1st Annual World IBD Day

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 5, 2010
Hey! I just saw this on CCFA's main page. Wasn't sure if anyone else read about it, but this is awesome! It's coming up pretty soon too!

I just noticed I have a GI appointment on May 19th too. See, I told ya I schedule doc appointments on holidays! Haha.

Here's the official website for the holiday: http://ibdday.bvsalud.org/
I decorate an IV stand and sing carols and exchange tubes of Calmoseptine.

Also, don't forget June 13th is Burrill Crohn's birthday!
i bedazzle my toilet for the big day.
get a pro photographer in.
you know, low key kind of thing.
kello82 said:
i bedazzle my toilet for the big day.
get a pro photographer in.
you know, low key kind of thing.

Great idea, :D you can gather the whole family 'round for the annual portrait.
GoJohnnyGo said:
I decorate an IV stand and sing carols and exchange tubes of Calmoseptine.

Also, don't forget June 13th is Burrill Crohn's birthday!

OMG that's hilarious! Wrap the IV stand with toliet paper and hang Rowasa suppositories from it!

There should be games in the celebration, like timed bathroom dashes and Go Lightly chugging contests....first prize Costco size pack of TP and Calmoseptine, of course.:ylol2:
Remember tomorrow is IBD Day! Some people are wearing all blue (or orange!) in honor of IBD day.

Here's an image you can download and use as your avatar/profile picture on Facebook, MySpace, or other places!

I plan on celebrating with a trip to the GI's office! ;) And posting my Facebook profile picture as the icon. And probably wear blue.
OMG Marisa I just read about this on the CCFA website and just tried to start a thread about it! I didn't know you already had. I didn't know about the colors though....thanks for the update!
Haha, it appears I've fallen back on the face of the Earth just in time to celebrate having IBD. Yay. :3

Honestly though, I hope this raises a little awareness, if only to lessen the amount of occasional awkward conversations that come up.

"I have Crohn's disease. It's a kind of of inflammatory bowel disease."
"Oh... So like, IBS?"
Wow.. and I spent today being sick NOT from Crohn's! (For once)

Although I am just coming to the end of a flare (please please please, God) so I guess I'm sick from both.
I know it's late in the day, but I decided to make a post on facebook today (Andrew Wiser from UCSF if anyone wants to friend me). This is the post if you want to copy it or add to it or modify it or ask others to copy and paste (we got 5 hours left here on the west coast.

If you know someone with IBD, show your support today. It is the first annual world IBD day. Find a charity that supports IBD research for crohns and colitis and support your friends and family who suffer.


If you want to know how you can help, this second link goes to the CCFA and all the information posted on their website is an excellent source of information for those without IBD.

Figured we might as well use it to try and get some money to the CCFA and get our disease out there to be more public!

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