64 now, Crohn's since 16 and still surprised...

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Dec 22, 2015
The last few months have been particularly stressful, and this is one of my triggers for Crohn's flare-ups. I have had a permanent ilyostomy since 1992. My GI specialist at the time promised me no further bowel problems because he felt I was colon type of Crohn's and this would be it.
That is over 20 years ago. I have been married since then to a kind man, have two dogs and retired in a remote part of Northern Ontario, Canada.
He broke his ankle last December at 76, and then had a nasty septic infection due to a lodged kidney stone 6 months later.
In the mean time, I have had a slew of weird problems I have never had before. An itchy foot rash with bumps which spread to the shin and to the other leg, the rash turned into black ulcers, which kept creeping up the legs and spreading. The hospital emergency gave me 2 prescriptions, one for antibiotics one for prednisone. Took the antibiotics and did not use the prednisone. The black lesions cleared up, and very slowly, more rash appeared, then healed on their own. Next problem was a severe back pain at the sacro-iliac joint between the hip and the spine. Shooting pains would strike down my leg if I walked. I spent a week mostly sitting in bed. Then it went away on it's own. I also have what I call 'traveling' arthritis. Usually fingers and toes, comes and goes. Next on the agenda was a 'pink eye' infection in the right eye, which went into the left but not as severe. Doctor's prescriptions did not work. This went on for 6 weeks, with blurry vision, headaques, and swelling. The eye doctor finally tried tiny amounts of prednisone eye drops, because I was adamant I was not taking it ever again. Ever since the 1990s and the year and a half I was on it to no avail, but it took another year to recover from the side effects of just that, never mind the ilyostomy surgery results. He did convince me in the end.
Within 3 days, the same old symptoms occurred, poor sleep, agitation, uncomfortable, dizzy, hot, and grouchy. The eyes cleared up...and I stopped the drops. I decided to look up Crohn's disease, and found there were secondary disorders, what a surprise! A lot of these ailments I have described here, were listed and explained. I could not believe it when this Canadian site for Crohn's disease research said that these secondary problems can occur WITH or WITHOUT a bowel involvement.
This is why I wanted to share my story. Join this site. Show that this is such an insidious disease for life, that you may not even know what's is really going on, and neither does your GP doctor.
The eyes cleared up on their own, no permanent damage to anything which is normal for Crohn's related secondary disorders.
I have learned again, that stress is MY enemy, and a healthy lifestyle even if slow and routine, is a must. Hope this information helps someone else. I can provide a link to this information I related if you wish.
Thank you for listening, :redface:
Thank you for this information. My son is 17 years old and we live in Toronto. He was diagnosed almost 5 years ago and is on Remicade. Your information is invaluable.
Thank you Rourou for you kind words. I forgot to say how Crohn's and friends... are so unpredictable even now after 40+ years. For me knowing what it is, is half the cure. I stop worrying about it and wait for it to go away without any need for further intervention (that's for the small stuff).:smile:
Me too, had odd sharpt pains along my rib cage yesterday.... gone now. Who knows?
I take it one day at a time, and know for sure every day is going to be different. It's so easy to get in the scared mode, which does not help. Thank you.
im new to the forum and i have a post w my issues. would anyone please look at it and give any advice? Thanks in advance

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