2012 - get fit and eat healthy - whos with me?

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I agree that the eating healthy thing can go too far and zap your energy. I am upping my calorie intake too. I think I have been going overboard. I think we all know what is an ok amount of food for us and when we are just gorging ourselves. When you try to be healthy, it's really easy to over do it.
Yeah, I've noticed too when I consume too few calories I get very fatigued and just want to sleep. I need to consume a certain amount of calories daily or face the consequences. My weight loss is going pretty slowly as a result but I'd rather stay the weight I am and not be fatigued. I don't even really *need* to lose weight, but I'd like to lose about 5-10 lbs. I'm 5 foot 8 (female) and I currently weigh 140 (I had dropped down to 139 but just gained a pound back over Easter due to poor diet choices). So I'm fairly thin, and I've got some muscle tone. I still have a bit of a flabby midsection though that I'd really like to lose! If I can lose the belly flab then the outside will match the inside, I'll be feeling good and looking good. Of course this is all just a secondary goal and my primary goal is still to just get as healthy as possible so that I can fight my illness as effectively as I can and stay in remission as long as possible.
Oh, and Mr. B, I totally know that "jelly legs" feeling after a good leg workout! I think of it as "baby deer legs" because I feel like I am tottering around on legs that resemble those of a weak little newborn baby deer. Ha ha. :)
Another update my end:-

•I've found that eating healthy 'all the time' has had an almost adverse affect on what I wanted it to do?! By this I mean that I think my body is now craving more calories and that the sudden shock to the system isn't good and I don't feel to have as much energy or go in me for workouts like before.

•as mentioned previously I had to swap the hemp protein powder as I couldn't stand the taste, and so opted for whey isolate protein powder,which, tasted delicious but I've also noticed its triggered a few spots on my face which I didn't get before starting my latest powder?! I've suffered in my teens years ago but this latest protein powder seems to have triggered a few minor spots.

•I can definitely feel a change in my muscles since beginning this thread and my workouts, but nothing too major, but there's defo some tightening and slight (and I mean slight) muscle building going on in the right places:cool2:

So..im upping the calorie intake and kinda going back to my previous eating habit, but will not be as militant with the whole 'I must eat healthy' thing. I'm binning the protein powders for good, as I don't really want to look 16 again, and I'm going to carry on with my daily workouts of 5days a week in the gym with 2 rest days.

I definitely feel better since starting this thread, but I'm going to let my body take control and not feed it what I feels best, but what it tells me too instead.

Just read this back and it's almost like a personal journal type post, so apologies for that. Anyhow-I hope to hear from you all, maybe with a similar type post with a mini breakdown of how things have gone so far.

Keep going everyone!
I hula hoop semi-regularly and do yoga 3 times a week. Both of those activities are so freeing! I went on my first bike ride of the year today, and realized I need to work on cardio a lot more! Glad I stumbled across this post. Hopefully it'll help keep me motivated!

When I workout, my bm's are more regular, my pain is decreased, and I have a lot more energy (unless I overdo it, of course). :)

My favorite post-workout snack/meal is a green smoothie. So refreshing and chock-full of nutrients to help me recover! (To get enough calories, I love to add bananas, mangoes, and dates!)
Mr. B, I like your observations, this is very much a learning process so thank you for sharing what you've learned! :) I need an adequate amount of calories too (and not all "healthy" ones, I need some carbs) or I feel fatigued and just want to sleep. One of the things I noticed when I first went into remission was that my body craved two things, food and exercise! I thought the food cravings was just part of the steroids, as I was on Entocort for 7 months, but now I realize that my body needs a certain amount and variety of calories to function properly and I guess that was what it was trying to tell me. So in my (non-medical, non-expert) opinion, I would say it shouldn't be an issue at all to increase your calorie intake especially if that's what your body seems to be saying it needs. When trying to get healthy, it is tempting to restrict calories more, but it seems to me that I don't really need to cut that many calories out or it impacts me negatively.

Music is life, hula hoop sounds fun! I haven't done that since I was a kid, I think I might give it a try as an adult! I need to lose some flab from my midsection anyway and that sounds like it might be a good way to do it. Have you found it's pretty easy on your tummy? Even in remission, if I do too many ab exercises then I do end up in a bit of pain later, but hula hoop sounds like a decent ab exercise without being too high impact. Thanks for the idea! :)

So, it turns out that my hubby and I enable each other to eat foods we shouldn't. We planned a little date night on Friday, we decided to go see a movie. Between dinner and the movie, we had some time to kill, so we figured we'd buy some candy to sneak into the theater since candy costs way too much at the theater. So we walked around Target and saw that all the Easter candy was on clearance for super cheap. We loaded up an entire handbasket with candy and spent not just the movie but the whole weekend snacking on candy. My LRQ was in some pain last night and I'm sure it was because I ate too much candy! How awful of me, and I didn't exercise at all over the weekend except to walk the dog. Yuck! I am not proud of any of that. I pushed myself in the gym pretty hard today and feel a bit better now, but I need to find some self-control quick because there is still a lot of candy in my house. I'm kind of glad it causes me pain, hopefully I can avoid eating more of it!
Hooping has become a major outlet for me. It's such a good workout, but is wicked fun and a great stress reliever. I don't use a weighted/workout hoop.. Those can hurt you. A regular "adult-sized" hoop is really low impact (but still provides you with results!). This is an awesome reference site http://www.hoopcity.ca/

I've gone on a bike ride every day for the past three days (2.5 miles each time!). I hooped two of those days and lifted weights a little bit one of those days. I did an hour of yoga today and hooped a little too. :) And said no to cookies haha.

Yoga has been helping me a great amount with stress. It has also been helping me improve my posture and breathing, and basically every other aspect of my life!

I saw a post on this thread with someone saying they couldn't eat fruit. Maybe the fruit wasn't fully ripened? I know I don't feel well when I eat unripe fruit.

Do any of you use videos for your workouts? Any favorites? I really love this yoga routine when my neck and shoulders are bothering me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHIs7_iMl8
I'm joining the club!! Ever since I've been in remission the weight has slowly crept back. I've never been a workout person, in fact never played a sport and don't know how to use 80% of the machines at the gym but I'm determined to not let my weight go just cause I don't know how to work out. I think I weigh about 135 right now and my normal is 120ish (I'm 5'2) so I have a little ways to go, I've been eating very badly.

Anyway, today I went to the gym for the first time in 3 years maybe, and did 30 mins each on the sitting bike thing and the elliptical. My thighs are my biggest issue. Anyway I want to be in shape for vacation this summer and I think working out will get me out of this slump I'm in so I can focus on finals. Here we go!
Emily, there should be someone on staff at your gym who can help show you how to use each machine. Or if not, there should be instructions on each machine. It'd be best to ask someone though so that you don't risk hurting yourself. I love lifting weights, there are 8 machines (technically 7 but the leg machine sort of flips around so that you can do both thighs and hamstrings) and I do 20 reps on each machine 3x per week. I love it! I like strength-training SO much more than I like cardio, although I know cardio is important and I need to do more of it.

Music, good for you for saying no to cookies! I said no to treats at work today too, a co-worker brought in chocolates for his birthday and I politely declined. (I'm pretty sure they had nuts in them and nuts cause me such pain, although I do love chocolate so it was still hard to turn them down!) I love yoga too and I just got myself a new bike, although I haven't ridden it in a couple of weeks. I don't use workout videos usually, although I do use the Wii Fit when I do yoga. It's not really a video game, more like an interactive workout video I suppose. It gives you feedback on how you're doing and what areas you need to work on (strengthening your core to better your balance, etc).

Okay, this is pretty random, but while I'm thinking of it and on the subject of yoga - does anyone know any good yoga poses that are very easy on the neck? (That don't require neck movement or turning of the head at all?) My aunt (who has Crohn's) is considering spending the summer here in the city I live in, and she broke her neck a couple months ago in a car accident. She's okay all things considered, not paralyzed and not in a halo, but they did have to insert this permanent metal rod into her neck to stabilize her broken neck and she does wear a neck brace too. So she can't really turn her head or move her neck, but she loves yoga and she said once that she'd love to do yoga with me sometime. So, any ideas for both IBD-friendly and neck-injury-friendly yoga poses?
I bought a hula hoop today! :) I'm so excited to try it out this weekend. Hopefully it'll help me say goodbye to the tummy flab!
Cat, the gym I go to is my school's so I don't think they have trainers :( I will try to get other people to teach me though. And hula hooping is awesome! I know a girl that is a professional hooper and instructs classes on it, she has an amazing body! Hooping is an amazing exercise if you can get really into it!
Emily, that's too bad, my gym doesn't have trainers either. I go to the employees-only gym in the basement of my workplace. It's small but it suits my needs, and fortunately the weight machines weren't too difficult to figure out on my own.

I am looking forward to doing some hooping this weekend! I just bought a cheapo like $6.99 hoop while I was at Walgreens this morning, it has purple metallic sparkles on it, ha ha. Obviously it's meant for kids but the size is good and it's not too heavy nor too light so I think it'll work okay for me. And if I find that I like it and am doing it regularly then I will invest in a higher-quality hoop... although I just might have to add some purple sparkles to it if "adult" hoops don't have sparkles. ;)
is hula hooping like this?

you may want to try http://bodybuilding.com for exercises. Im not one who wants to look musclular (good job lol) but it does have asome great polans to follow (or make your own) but more importantly it shows you how to use weights properly (pics and videos)

Im more into High Intensity Training (HIT) where 30-45mins in the gym is good enough for me (then 10mins stretching afterwards).

Emily, im sure you should have someone to show you how to use eveything properly (normally due to insurance), they might be the best ppl to ask
I might be a freak for saying this, but I'm SO excited to be able to get back to my regular workout routine! My law school exams are almost over, after a month of hellish preparation and test-taking. Five days, and I'm home free until next year! Looking forward to getting back to the gym and workout - harder, better, faster, stronger is gonna be my motto for the summer!
Eliza, you're definitely not a freak! I'm jealous, wish I had the whole summer off! Enjoy your free time and exercise lots! :)

I have been doing a few minutes of hula hooping per day and I can definitely feel it in my abs, wow! It's funny, my mom and brother came over for a visit on Sunday, and they saw my hoop and asked about it, so I gave them a little hooping demonstration. As I was hooping, my brother was like, "Are you breathing?" I gasped and said, "No! It seems to be easier to do when I hold my breath!" Then I tried breathing while hooping and that was much more difficult. I gave my brother a turn with the hoop, and I realized he wasn't breathing either, so I told him to breathe and he also started struggling much more and the hoop significantly slowed down when he was deliberately breathing. I wonder why it's easier to hoop when you hold your breath! Maybe it's just a beginner thing and I'll learn to breathe and hoop at the same time soon.

My diet is still hit-or-miss though. I stupidly had a donut for breakfast yesterday and that threw my whole day off. I was more crampy, could do less at the gym, etc. I'm doing better today. I will probably get a cold soon - I have to spend the next few days in a training class for work, and I was told that every single person in the class (except me) has come down with some sort of a cold and they all currently have sore throats. Great! I have stocked up on disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer but I'll be shut in a room for several days with germs floating around everywhere, it's not looking good. I hope that if I do get this cold that everyone else has, that it's not too bad and doesn't last very long. Wish me luck!
Working on getting back into the running...went out this morning for 2.25km in about 16 minutes, haven't really been running that much over the past year.
How's everybody doing? I survived my training class and managed not to get a cold! Everybody else was sick, and the sickest person sat right next to me, but somehow I remained healthy. Hey, I'm not complaining, just shocked and surprised!

Healthy eating is still hit or miss. I tried having a salad the other day and it put me in a world of pain, cramping, d, etc. Awful! Sometimes I can get away with salad but clearly not this time. So I've not been eating much healthy food and pretty much went low-res for a bit (yesterday's lunch was broiled fish and a baked potato without the skin). Somehow I still ended up losing a pound, probably from having d and not much appetite due to the salad incident. I don't like losing weight through being ill so even though I had wanted to lose a few lbs, I am not happy and would have rather lost that lb the right way or not at all. Today I think I'm finally back on track diet-wise, I had sardines for a snack and oatmeal for lunch, and I'm going to stop by the store and pick up some blueberries for tomorrow's snack. (For some reason I can do blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries without any problem - but strawberries cause pain and do not digest.)

My exercising is going well, I lifted something heavy the other day and my mom felt my arm while I was lifting it and she was like, "Wow! You have huge arm muscles!" Well, they're not huge because I'm a girl so I'm not bulky or anything, but I am getting strong and toned which is great. Healthy inside & looking good outside. :) It's been just about a full year now since I started lifting weights - I started in May 2011, I started small and did light weights 2x per week. Now I do 20 reps on each machine and I do weights that are heavy enough that my muscles pretty much completely fail by the time I get to that 20th rep, and I do that 3x per week. I'm glad I started small and worked my way up, that way I didn't get burned out or injure myself or anything like that.

So how's everyone else doing? This thread has gone a bit quiet again lately...
@Cat - That's awesome you got a hoop!! Since it's a kid-sized hoop, you'll have to move faster to keep it up, which is why you're not breathing much! By keeping your abs tense, it prevents a lot of breathing but makes it easier, and you're still getting a great workout either way... But breathing helps your muscles get the oxygen they need to recover and keep going, so try at least breathing a little! If the hoop falls, no big deal! :) I actually make hoops and could probably make you one! I have tons of colors but no sparkly ones... yet. :) That's going to be my next investment. I've never shipped a hoop though so I'd need to look into that.

Practicing yoga helps you to be aware of your breath, so maybe do some breathing exercises before? You can also use your hoop for some stretches.. it actually can help with your alignment. And stretching helps you build muscle faster since it creates little micro-tears that heal as stronger tissue (obviously don't overstretch though!!). :)

I only did yoga once last week but went on a little hike and did a good amount of walking over the weekend. I've sadly been neglecting my hoops.. :( But once my semester is over, I'll be able to workout a lot more, and I can't wait! I've been eating pretty well but had a lot of cheese this weekend and felt like crap because of it, so I'm doing a cheese detox now hahah.

@rygon - Hooping can be like that once you have practiced a ton! Haha. :p

@x_jj_x - I used to kickbox years ago and would love to get back into it. It's such a great workout and I love what you said about kicking your diseases arse too! Great way of looking at it. :)
Haha, I search for "oatmeal" and this came up. Cat, I have Crohns and I can eat the same berries you can. Just discovered that oatmeal (soluble fiber) seems to help a lot. I was searching to see if others were eating it, didn't recall anyone mentioning it.

Made oatmeal cookies - no raisins. :D
Music, I would be interested in a proper adult hoop if you can figure out how to ship it! Actually, what I'd really like is a collapsible/portable hoop so that I can fold it up or telescope it or whatever and throw it in my gym bag. Do you think you could make something like that? If so I'd gladly purchase one from you even if it didn't have sparkles! ;) (Sparkles would be best of course though, ha ha.)

Miss Underestimated, back when I was really ill I couldn't handle oats, even oats in cereal would kill me (Cheerios were not my friend!). But now that I'm in remission, oats are fine on my tummy. I take a teaspoon of psyllium (soluble fiber) daily as well. I just had my cholesterol tested a couple months ago and it was borderline-high, so after that result I've been trying to eat more oatmeal as I know that it can lower cholesterol. I have noticed that psyllium definitely helped with having fewer bowel movements and oatmeal seems to help as well. I used to think that all fiber was painful with this illness, but now I know that's not necessarily true. It's more a matter of soluble vs. insoluble - I still can't do much insoluble fiber, even in remission!

And how interesting that you and I can eat the same berries - I'm assuming then that you can't do strawberries either? Blueberries have never bothered me and they're my favorite. I'm not a huge fan of blackberries or raspberries but I will buy them if I can't find blueberries. Have you tried adding berries to plain oatmeal? It's yummy!
Exercise and Diet is a big deal

Those are two constants for me. Whenever I start playing around with sugar, dairy or gluten, I start up with the problems again. Exercise has helped me for years! I prefer weights, because I like the visible results in addition to the feeling I get afterwards, but running is great, swimming is bettor, walking is good too. Anything that gets your circulation up. When you get that blood pumping, only good things in terms of healing seem to come as a result. In addition, stress (which also aggravates my crohn's) seems to go right out the window after exercising. I'm sure a lot of you out there agree.
Music, I would be interested in a proper adult hoop if you can figure out how to ship it! Actually, what I'd really like is a collapsible/portable hoop so that I can fold it up or telescope it or whatever and throw it in my gym bag. Do you think you could make something like that? If so I'd gladly purchase one from you even if it didn't have sparkles! ;) (Sparkles would be best of course though, ha ha.)

Miss Underestimated, back when I was really ill I couldn't handle oats, even oats in cereal would kill me (Cheerios were not my friend!). But now that I'm in remission, oats are fine on my tummy. I take a teaspoon of psyllium (soluble fiber) daily as well. I just had my cholesterol tested a couple months ago and it was borderline-high, so after that result I've been trying to eat more oatmeal as I know that it can lower cholesterol. I have noticed that psyllium definitely helped with having fewer bowel movements and oatmeal seems to help as well. I used to think that all fiber was painful with this illness, but now I know that's not necessarily true. It's more a matter of soluble vs. insoluble - I still can't do much insoluble fiber, even in remission!

And how interesting that you and I can eat the same berries - I'm assuming then that you can't do strawberries either? Blueberries have never bothered me and they're my favorite. I'm not a huge fan of blackberries or raspberries but I will buy them if I can't find blueberries. Have you tried adding berries to plain oatmeal? It's yummy!

Going to try the blueberries and oatmeal - sounds good. I was quite surprised that the oatmeal didn't bother me. I haven't had any in years, except maybe just a piece of someone else's cookie or bread with oatmeal in it.

I can eat one strawberry just fine, but only one, and not every day. Like you, I prefer blueberries. I like to make preserves, cobblers, and baked goods with blackberries and raspberries. I'm scared of the seeds if I eat too many, and haven't experimented with it much. I'll experiment a little more when they come in around here - they grow wild. I just have to make sure I get them clean and don't eat while I'm picking them, hahaha.

I can eat mangoes, but not peaches, broccoli, but not green peas. It's really strange.
Miss Underestimated, I thought of you yesterday - we planted a blueberry bush and a blackberry bush in our yard. :) They might grow wild around here but I live in the city so there's not a whole lot of wilderness in my neighborhood, so growing them myself seemed like a good bet. I just had oatmeal with blueberries on it today for my mid-morning snack, yum! As for the other things you mentioned - I can eat mangoes too, and I can eat canned peaches. I can do steamed or cooked broccoli and peas. The one fruit I had to give up recently, which I really miss, is bananas! They started making my GERD act up and I would get the vurps and taste banana. So I've cut them out of my diet for now and may revisit them later. I miss them. :(

Jim Gonsler, I agree! Exercise is very important. I lift weights 3x per week and do other things like walk my dog, ride my bike, do yoga and hula hoop, as often as I can too. If I skip the gym, I notice a definite change for the worse in how I feel. As long as I go to the gym and watch what I eat (and take my meds and supplements and psyllium, and get enough sleep, and avoid stress...) then I feel quite good. And you are right, exericise is wonderful for relieving stress. I could have the weight of the world on my back, hit the gym, and come out feeling carefree. The harder I exercise, the better I feel. It's good stuff!
That's funny! I can't eat bananas either. I don't have gerd - they give me that yucky acid stomach - very uncomfortable.

Wild berries - I live near an interstate highway. Berries grow on the grassy land that backs up to the highway, and up on the hills near the overpasses. I'd grow them too, but I have so many trees I barely have room to grow my little patch of tomatoes. I have to take the skin off the tomatoes, but I've always been able to eat them.
Wow, this thread has been quiet for awhile!

Miss Underestimated, I love tomatoes although I know I shouldn't eat them. For awhile I tried removing both the skins and the seeds, but I'd still see tomato in my poo later. No part of tomatoes seem to digest for me. I still eat them sometimes as I just love them. They don't hurt going through fortunately - strawberries don't digest but they do hurt, so I tend to avoid strawberries entirely but I will eat tomatoes at times.

I had a rough week but things are going better now. I got what seemed to be a mild case of food poisoning last week, so I wasn't able to hit the gym for a little while. I'm feeling better now and went back to the gym yesterday. I took it really easy as I didn't want to do too much on my first day back after being ill. It went well, and I felt like I could have done more. I'm going to hit the gym again tomorrow and plan on pushing myself harder. Wish me luck!

How's everyone else doing with their diet and exercise plans? Anybody else lost weight or gained muscle lately? I lost 5 lbs in 4 weeks - I lost 1 lb per week for 3 weeks, then I lost 2 lbs due to the food poisoning. I didn't intend to lose the initial 3 lbs over 3 weeks - I'm not sure how that happened. I wasn't specifically eating fewer calories or exercising more. I don't think my IBD is becoming active again, I feel like I'm still in remission (things were iffy during the food poisoning episode but I'm mostly back to normal now). The only thing I can think is, maybe I've now got enough muscle on me that I'm able to more efficiently burn calories? I know that muscle burns more than fat, and I have been consistently exercising with the exception of last week. So maybe I just lost a bit of excess fat weight because I'm finally in proper shape? That would be nice! :)
Wow. I just happened to find this thread. I still havent explored all boards on here yet!! I have to admit i havent read every post in this thread...there is a lot!!! LOL

I am just sitting here this mroning thinking how much i miss working out. I used to love being on my stationary bike, but with the peri rectal fistulas i have found it too uncomfortable to sit on that seat. I have been worried about doing alot actually for fear of causing more discomfort or pain in my bum.

But i also know that i am feeling very bunched up and sore in my back and s houlders from NOT doing as much.....

and i could stand to lose a 'few" pounds.

I am pretty lucky i think. I have alot of foods i cannot eat, but i seem to have quite a few i can. I wish i could eat more fruits, i love fruit but am still expermenting to see what i can handle. apples dont seem to be too bad, strawberries seem ok once in awhile....watermelon is a NO, bananas just give me heartburn, I eat alot of cream of wheat, instant oatmeal, toast with pb and honey.....I am going to try a salad today, chicken ceasar, its ok once in a while...jsut not daily.

I have my Turbo Jam dvds, Wii Fit, treadmill, eliptical, bike, and some free weights.

Now all i have to do is actually start using them. I think it will help me with my depression as well and keep me busy and feeling good.

does any here have any rectal fistulas? What exercises do you do??? Or do you find you can do anything and they dont bother you???? I knwo some days i ache and weep and i am afraid of being too active or they will be like that too often. And then i will stop working out......

Ok now off to tidy up and perhaps start with something easy today.......
Ontariomom, I don't have fistulas so I can't speak to that, but it sounds like you've got a good assortment of workout equipment at your disposal. It would probably be best to start small, maybe do some yoga on the Wii fit or walk on the treadmill or do a gentle pace on the elliptical, then slowly build yourself up to doing more, faster, etc. If you can't do the bike, there's still plenty of other stuff you can do. Good luck with it!
its been too long since ive checked or touched base with this thread - apologies everyone.:ybatty:

Well im still trying to work out as much as i can, but ive gone back to eating what i want, as healthy foods just left me feeling hungry and tired.

There are days where i feel like i could work out all day, and then there are others where i simply cannot be bothered?!

I have to be honest with myself and say that i probably dont hit it hard enough when i do work out, and need to do it more regularly than the last few weeks, but theres always something else to do or im back late from work and by the time ive walked the dog, had dinner and caught my breath, its time for bed.

Im also able to lift more than when i first started, but im not seeing any difference in my appearance thats anything to shout about. theres an ever so slightly change in some muscle groups but nowhere near what should be after 5mths of working out.

hows everyone else?
Mr. B, it took me awhile to notice any muscle tone. I was on Entocort for awhile and I know that corticosteroids can cause muscle wasting - not to mention, I was ill for awhile before Entocort and not absorbing nutrients properly and was losing weight, so my assumption is that I lost quite a lot of muscle from steroids and being ill. So, when I started lifting weights a year ago, I had to build myself up to where a normal human would be before I would start to see muscle and tone above and beyond that. It was probably a good 6 months or so before I noticed any change at all. It's been a year now and I definitely have some muscles although I know I'm still (probably always will be) a work in progress. So don't get discouraged, this illness puts us at a disadvantage with things like this, but it is possible to get stronger and see muscles form - just keep working at it!
I found I didnt see any muscle for ages until i changed my regime to taregt only a couple of muscles at a time. Just keeping on going and having fun and im sure you will start seeing results sometime

Well my wrist is getting better (2nd physio today) so decided to go for a run and lose this gut ive been carefully growing over the past 2mnths.

Managed 4miles in 43.5mins which im pleased with (even happier i didnt stop). Felt good afterwards but now starting to feel it on my legs, not looking forward to tomorrow waking up lol
My exercise plans have taken one hit after another. First I had that food poisoning a couple weeks ago. After that episode, I went back to the gym but took it easy so as to not rile up my guts again. But then yesterday I was rear-ended and now have whiplash so once again I have to skip the gym for a bit and then will ease my self back into things. Sigh! I just wish stuff would calm down for awhile so I could exercise properly! I did walk the dog today and am thinking of attempting some yoga soon, but this has really put a damper on both my fitness and my enthusiasm. :( Stupid setbacks.
Uh-oh, this thread has gone awfully quiet again... anybody else still here?

As for me, I've had one issue after another but am finally feeling good again. I hit the gym hard yesterday and that felt great, I am going back again tomorrow. And this weekend, there is a bicycle thing going on in my city. They shut down some major city streets for the day and let people ride bikes (and jog, rollerblade, whatever) in the middle of the roads - no cars allowed! It's a 5 mile route that goes around downtown, and they have bands and food and activities and stuff along the route (and of course porta-potties!). It sounds like a lot of fun so I'm going to do it. Exercise + fun stuff = total win! :) I'm excited!

Oh, and it's officially been a full year now that I've been in remission and I have been exercising regularly the entire 12 months too. I feel great, I've got muscles, life is good! It took awhile for my muscles to show up (I think I lost a lot of muscle both from being ill & losing weight, and also from being on steroids for awhile, so it took a long time just for me to build myself back up to where a normal person would be, let alone to put muscle on on top of that). If anyone else is reading this who is working out but not seeing results and getting frustrated - keep going! It's undoubtedly harder for us but it's not impossible, it just takes a little longer. You can do it, don't give up! If I can do it, I promise that you can too. :)
Thanks for that uplifting/inspirational post Cat. I have to confess my running and gym has slipped somewhat in the last few months due to working offshore and being on nightshift! Result was my tummy has been playing up a bit but nothing too serious. Away again for another 10 day trip offshore tomorrow but when I get back I'm going to set myself some goals. This will not only for exercise but better nutrition and sleeping patterns as well hopefully.

I haven't been on here for a while so not up to date with what's been going on.

Glad you have done so well. Congratulations - long may it continue for you:)
Thanks for that uplifting/inspirational post Cat. I have to confess my running and gym has slipped somewhat in the last few months due to working offshore and being on nightshift! Result was my tummy has been playing up a bit but nothing too serious. Away again for another 10 day trip offshore tomorrow but when I get back I'm going to set myself some goals. This will not only for exercise but better nutrition and sleeping patterns as well hopefully.

I haven't been on here for a while so not up to date with what's been going on.

Glad you have done so well. Congratulations - long may it continue for you:)
Hello all! I am new to this forum and not quite sure how to post anything like info about myself yet but I wanted to contribute to the conversation!

I walked today and jogged a block. I was doing the Brazilian Butt Lift DVDs but they require a lot of time and really didn't feel like doing that much work today. I feel like once I get out of exercise, I can't get back in. Any tips?

Also, I eat oatmeal almost everyday! I use plain oatmeal and add natural PB, cinnamon and honey! It's delicious and does not give me any problems! I'm still a little leary of berries as I heard to stay away from seeds...haven't had any in a LONG time...
i find it really hard to really get into exercise at home!! i have a wii-fit, but i never use it!! so i joined the gym! and i still have to kick myself in the butt to go, but once i'm there, its great!! i could workout there for hours!
Defo need to keep upto date with this thread:ybatty:

Well for me I've really let it slip in recent weeks due to lack of motivation, working away from home and generally can't be arsed to have a workout after a long, stressful day at work.

Now, what I have noticed is that when I stuck to a healthy, low fat diet at the start of this thread/beginning of working out, I lacked energy and stamina when working out, so a month or so ago I went back to eating what I wanted, but in recent weeks have noticed that the fatty bits have returned with a vengeance and so I'm now looking to purchase a treadmill.

My only concern is will it just sit gathering dust in the garage?!

What's peoples opinions invest cardio workouts to lose weight? I'm not one for physically going out for a run I might add.

I was thinking fitness DVD? P90x is the one I'd love to try but think that would be starting too big, so may get a celeb workout DVD and see how I get on.
i started really working out last week. I started doing my Turbo Jam workout dvds. I used to love them. They are intense but have the option of doing a modified workout. I do a lighter version right now. But i ahve done 2 days last week and 3 this week so far . I only manage 10-15 min a day, but i do feel better mentally.

They tone up pretty fast so i am hoping to notice some difference in another couple of weeks. I plan to work my way to up to 20 min a day 3-4 days a week. Maybe start the treatmill or kinect or wii fit a couple other days for a lighter work out.

I didnt do anything yesterday as i felt so horrible. So hoping that today i can manage. I am so afraid if i have to miss too many day that i wont get back into it, and i know i need these workouts.

I have had a treadmill for 6yrs, sometimes i dont touch it for months......sometimes i use it everyday for months. I figure it all balances out.
It sounds like motivation is a sticking point for many here, so let me share with you what keeps me motivated. When I hit remission about a year ago, I knew I didn't want to backslide back into a flare if I could at all avoid it. So I decided to do whatever I could to be as healthy as I could - that includes diet, exercise, meds, supplements, stress management, getting enough sleep, etc. I know I'm not perfect and I'm going to slip up sometimes, but just because I slip up doesn't mean that I've ruined everything - a slip up is just that, and I've got to keep going in spite of it! Can't let that chocolate I ate yesterday or the gym day I skipped the other week get me down, just have to keep trying.

What keeps me motivated specifically to keep going to the gym? For one thing, I feel great when I exercise - being able to exercise at all makes me feel normal and lets me forget, even if just for a little while, that I've got an illness, so I am motivated to go to the gym to get that feeling. And I feel great after I exercise too so there's another bit of motivation. But the big thing is that with every rep of weight lifted or every step on that treadmill, I feel like I am one tiny bit closer to beating my illness. I know IBD is incurable, so this is an ongoing process, but with everything I do in the gym I am a little bit stronger and my IBD is a little bit weaker! I'm a constant work in progress so my work is never done and I'm never going to stop fighting with everything I've got. The fact that I've lost a bit of weight and have gained muscle and fit into my clothes better and all that, that stuff is a lovely added bonus, but it's not my main reason for exercising. I just think about my illness and how much I'd like to punch it in the face, and working out is as close as I'll ever get to punching IBD in the face! :)
I'm training for a marathon (which is a new thing) and trying to keep up with boxing (not a new thing). The thing that keeps me going, in spite of feeling like crap half the time, is that I used to feel like crap MORE than half the time! I don't want to be a bikini model, or even run a marathon twice, I just want to be stronger tomorrow than I am today, and do something I thought I couldn't. I grew up dealing with asthma and migraines already, so being diagnosed with Crohns was sort of just another *** at my self-concept.

I know it's hard to keep at health and fitness goals every day, especially when sometimes our intestines decide that we can't have a normal day, but I'm doing this to prove to myself that I can do anything, even if I'm nowhere near THE fastest or THE best or whatever, I'm MY fastest and MY best. I think when we get so sick and we're in the middle of being so beaten down by this stuff we forget that we're damn tough people, you know? To deal with this specific type of disease every day often means we have to restrict or deprive ourselves of basic experiences that many people are able to take for granted - like eating(!!!!), feeling attractive, or leaving the house without an elaborate bathroom plan involving maps or whatnot, ha! So, cheers for us.
Optimusmog, good luck with the marathon training! I'm sure it'll be tough but very rewarding. Which marathon are you going to run?

As for me, I feel like I'm reverting back to childhood a little bit at least in terms of the exercises I'm doing. I bought a new bike a few months back - my old bike was the one I had in high school and was 15+ years old. I hadn't ridden a bike in years but decided to start again. Then I bought a hula hoop because that sounded like fun exercise, and it is. And most recently, I bought a jump rope. Wow, that is a tough exercise! My guts don't really like me jumping up and down, they get a bit shaken up and aren't too pleased with that but I still try anyway. My arthritic hip also isn't super happy. But even when I ignore those issues, I can't jump rope for more than about 30 seconds without getting completely exhausted! I used to jump rope quite a lot when I was a kid, now I'm wondering how I did it! It's a really tough exercise! I'm going to keep up with it, hopefully my body will adapt better the more I do it.
I don't know what it is but Ive no motivation to workout the past 2weeks?!

My equipment is starting to gather dust and I just cannot be bothered to do any workouts whatsoever?!

It's month number 6 now and back in January I was saying to myself "come the summer I should feel pretty good" but that's not the case.

As far as my actual crohns goes I feel quite good, so I haven't really an excuse to not workout?! Very strange!
Mr. Bedfordshire, do you have a certain time of day that's set aside as your work out time? I get up at 5:15 and go to the gym for about an hour or an hour and a half before work each morning, and then on the weekends push it back to around 8am. I find that having a set time really helps me stay somewhat motivated. Plus, I like going first thing in the morning because it means I don't have any excuses not to go. In the past, if I skip my morning work out and tell myself that I'm going to workout in the afternoon, I always come up with things that need to be done (grocery shopping, cleaning, etc.) to put off going to the gym. Just a thought!

On another note, I'm officially signed up for my first half-marathon at the beginning of November! Averaging about 5 miles per day, with a longer run on Saturdays (8 miles, as of today). Having something to work toward also helps me stay motivated, especially since it cost money to enter.

Keep up the great work, everyone!
I agree 100% with Eliza about setting a gym time beforehand. I go lift weights 3x per week on my lunch hour. Every Mon, Wed, and Fri. I just automatically reach for my gym bag on my lunch hour on those days, don't even need to think about it. I don't get to eat my lunch until I've put in some time in the gym! (I spend the entire hour in the gym and then eat at my desk afterwards.) I don't like getting up early or staying up late so lunch hour it is! I actually like working out during lunch, I don't get the afternoon sleepiness on my gym days, I stay alert and awake and can power through the rest of my workday. It definitely works for me to have that time set aside and saved specifically for working out. My weekends are so unstructured and sometimes I end up exercising and sometimes not (I walk my dog every weekend but I sometimes don't do more than that anyway). So yeah, I'm rambling again, but try setting aside a specific time for working out! It really does work. :)
Hi everyone... I haven't been on the forums in a while (almost a year). I just came across this topic and thought I would share an idea for getting into shape: (someone might have already suggested it but as I said I haven't been on in a while and didn't read all the posts).

I've started "Hooping" or "Hula Hooping" to get into shape. (I'm not overweight or anything...infact I'm underweight). I started waist/hip hooping about two months ago but had to take a few weeks off after having a misscarriage :( I started back up yesterday with at least trying to hoop for 30 Minutes everyday. When its not too hot or rainy I hoop outside with the radio and will get really into to trying tosses and different tricks as well as just waist/hip hooping. On days when its too hot, rainy or to late in the day to be outside I hoop in my living room while watching tv. (So far I haven't taken out the TV or the glass coffee table).

I hope to change my diet here pretty soon to something a little healthier, as right now I sorta just eat whatever. I LOVE junk food and have been known to eat oreas with milk while laying in bed on more then one occassion. :)
Judylynn, I've been hooping a bit too. I usually hoop in my kitchen as there's just enough room in there. I just do 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there. I've been doing a fair amount of exercises from my childhood in fact - in addition to hooping, I've been jumping rope and riding my bike. Wow, jumping rope is a lot more difficult than I remember it! I can jump 50 times in a row right now but that's exhausting and my calf muscles are really tired after I do even that amount. So a few minutes of hooping and jumping are a really good & quick workout! I need to work more on my cardio so I plan to jump rope as often as I can. I even bought two jump ropes, one to keep in my gym bag (which I keep at work, where the gym is) and the other one is kept at home.

How's everybody doing diet and fitness-wise? My diet has been pretty crappy lately but I'm still doing great with the exercise. I did have a small salad the other day and didn't pay for it - from what I can tell, I can have a small salad as long as I eat other stuff along with it. If I have just a salad as a meal, then I definitely pay for it. And I can't have salad multiple days in a row either. So as long as I stick to small salads as part of a larger meal and only do salads every so often, I seem to be okay. Oh, I've been juicing more too now that it's summer - I had a mixture of carrot, apple, cucumber and kale this morning as a breakfast juice. Yum! I don't really like the taste of kale, but I know it's super healthy and the other veggies sort of take the edge off the taste a bit. Does anyone else do juicing? I love it, it's the safest way for me to do veggies and fruit!
Too many good reasons to work out than to be sedate! As hard as it is to get started, it's an altogether different experience when the endorphins start kicking in midpoint through the work out, even bettor when I'm headed for the showers. I do the stationary bike and then do a series of free weight/machines then wrap up with the bike again. Swimming is even bettor I hear. Great way to control stress, which though not clinically proven to effect Crohn's I do believe is a big contributor. I'll be 62 next December. After doing this routine for the past 40 years, I can say that for an old man, I'm pretty well cut. Also, I've been able to control the Crohn's (Thank God), have a lot of energy, and can do just about everything I did as a younger man. Of course getting started in the morning is a little tougher. Anyway, my wife says I have the body of a 20 year old. Exercise, certainly does have it's paybacks. If your doing it already, don't stop, If you thought about starting up DO IT!!
Bumping this thread up as it's gone awfully quiet! Anybody else still on board with this?

I am still doing well with exercising - in fact, I've inspired my hubby to exercise more too! :) We joined a "real" gym recently (I usually go to the gym that's in the basement of my workplace, but that's only open during work hours, so I can't go work out in the evenings or on weekends - only on my lunch hour!). Hubby said, "I've decided I'm just going to do whatever you do, because you're getting some awesome arms." Blush! I told him, I just do every weight machine every time, even the ones that seem really hard (the abs machine seems like a torture device for someone that has IBD! Eek! But I do it anyway and most of the time it goes fine). So yeah, you know you're getting into good shape when your husband is jealous of your muscles, ha ha. :) We bought a used exercise bike recently too, and hubby used it for about an hour yesterday, then he commented that he was surprised how good he felt afterwards. I was like, duh! Ha ha.

Diet-wise I'm just eating what I like and what doesn't hurt, so not as healthy as I should be. I'm trying to incorporate more healthy things when I can - I'm eating a lot of mangoes lately as those don't cause pain or issues, and I'm doing more juice in my juicer too. And oatmeal is still a staple in my diet, very healthy and hopefully is helping me get my cholesterol down. But admittedly I eat a lot of chocolate too. (They say dark chocolate can be healthy, right?...) I'm at the point where I'd rather exercise and feel good, and would rather just eat what doesn't hurt so that I can keep exercising. So healthy eating is not such a priority right now. Exercise is awesome though! :)
Bumping this up again... is anybody else still on board with this? Anybody.....

Well, I'm still trying this, so I'll just keep talking to myself in here. :p Diet-wise I'm still kind of a mess. I tried eating grapes a few days in a row but my body didn't like that. Stools got really loose and I got crampy, then I started pooing out undigested grape skins, so I stopped that. Back to my juicer I went - the good news is, grapes are full of juice so I got a lot out of them when I ran them through my juicer, so I had grape & carrot juice this morning for breakfast and that's been sitting much better than actual grapes did. I apparently just need to give up on actual fruit & veg and just juice everything!

Exercise-wise I'm still doing great. :) Still lifting weights 3x per week. I'm planning on going on a bike ride tomorrow - the exercise bike is great for when it's dark out or bad weather or whatever, but it's so much different riding my acutal bike, it seems to work the core a lot more to balance and turn and steer and all that stuff on a real bike rather than just sit on my exercise bike and pedal and that's it. So I'm thinking of riding my bike a few miles down to the local farmer's market - gotta get more fruit & veggies to stick in my juicer! Ha ha. :p
Sorry guys ,haven't posted for a while, but working out still 5 days a week. I still start with 30min of treadmill, fast walk on a steep incline. Still do some weight lifting ,but I am now doing more body weight exercising...chin ups ,pull ups , dips etc. Feeling great, although last bloodwork showed 'significantly elevated' billirubin count!! Side effect of years of azathioprine and humira , aparently. Oh well, there's always someone worse off (unfortunately) so can't get too down on myself. cheers to all
Just completed my first 10K today! Originally planned on doing a half-marathon, but some Crohn's issues got in the way of my training. Still happy about the 10K!
Huge congrats on the 10k. Glad that you're not too bummed (he,he !) about not doing more. We crohnies sometimes have to change plans spur of the moment. Its easy to get down on ourselves, instead of feeling great about what we've accomplished. cheers , Simon
After a year or so ,after a disciplined diet, weight training and yoga I seem to have gained my normal weight back.earlier I looked embarassingly skinny.
Hey, this thread has gone a bit quiet again. Only a couple more weeks to go in 2012! For those who have stuck with it, I'm so proud of you all! :D I've stuck with it too, as usual I do much better with exercise than with diet, but I have been trying to use my juicer more. I plan on working out 5 or maybe even 6 days out of this week though so I'm still loving the exercise! Let's finish 2012 strong!
To my Cohn's Forum Friends,
Unfortunately I've been out of the exercise loop for almost 2 months now. I had either a stroke or a seizure, they're still trying to determine which.
Anyway, I can't drive for 6 months and the gym I use isn't in my house. Still doing what I can however. Still eating right and taking immune system friendly supplements. To all of you out there that believe you are in control and not the Crohn's I continue to applaud...keep it up.

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