Hi all,
this is my first time posting in this forum. for the past 3 months or so i have been rather depressed, i have no idea whats wrong with me so here's my story (apologies in advance if this gets long and rather "TMI-ish" but im really depressed and would just like to here your stories and opinions regarding this matter)
it all started in october, im originally from kuwait but have moved to tralee in ireland for uni, anyway in october i had a bowel movement that was to change my life forever, my bowel movements consist of Large hard single stools ive had these all my life and never complained i got used to them as i actually preferred them over normal stools, after my bowel movement i came to realise that my toilet was full of blood this had never happened before so i panicked and was going to call the ambulance since it was 1 am when this happened and all health centers were closed. i went to the doctor the next morning and she gave me a DRE and told me there was nothing wrong with me and that i should consider a colonoscopy, this never happened again to this day so i never got myself to do it however a week or two after this incident i started getting red streaks on my stool and felt a lump on my anus i went to the doctor for her to prescribe some hydrocortisone cream and told me it was hemmorroids 2 weeks later no change small decrease in size (i never had any symptoms to begin with) went to the doctor again said it was just a skin tag. 2 weeks after i felt some sharp pain one day in the lump area bought some prep H applied symptoms resided in a week lump was still there. jump to december 13th sharp pain in different area around anus didnt visit doctor as my flight back home was only a few hours away sucked it up applied hydrocortisone pain went never came back. jump to last few days anus felt obstructed hard to pass stools when passed rather small and thin. today i decided to look at my anus through a hand mirror (TMI starts here)
the usual lump was still there but upon squating and spreading my anus it was rather obstructed i instantly assumed it was internl hemms so i went to the dr there was also a white pointy almost pimple inside (im a virgin so i doubt its and std) i went to dr and i must say the dr in kuwait was better than the one in tralee he told me there were 3 possibilities, a skin tag a hemmorhoid or a perianal abscess and that if it doesnt reside in 5 days after treatment to visit him once again. he gave me suppositaries and some ointment though he didnt perform a DRE. my question is if it was a skin tag, if i remove it will i risk having fecal incotinance forever my other question is which is my main question is the anus usually obstructed as i said before or do i have internal hems? if upon sqauting and spreading the opening am i supposed to see obstruction? (the obstruction is red and is located in line with my other external hemms it wasnt dangly either) finally what are those white specks inside my anus? thank you all for your time and i appreciate your support in advance also just to note here i havent had any symptoms what so ever regrading any of these problems.
this is my first time posting in this forum. for the past 3 months or so i have been rather depressed, i have no idea whats wrong with me so here's my story (apologies in advance if this gets long and rather "TMI-ish" but im really depressed and would just like to here your stories and opinions regarding this matter)
it all started in october, im originally from kuwait but have moved to tralee in ireland for uni, anyway in october i had a bowel movement that was to change my life forever, my bowel movements consist of Large hard single stools ive had these all my life and never complained i got used to them as i actually preferred them over normal stools, after my bowel movement i came to realise that my toilet was full of blood this had never happened before so i panicked and was going to call the ambulance since it was 1 am when this happened and all health centers were closed. i went to the doctor the next morning and she gave me a DRE and told me there was nothing wrong with me and that i should consider a colonoscopy, this never happened again to this day so i never got myself to do it however a week or two after this incident i started getting red streaks on my stool and felt a lump on my anus i went to the doctor for her to prescribe some hydrocortisone cream and told me it was hemmorroids 2 weeks later no change small decrease in size (i never had any symptoms to begin with) went to the doctor again said it was just a skin tag. 2 weeks after i felt some sharp pain one day in the lump area bought some prep H applied symptoms resided in a week lump was still there. jump to december 13th sharp pain in different area around anus didnt visit doctor as my flight back home was only a few hours away sucked it up applied hydrocortisone pain went never came back. jump to last few days anus felt obstructed hard to pass stools when passed rather small and thin. today i decided to look at my anus through a hand mirror (TMI starts here)
the usual lump was still there but upon squating and spreading my anus it was rather obstructed i instantly assumed it was internl hemms so i went to the dr there was also a white pointy almost pimple inside (im a virgin so i doubt its and std) i went to dr and i must say the dr in kuwait was better than the one in tralee he told me there were 3 possibilities, a skin tag a hemmorhoid or a perianal abscess and that if it doesnt reside in 5 days after treatment to visit him once again. he gave me suppositaries and some ointment though he didnt perform a DRE. my question is if it was a skin tag, if i remove it will i risk having fecal incotinance forever my other question is which is my main question is the anus usually obstructed as i said before or do i have internal hems? if upon sqauting and spreading the opening am i supposed to see obstruction? (the obstruction is red and is located in line with my other external hemms it wasnt dangly either) finally what are those white specks inside my anus? thank you all for your time and i appreciate your support in advance also just to note here i havent had any symptoms what so ever regrading any of these problems.