2 Week Hospital Stay

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Jul 30, 2014
Hi All, I have just been discharged from hospital 2 days ago. I was rushed in with severe right lower abdominal pain, low grade fever and vomiting. This came on gradually and until the docs started poking and prodding, didn't realize just how much pain I had been in! ( I looove Morphine but they couldn't give me enough to take the pain away completely because of my Gastroparesis but wow it was a relief :hug:)
An x-ray and CT scan showed my entire bowel had collapsed and I had inflammation in my Terminal Ileum. Docs still refused to do a colonoscopy whilst bowel was so inflamed as they were calling it an infection. Ok, I can see that it wouldn't be wise to be doing biopsies if you had an infection but I'm getting really really frustrated with the reluctance to 'Label' whatever it is that's happening to my gut!
I didn't once see my GI whilst in hospital just his registrar but see him next week. Anyway after 3 days on IV Hydracortisone, Antibiotics and fluids I was sent home with a diagnosis of 'Unspecific Colitis', they not ready to call it Crohn's unless they see it on blood work or biopsy and as for 'Unspecific Colitis' I'm not sure what to think of this? Anyone like to help me understand what this could mean?
My medication list has now doubled and my Potassium levels have to be checked every 2 weeks due to being so low but now have added Prednisolone to my medicine list! Grrr I hope it works, don't want to go through that again, I'd really hate to feel what a perforation feels like if all I had was an 'Infection!'
I hope you all have had better tummy days :ghug:

cheers shooni

Glad you're out. That sounds awful.

Unspecified colitis could bre any number of IBD diseases or something else. Scope and biopsies are really needed for a diagnosis and proper treatment.

With all the inflammation even doing a scope with no biopsies could cause a perforation.

Sending you my support.
Thanks DJW, thanks for the reply and yes I know it was the right call not to do a scope, I like many just got really frustrated with the process :ybatty:.
For know I'm hoping the Pred works and I can regain some strength.
Thank you again for your support.

cheers shooni
I know what it's like to want answers, but it's probably safer for your doctors to err on the side of caution, and they'll want positive evidence of a diagnosis before they make one - otherwise they'll probably end up having to revise it later, once you're well enough to have more tests. Since getting your treatment and prognosis right very much depend on an accurate diagnosis, making one prematurely could be problematic. (And doctors will not want to look like they're wrong if they have to go back and change the diagnosis!)

I assume "unspecified colitis" simply means there is inflammation in the colon, but they do not yet know what kind - more of a description than a diagnosis. I don't think anyone's going to be able to tell you much more for the moment, but as it sounds like it's only a tentative or temporary diagnosis, I wouldn't read too much into it.

It sounds like they got you stable enough to discharge you from hospital, and they should be bringing you back for further tests? Prednisolone can treat a number of different conditions, so there probably is some logic behind it - it can be a very efficient, and fast-acting, medication.

When you do see your consultant, try to pin him down further with a plan for getting the tests you need.

I hope you feel better soon, and don't have anymore such painful episodes!

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