48 hours & counting - need advice

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Jul 17, 2011
My GI diagnosed me with IBS and i'm taking 10mg of Ammi. I am now 48 hours and counting with severe abdominal pain (rib cage to pelvic), steadying D with urgency and contraction cramps. I even wake up from sleep in pain and have to go to the bathroom. I can't eat. I am now having to go to the bathroom every hour for the past 4 hours. I feel like I have a fever but my temp is around 38-39 and I am getting chills. No blood in my stools. I tried to call my GI's office but I keep getting an answering machine.

I have no idea what to do now. I feel like my whole body is in pain. Should I go to ER or call my family doctor?
I know this feeling. Every hour, on the dot, right?! It's crazy! Did you leave a message on your GI's machine? Yes, call your family doctor, if nothing else.

I had many nights like this, many in a row. I am a bit more stubborn that the average person, so I didn't go to the hospital. I suffered through it until I absolutely couldn't anymore.

You don't have to be dumb like me. Only you know the severity of your pain, though. If you feel that you may need to go to the ER, then don't hesitate. Get there!!
Oh I am so sorry to hear you are doing so poorly! If you can't get your family doctor, go to the ER, especially if things get worse.

Hang in there!!!
Thanks! I left a message for the GI. No returned call. I also had to leave a message for my GP. I ended up falling asleep for an hour but back to the bathroom I go. I am waiting for hubby to get home before I make any decisions and maybe the doctor(s) will call me back!
So sorry to hear that you are in pain and discomfort. Keep at them and hope you get some rest/sleep as well.

Keep us all posted on how it goes when you feel up to it. You should maybe try to eat something even if your feeling bloated with cramps if you think you can manage it, may help with energy levels or even ease the pain and remember to replace those lost fluids. It maybe that you have picked up a virus as well. Us crohnies seem to have a poor immune system to fight them off.

Take care & fingers crossed you feel better soon!
It's such a miserable condition. Try anti spasmatic meds I had buscopan it reduced the cramps. Also a hot water Bottle or similar really helps. Please don't suffer your local accident and emergency should be able to offer you some pain relief! Thinking of you!
Thanks everyone! I ended up taking some tylenol and gatorade. I had some crackers and actually slept last night. I still don't have an appetite though. I will be calling my GP on Monday to schedule a CT.

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