my grandmother has Celiac. But after a colonosophy and biosophy the doctor found mini ulcers in the intestines and colon area. Quickly I was started on azothaprine (spelling??) and other meds to help my stomach. But soon after it was found that my iron levels were very low, so I had multiple iron infusion. As a thirteen year old, I wasnt really used to alot of needles. About 2 months or so later,, I quickly developed a fissule and absess (spelling??) ( sorry I am not really the best speller:shifty-t:

The next day I went into surgery to drain the absess. I think that the doctors put a cton in to drain the pocket. And then I was started on Remicade which is an infusion medicine which the doctors said would help the draining. Then I stopped the antibiotics from the surgery and the aftermath MRIs showed that the absess had actually gotten bigger. So then I went to the doctor again and I was started back on the antibiotics. The doc says that I will have to be on then for six months. :( thats all to my story for right now.

Thanx for listening.
Hi and welcome to the forum! :D

Sorry you're having such a rough time right now but hopefully the Remicade will get a chance to do its job over time.

Have a look at these subforums. This is for abscesses and fistulas http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=76 and this one is for Remicade http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=58

Hope you find some more information on those topics. I don't have personal experience with either so I guess I'm not much help in that department.
Welcome to the forum! This forum has helped me a lot in understanding my Crohn's, and having the support is very important as well. Hope you feel better soon!
Hello and welcome to the forum, I am glad you have decided to join :)

I am sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time of it, I will be keeping fingers crossed that the Remicade and antibiotics can sort things for you.

Along with checking out the above mentioned links please do also have a look at our teens only sub forum (the tab for this can be found under our support forum: http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2) so you can chat with others who are in your age group.

Wishing you all the best hun.

Hi there,

I was diagnosed when I was 10 years old, so completely understand what it's like trying to be a kid with Crohn's disease. When you're that young, you never want to be the "odd one out" - the one that can't eat what everyone else is eating or be where everyone else wants to be. That was 7 years ago, I have only a year left of school then hopefully none of that will matter.

:) :)
We are so blessed to live in a day and age where people (young & and old) can reach out via internet to others who are facing similar situations and also access records and other data that help us learn how to face our trials (such as Crohn's Disease). Not all data is accurate and true so that's the thing to be aware of. Talking with other Crohn's Disease (CD) patients is very comforting and helpful to help you get a better feel for your own experiences. Since everyone's experiences are different, some better some worse, I hope you can find some positive ways to cope with your own experiences.

When I was in grade school and my stomach would hurt really bad, the doctors would send me home saying I just had an upset stomach and give me Peptobismol to help soothe the pain. So I would suffer a day or two taking it easy until things would blow over. I wasn't actually diagnosed with CD until I was 20 yrs old and my first pregnancy brought on severe symptoms.

The first CD trigger I've been told is stress. Even though we will all have some stress in our lives its important to not let life stress you out so bad to where you let it consume you for a long period of time (weeks and months). I've found that if something is too much for me to handle, I have to only do what I can do and that that I can't handle I turn it over to God and try not to worry about it.

The second contributing factor is the amount of sleep we get. I've noticed throughout my life (especially as a teenager) that I always was sleepy or getting headaches if I didn't get AT LEAST 8-10 hours of sleep every night. If I slept too much or too little it was the same effect. So consistency is important so your body can regulate and heal itself daily.

The third contributing factor is food. Ya know how parents always want their kids to eat their veggies? Well the general American diet (fast foods especially) are loaded with greasy fats and maybe one little piece of lettuce or tomato...when in actual reality our diets should consist of small portions of lean meat (without the fat, skin, grease, and preservatives), natural sugar from fruits, grains and legumes that are not processed and bleached, and most importantly and abundantly are veggies of all kinds. If you're stomach is not able to tolerate the veggies/fruits in whole form, you can juice them if you have a juicer.

The forth contributing factor is exercise. While your body is growing and maturing it needs to be exercised regularly with moderation. Knowing your limits is very important too.

All of these things (stress, sleep, food, exercise) need to be in moderation and balance. One thing can throw off the other and the way to fix it is one day at a time by getting back on track. Our bodies are amazing and can overcome so many things and heal itself if we give it what it needs.

I hope you take the time to read this and other posts and links. This forum is a great starting place as I have found it to be excedingly helpful in answering my questions and providing links to more info. :rosette1:

I have been dealing with CD now for 20 years and now my son who is 20 yrs old has a fistula and we are learning about that as well. I'm sorry to hear about your absess and can only imagine how difficult it must be. :frown:
Best wishes to you!
Hello and welcome. I am the same age as you, and was diagnosed in march. This forum really does help you know the disease better :) I hope you start feeling better
Hi Scorpio, thatnks for sharing your story.

Sorry you are having to deal with this at such at young age, but as long as you go by your GI's orders, then hopefully you will be able to get some of your life back soon.

I am 41 and was diagnosed at 24 and I can tell you that this disease has no prejudice on age or sex.

The members above have already pointed you to some good info., but ask away and don't be embarrassed or shy. All of us with crohns have had to deal with some very embarrassing situations and we may can give you advice to help you avoid such things happening to you.

Thanks for joining the forum and hope to see you around.