16 and suffering with crohns

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Oct 18, 2011
Hello, I am 16 years old and was diagnosed with crohn's disease around the age of 12. I was always extremely underweight, and I experienced delayed puberty. Now, at 16, I am still very short and small for my age. My body is very unproportional, leading me to believe that I still have some growing to do. But now I am worrying about whether or not my growth has been permanently stunted. For anyone that has suffered from crohn's disease at such an early age, how did it effect your growth?
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Hello Zingtx..:) and welcome to the forum..
Am 47 and have just been diagnosed so can not answer your question directly...but just wanted to welcome you to this great place where we all have similar issues and can chat and gain information to help us understand.
I am quite sure someone will be along who can relate to your specific question..again welcome..:)
Take care..
Hi there,

I was diagnosed at 12, and had an operation when I was 15. After my operation I started growing again! But as soon as your Crohn's is under control, you'll spout up!
Hiya Zing, and welcome :)

What sort of meds are you on for your Crohn's Disease? Are you on any supplements? And what is your diet like?

Again, welcome! I hope to see you around the forum :)
I am currently taking azathioprine and entocort. To be honest my diet is not the best at the moment. I have been trying to improve but i'm just not sure of where to start. I am usually able to eat almost anything, with the exception of beans and corn (a few other foods bother me, but not to the same degree as beans and corn).

I am quite underweight due to flares over the summer, but i've been feeling better and seem to be getting back on track. I am hoping that I will continue to grow once I have gained a bit of wait, but it still worries me. Is there anything I can do to help with growing? I'm almost 17, so i'm worried that i'm running out of time to reach my full potential.

If any of you have any ideas as to anything I should be doing regarding diet and supplements please do tell. The help would be much appreciated :).
I am 17 and and also found out i had crohns when i was 12. I was really under weight and very short. and i still am today. Dealing with this i lose and gain weight really fast. If your medicine is helping and you are eating right you should start gaining weight and growing though. Even if it does take a while for it to make a difference.
Hi Zing,

You may very well be suffering from malabsorbption. This is even more problematic since you're in your growth years and your body needs all those nutrients more than ever. I would strongly suggest speaking to your medical practitioner about being referred to a nutritionist who specializes in IBD and:

1. Check out our elemental nutrition forum which may be a good way for you to gain additional vitamins and nutrients.

2. Read everything you can in our diet, fitness, and supplement forum.

3. Speak with your doctor about having as many of your vitamin and mineral levels checked as possible.

I think this could help with what you're experiencing A LOT.

Keep us updated!
Hi Zing,

Agree totally with all David said. My son was just diagnosed in May. As he was already 16, 17 now, quite a bit of his growth had already been done. However, before being diagnosed, he lost close to 20 pounds. His treatment was elemental (or enteral) nutrition and he has gained 30 pounds since beginning treatment. He has also gained another 1/2 inch in height (not much but, he as is already quite tall, had already passed his growth spurt, and in only a few months, I think the 1/2 inch really speaks to the ability of the formula to assist in 'growth'...).

The formula used in the elemental nutrition is much more easily digested/absorbed than regular food and tests for his vitamin levels have all been good.

While my son's initial treatment was 'only' the formula (no other food), his current maintenance treatment keeps him on a lower dosage of the formula plus regular foods - so the elemental nutrition can be used with other medications and food.

Good luck!
Just a side note to all the other good comments: Can't tell from what you said if you're a guy or girl. It seems like girls stop growing much sooner than guys. Some guys still grow into their early 20's though. So I'm saying, with getting crohn's under control and some dietary suggestions above there may still be hope if you're a guy.

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