3yr old Daughter having a really rough time

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Feb 28, 2012
My little one is 3years old she has had constipation from a baby when she got to 1& a half it got worse, I was sent home with movicol which didnt help her went back and forth 10+ times they kept giving me movicol for her and then lactoluse and others like it but didnt help. I wasnt happy with the local doctors or paeditrician at the hospital so i move to another hospital they did the same put her on movicol i told them it didnt work but no one would listen. After another year & half of back and forth to hospital she was admitted for a week to try all different medication including enemas which didnt work just caused her a lot of distress this was because the doctor didnt believe me that medication was not working, They realised how bad she was and referred her to the childrens hospital, She was given an x-ray she was so badly blocked up it was above her ribs she was that full of poo so they admitted her in the childrens hospital where she had klean-prep fed through a tube in her nose, That un blocked most of it but not all 4 weeks later she was back for another klean-prep she was put on movicol (Yet again!!) and senna this hasnt helped at her she keeps blocking up finally i have been listend too & she is in for rectal biopys & camera on the 18th july to find out what is going on, They think it may be crohns but i was told it is so hard to detect it could be years for a diognosis. hirschsprung's disease has also been mentioned. I was wondering if anyone else has had problems like this with there children and also if there is anywhere i can get help with nappies she has constant leakage and going through 10+ nappies a day & i really cant afford to be going though this many
Hi Leah,

I'm so sorry to hear about your little girl :( I hope that the tests on the 18th will provide you with some answers. So heartbreaking to see your child in pain and not be able to stop it! :ghug:

There are many wonderful members here who are are always happy to share their knowledge, hopefully, someone can help you soon!

There are, at least, two other mothers here (Suzysu, Farmwife) who also have children the same age, also undiagnosed, I'm sure they can give you some advice and support. As well, there are a few other parents here with children close to your daughter's age who have been diagnosed with UC or Crohn's. Feel free to have a look around the Parents of kids w/IBD - lots of info there as well as parents who can understand your concerns (http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49).

I hope your daughter can be made comfortable until the 18th and that you will have some answers after that! :ghug:
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Hi and welcome.
Just to let you know my laptop is malfunctioning because of spilled water. Oops!:ybatty:
So if this message stops it's because the laptop blow up or quit.:sign0085: We NEED to send this in to get fixed but the farm is crazy with every thing going on. We haven't found time.:thumbdown:
Ok, now with that said. My little farm girl is soon to be three and a half. Her name is Grace and a happy hand full like her mom. Grace has suffered form one problem or another since 6mo. old. Here is the first thread I posted about my little Grace. Press HERE. My Grace to gets backed up. From one month old to a year I had to "help" her go poo. In the last few months we've had to battled with it again. She's on Miralax and fiber. I was lead to believe that this would all just go away and I was being to "mothering". Time has gone on and it's worse. We now see a GI 2 1/2 hours away. I'm keeping him updated on EVERY LITTLE THING. I hope it's not crohn's or UC but..... I also hope to get a live in maid some day and fit into a size 8 but.... sure doesn't look like it NOW.:yfaint:
Here is some questions for you. Does she suffer from anything else like joint pain or eye problem or skin rashes? How about weight and growth? Is she normal. We just found out that Grace is on the LOW end of the chart. When she flares up she stop eating and losses a weight fast. How about your child. Not that she has to have those but like my DD and other sufferers of crohn's or UC that stuff is usual present with the conditions.
Please pm me if you want. My response might a take a couple a weeks but I'll get to it.:lol2:
Oh goodness, it sounds like your little girl is having a really rough time! Patience is key, even though it must be so hard to watch her be so uncomfortable from all that in her intestines. :( I know of another member of the forum who had experiences like that, Keepingfaith. She has her story in this very category of the forums about her experience with being constipated like that a lot.

You might also try and share your story over in the group of parents with children with IBD...they will be able to give you a lot more advice than us! Most of us are adults with undiagnosed illnesses, so its hard to give advice about kids.

I hope they are able to figure out what it wrong with your baby girl ASAP!
I am so sorry to hear of your troubles :(

Here in the Undiagnosed Club we are not really geared up for kids, so I will move this over to the wonderful Parents of Kids with IBD section where you will get better support, sadly there are also undiagnosed kids there.
Hello Leah!

Your daughter sounds a lot like me as a toddler! The abdominal pain then was nothing compared to how it is now, but I was in and out of the ER from the time I was 18 months till around 6 years old. I was fully impacted every two days & I was in the ER, every two days. I remember my momma chasing me around with enemas, suppositories and fiber chewables when I was a child. I got my first colonoscopy at around age 4 & was told it was just "IBS". Over the years, my symptoms got a lot better & then out of nowhere I had my first MAJOR flare & was either fully compacted or having endless diarrhea. After a scope last year, my colonoscopy showed a thick colon from years of uncontrolled inflammation & I was DX with crohn's.

You need to be an advocate for your child, like you are now! I am so glad my parents spoke up & refused to take "Oh it's just her diet" routine. It might take years to get a DX, in my case, at age 15. She could have Hirschprung's but it could also be Crohn's.

Here is a link to my story: http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=36810

Feel free to message me for questions!
Hi keepingfaith thanks for the reply yes i will not take its her diet for an answer i have not stopped at the doctors about doing more tests etc and upto now i have got what i wanted and i will not stop until they get to the bottom of it.
Hi leah,

I'm so sorry to hear about your little one, what a difficult and heartbreaking time for you and your family...:hug: I hope the scope on the 18th is able to provide you with solid answers and your little one is soon better, bless her.

Do you keep a diary of her symptoms? If not have a look at the suggestions we have in the wiki...


...doing this can be useful in helping put the pieces together.

What country are you in and what state/province/county? Since you use the term nappy I assume it isn't the US. :lol: If you let us know someone may be able to give some local knowledge advice re: hospitals, doctors and also programs that may be available to help with the cost of nappies.

Dusty. xxx
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Hi dustykat thanks for the reply. No i dont keep a diary but i think i will start that is a good idea. Im in the UK, In a an area called south yorkshire. Our local childrens hospital is sheffield childrens xx
Hi, sorry to hear about your poor daughter - it is hard watching them suffer! Hope the colonoscopy provides you with some answers - I know no one wants their children to have any kind of disease, but at I think it is better than not knowing what's happening and at least rules alot of things out if they don't find anything. Not sure what you can do about the nappies - have you asked your GP or health visitor? There may be some sort of help you could get to provide some of the nappies you need. Good luck!

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