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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 16, 2012
Hi, After nine months of knowing something was wrong with my son 14, finally an official DX. Ankylosing Spondalitis. How I feel? Don't know. Very sad he is sick, glad that finally he got diagnosed and did not took years, worried he will have Crohn's on top of it. At a point in this past months I truly believe I was paranoid, Doctors said, nothing was wrong, test came negative, one Mri good one bad, but something inside me keep looking and changing doctors. So sad I was right. :confused2::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
So sorry you and your family must deal with this! :(

As with your daughter's crohns dx, this will get easier too but, I know that doesn't take away today's fears, concerns and disappointment. Lots of hugs for you! :ghug: :ghug:

I'm glad you can move ahead with treatment and, hopefully, get your son feeling well!

There is no specific AS subforum, however, there is a subforum for arthritis under Extra Intestinal Manifestations. I've attached the link below, you may find some useful information there.


Keeping you in my thoughts! :ghug:
I'm sorry for your sons diagnosis :(

Can you tell us more about his symptoms leading up to it ? And about what the treatment may be if you don't mind?
I'm very interested in this.

Thanks everybody for the support. He is going to be on prednisone, azulfidina and pain killers for now. If it works, good. If not, the other med will be Remicade. Usually same treatment as with Crohn's. It's also an autoinmmune disease, but his, on the spine. Usually takes years to diagnose because all test for arthritis come negative, It is diagnosed by Mri or ruling out everything else. Symptoms were pain in the coccyx, which in reality was in his sacrum joints. couple of months later, stiffness in his neck in the morning, which improve with movement. Later, back and knee pain. There is a big chance he will develop crohn's, just like somebody with crohn's has the possibility to develop spondalitis. CRP normal, Sedimentation normal, RA negative. Hbl27 negative. Ask me all the questions you want, and I will try to answer the best of my acknowledge
My heart goes to you araceli...:ghug:

I know well your fears, shock and numbness hun. :( One child with a lifelong disease is hard enough to bear but when another is diagnosed it is so overwhelming and all consuming. Yes, it will get better and the cloud will lift but in the meantime just know that we are here for you and we are with you every step of the way.

In my thoughts. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty.
Went to GI and wants to do colonoscopy and endoscopy on my son. He also order fecal calprotectin test. Having a lot of problems with his pediatrician, there is no pediatric rheumy in this city and doc doesn't want to sent him to another city, He thinks he is the only one who knows. time to change doctor. Next week is my daughter's remicade infusion. I NEED A NEW BRAIN.
Araceli, I also have two daughters with Crohns. They both were diagnosed at 15. The eldest is now 31. I feel your stress and anxiety. I have lived through this disease for years. You will make it. Take this one day at a time. If you think too far ahead, you will lose it. Not sure if you are a religious person, but I have survived by the Grace of God.
Hi pipmom. Thanks. You are right, one day at a time. I can't afford to lose it. and yes I believe in God and I ask him for strenght and wisdom.(among other things). Tomorrow will be a better day.
I am sorry you have had to deal with this.:ghug:

That mommy sense is usually right, as much as we wish it wasn't sometimes.


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