30 years with UC

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 1, 2012
I am new to this forum I have had UC for thirty years. I look forward to learning about new treatments.
Hello and welcome to the forum :)

Well I should think 30yrs gives you veteran status with this disease surely! How are you doing at the moment? Are you on any meds currently and what have you been on previously? Have you had to have any surgeries? Have you found whether dietary changes help at all?

There is a lot of helpful info and support here so do have a good look around.

Hi and welcome to the forum! :D

Lots of great questions asked already. :) I'm curious as to what you've taken as well or are currently taking and if you're in remission or not. Are there any particular treatments you heard about that you'd like more info on?
I have been fortunate not to have surgery. I have been on all the medications including steroids, which I must say help, but not completely. I have most recently had the most success over the last year with continuing Asacol 400 mg 2 x daily with a new diet plan gluten free. I am in 100% complete remission with the diet & med. It is difficult at times not to have pizza. When I slip sx return promptly within 5 days.
I recommend reading "Wheat Belly" by Andrew Davis MD
Also my GI Specialist Dr Thomas Alexander Troy MI
Wow, that is impressive, 30 years and you still have your colon!:ywow:
Glad to hear the tum is settled, when feeling good it is always easy to slip now and then but at least we know for next time what is a no go.
Hi there and welcome to the community! Congratulations on the remission, that's wonderful!

I, too, am on a gluten free diet. As pizza was one of the things I missed, I found this product. It results in a pretty decent pizza crust in my opinion :) I realize the bag says bread mix, but it's got other recipes including pizza crust on the back.

Again, welcome!
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