18 year old with crohns!

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May 18, 2012
Hi I just wanted some thoughts or anyone who was experiencing similar things because I am a little confused!

Im 18, diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 9
Been through the works with meds..asacol, 6mp, immuran, pentasa, flagel, however never been on biologics or steroids.
Currently only on Methotrexate, and HGH (human growth hormone injections) I am pituitary insufficient but I think they help my crohn's symptoms

Heres my problem.. I am starving all the time, and according to my doctor my crohn's is very active and all my bloodwork is low (vitamins and everything) but I can not stop eating, AND im gaining weight. I exercise all the time. It seems everyone with crohn's is trying to gain weight, and here I am trying to lose it, with active crohns. Has anyone experienced this? Even my doctor says its strange. I had my thyroid tested and they said it was normal. help!
Hello there, I am afraid I myself have not experianced this problem but I did want to say 'hi' and :welcome: to the forum, I do hope you can find the answer to this here. Has your GI suggested a plan yet with regards to your crohns and the fact it is still very active?

Hi & Welcome :)
My son is also18- we have done pentasa-enticort & prednisone. He is going to try remicade for the first time next week- we are worried but hopeful- can be life changing
Check out the remicade forum- :)
Hi Kat!

Welcome to the forum. I have not had this problem either, but I know there are lots of people on the forum who try to lose weight instead of gain.

I would also look into the biologics. They really did improve the quality of my life tremendously.