27 and crohns'd

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Aug 11, 2012
When I was twenty one and fresh out of college I was a very athletic kid...for about two years after college I was a gym rat getting my weight up to about 185, 7 percent body fat...I was training with guys who were doing the nfl combine so I was definitely pushing my physical limits in that discipline...as having the six pack and shredded arms no longer was my focus, I joined a half marathon training program for crohns and colitis to raise funds for research...my brother suffered immensely from this disease eventually leading to him ending his life, so this program touched me and inspired me to train and raise money...after my first maratHon, I was hooked...I then started competitively cycling to help with the many miles I needed to put in every week to stay "in shape.". I fell in love with the sport...and I was good... I started dreaming and training to turn pro and go to Europe where the real racers live and train...about a year and a half ago, as I was working more than full time and training around 3.5-5 hrs per day, I started having uncontrollable *****, not gonna sugar coat it...I changed my diet, took supplements, fiber, everything except meds because I had seen how they affected my brother...after losing about 35 lbs in 3 weeks, (at this time i was 140 lbs at 4.5 body fat for cycling season) I looked at my dad and said, "it's time.". By that I meant time for the hospital. The icu insued and after crazy amounts of prednisone and 6 pints of blood, I was put into the regular hospital for 11 days... Left the hospital to once again try to live a normal life, now on prednisone...I saw all the specialists and tried All their treatments and nothing helped....

After all this, I finally had a diversion surgery to give my colon, where the crohns is, a rest...so, I have a stoma...I am still on prednisone take pain killers to help slow my bowels, the back end not from my stoma, and for all the pain all over (prednisone sucksssss)...I can't exercise and can barely walk up a flight of stairs now, damn how my life has changed...

I am about 3 months out of surgery have gained 40 lbs, now 150 on a 6 ft frame and am still having problems with my backside. Tons of cramping and "leaking" and would love any and all advice to how to help...I always feel like I have to use the bathroom, and quite honestly where abdominal pads inside my briefs to avoid the obvious...so sexy, I know...

Please help...
I don't have the answer your looking for but I know how you feel. I also had a surgery that left me...not as me. I have leaking issues now, I can't function the same...I hate it. What has prednisone done for you?

I know you are going through a rough patch at the moment, but you will get through it. You'll get your energy back and be able to see what options there are and what you want to do. I really hope you get some energy back and are able to find something you love doing again.

Take care buddy.
Hi there and welcome :)

I'm so sorry to hear of your brother and now how much you're struggling. That's terrible :(


Besides the prednisone, are you on any medications?

Have you tried any dietary changes or enteral nutrition?

I used to be a pretty darn good athlete and my disease definitely put that in reverse for a long time. I'm in much better shape now but certainly nowhere close to my peak. I know how frustrating that is :(

We also have a subforum for people with stomas if you want to connect with others in the same situation.

We're here for you.