I am a 16 year old girl in high school, I have had Chrons for almost 4 years! I feel like I have a crazy story.. But, looking at everyone else's story I feel like we have the same life or yours is worse.. In the 6th grade I remember very well how I had to find out "the story of my life". For six weeks, going to the doctor every week and every week they told me I had the flu, without tests just a simple temp check. My mom had to finally say that she wanted a blood test done to get this all figured out. Anyway the doctors had a theory that I was allergic to glutin, or wheat. Being on a diet like that for a week was CRAZY! And I was still very sick could not keep anything I put in my mouth down. After CT scans, MRI's, upper& lowerGI's, lots of blood work and more they came to find I had Chrons disease. I'm very active in sports volleyball& Softball. Being late to practices or missing them has deffainltly changed me playing skills and Gpa at school. Most of my friends know about my disease but very very few understand whats really going on in my body
I feel like this is Way way to long but I had found out about this forum and really would like to talk to people that really understand and get what I'm going through!