Direct link to their announcement:
I thought you disregarded the MAP stuff as a waste of time?Thanks for sharing.
I find the results quite promising. I really wonder what will happen next regarding this.
If this gets an FDA approval for the treatment of Crohn’s disease, it would be wonderful for us.
Might be related to their financial situation. The stock went through some reverse-splits as well during the after-covid crash. They did rake in some cash now with Talicia and Opaginib seems to be promising as well.Also; if this study concluded in 2019, why were the results only released in 2024?
I would not call it a cure... it is just another treatment option.After such results how long it might take to release the cure on market?
Or it may happen only if diagnostic test for MAP is finally ready confirming inflammation caused by this bacteria?
I support the hypothesis of a Mycobacterial basis to the Crohn disease. This works in my case.Why?
If it turns out that Crohn is bacterial infection then only antibiotics will be taken into account
My disease happened when I was trying to lose on weight.
Only thing that I ate were shakes made of banana and milk (which is said that may cause MAP infection)
Stomach ulcers are caused by helicobacter and intestine ulcers may be caused by this bacteria. Who knows?
I hope it is truth and keep fingers crossed
This is what I wonder.After such results how long it might take to release the cure on market?