42 yo woman newly dx'd with Crohn's, question about neccesity of surgery

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Nov 3, 2012
Hello there. My name is Teri, and I'm a 42 year old mother of 2 boys (one is 20, in his 3rd year of college, and the other is 4). The past 4 months I've been dealing with a massive Crohn's flare-up. I actually only just got diagnosed during this time, but on hind-sight it seems obvious that I've had it for quite some time - probably at least 15 years. The biopsies and tests I've had, have my doctor thinking the same thing.

I was put on a 2 month round of Prednisone which didn't stop the pain and inflammation. During this 4 month period I've had so many tests (CT, MRI, 2 colonoscopies, endoscopy, small bowel follow thru, blood work, stool study, etc) by various doctors - I'm on my 3rd doctor right now. The first 2 were just not for me, but the 3rd I really like a lot.

So to get to the reason for my post... my G.I., after looking through all of my files, the test results, etc, she highly recommends that I have a bowel resection. I met with a surgeon yesterday, and he seemed really great - qualified, experienced, patient with me while I asked him 2 pages worth of questions. He also agreed that I need surgery. We talked about doing it the first week of January, once the holidays are past.

I'm also BRCA1 positive - this increases my risk of breast, ovarian, colon and other cancers. Because of this genetic mutation I've had preventative, risk reducing surgeries and have had a double mastectomy and hysterectomy & oopherectomy. I've experienced some pretty rough complications along the way from the surgeries - the worst being a DVT in my leg (blood clot) that went into my lungs. That was incredibly scary and I was sure I was going to die. Thankfully I didn't! My last surgery resulted in a slight and accidental overdose while I was in the recovery room, after surgery, and a code blue!
There have been more problems, but that sampling should give you an idea of why my husband and I are understandably nervous about another surgery.

The surgeon recommends I have about a foot of small intestine removed and about 4" of large intestine removed. This is all due to narrowing from years and years of undiagnosed/untreated inflammation. Also, there is current inflammation that the round of prednisone didn't take care of.

I'm starting to wonder if I've exhausted all of my non-surgical options, and that's the main reason behind this post. I'm hoping for some advice -- such as, have any of you, after having been advised to have surgery, decided to NOT have it, and had a positive outcome from that? I'm just at the point that I'm so confused, and not sure what to do. I could really use some words from experience, and greatly appreciate you're taking the time to read my post.

Hello Teri and welcome to the forum.

I take it that the narrowing they want to remove is down to scarring? If so no meds are going to fix this and my own personal experience with docs is that they don't tend to recommend surgery unless they really have to. I had a resection last year and it really helped sort things for me, I did flare up about 2 months later but I wasn't on any meds at this stage so once this was fixed things turned around and I am now doing really well. Hopefully the op will do the same for you and the tum can settle down. One thing that may at least help with symptom management is to go on some liquid shakes as these will go through the narrowing a bit easier so may lessen some of your discomfort....

Please keep us updated on how you get on.

Hi, thanks for replying. Yes, the narrowing is from a build up of scar tissue, and there is also current inflammation. Just wondering, since there is current inflammation, wouldn't that make the narrowing look worse than it really is? If the inflammation could be fixed somehow, wouldn't that make the narrowing, well, less narrow?
I would say the difference would be negligable otherwise the doctors would be going more on the med route first. The problem is the current inflammation is going to leave even more scarring behind and leaving this untreated will eventually lead to a full blockage and then usually emergency surgery that you have not had time to prepare for. For some folks here this has happened and it's only when the surgery is being done do the docs realise they have crohn's.
That makes a lot of sense too. I just wish I actually KNEW the right thing to do, 100%.. I hate the idea of another surgery, yet one more scar added to my body, one more recovery to go through - and also knowing that as a Crohn's patient, the surgery isn't even a guaranteed permanent solution scares me. Thanks so much for talking with me, and letting me vent, and think 'out loud' about all of this...