6mp and Remicade

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Mar 14, 2012
Hi everyone ,

My Dr put me on 6mp , but it affected my Liver and pancreas . I will be starting Remicade on the 28th and was just wondering what to expect and any suggestion or stories would be great !
My doc has me on the same plan. Been taking 6MP for maybe five weeks now, and my first Remi infusion is next week. I'll post back how it goes.

Hoping this gets me off Pred as well but he way. I am so tired of the Pred effects (though admittedly they have my condition mostly controlled at the moment).
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Hi there,
I was on different meds which caused awful side effects, until I agreed to try Remicade infusions. I go into hospital every 8 weeks to be on a drip for 4 hours. They monitor you bloods and you to see that you are O.K. Bring a book to read. I get lunch there, so it is a pleasant experience. It has worked for me! I managed a holiday this year! So do not worry. I hope it works for you and you feel a lot better soon. The first infusions are soon after one another, then if you are responding well, every 8 weeks. Let me know how you are. Thinking of you and wishing you well.:rosette1::rosette1::rosette1::rosette1:
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with Crohns. I started only on prednisone, but when we tried to taper back, my symptoms came back with a vengeance and i landed in the hospital. During that fun summer weekend, i received my first remicade infusion and began taking 6MP, while also putting me back on my 40mg dose of pred. I'm feeling GREAT right now...and am getting my second infusion on friday. After that I'll taper down the steroid and hopefully I wont get sick again this time! I think for me, just knowing I was receiving a medicine that my doctor thinks will work really made a difference. My first infusion wasnt bad at all...no side effects and it only took like 2.5 hours (though i was in an inpatient bed!) Thinking of you and hope things get better for you soon!
Thank you guys . The 6mp is affecting my Liver and my numbers keep going up even tho i have been off of 6mp for 2 weeks now . I will be getting my first infusion of Remicade tomorrow a little nervous but hoping it helps . They told me I would be there for 5 hrs !
Hi there,
Wishing you all the best for your infusion tomorrow. Yes, you will be there for 5 Hours, as they keep you for an hour after the infusion to check that you are feeling O.K. I hope you feel better soon. Let me know how you are.
Where is Corona in the World?
Hi Honey ,

Thank you very much ! Corona is in southern california , some people refer to it as the Inalnd Empire close to orange county
Hi there,
How did your first Remicade infusion go? I hope all went well and you begin to feel better soon. It takes time. Best wishes.
Hi Honey ,

Everything went well thank you for checking in on me . My Liver is back to normal now that i am off the 6mp , yay! Hope all is well with you

Hi there,
Glad to hear that things are settling for you. I am good but extremely tired so I am resting just now. Thank you for asking. I am off to visit friends who live near the beach tomorrow, so I am looking forward to that. My next infusion is on the 9th September. I hope it helps you. It is not an easy illness to live with. Let me know how you are.
I had my first infusion today, it went well :), although my stomach is unusually sore right now, feels like its burning, I don't know if its related, maybe its healing :S how long did you guys start to notice a relief
Hi Joshaaa, honestly i dont have an answer for that I just had my first one . I am thinking it will take a few times more for it to get in our systems and start helping . The only thing i have really noticed the last week is how over tired i am feeling but it seems to be getting better each day . I have my next infusion next wed . Please keep us posted on how your next infusion goes .
As I Understand it, it's usually three infusions before you start building it up to effect.
I started both 6MP and Remicade at the same time, right when I got sick. I felt a small improvement (mostly with my fistula) within days after my first infusion. I felt significantly better after a few weeks.

I hope Remicade works for you, it has truly been a miracle drug for me (knock on wood)
Are any of you on steroids while starting the Remicade? My flare was so bad I went to the ER and was put on steroids though I am praying the Remicade will do wonders for me as it has for others.
I was on 6MP got really sick after 12 days thought i had the flu, played havoc on my pancreas... I started remi infusions last july and have had three and am completely tapered off predisone as of a month ago. I feel better, still tired allot, somewhat solid poop (sorry it is what it is), i still have some pain in my lower right and still getting hemoroids, which bother me. I cant really tell if I am getting better I dont really feel better but I am gaining my weight back lost a significant amount of weight on this last flare up.. I will keep you posted i have my next infusion in october..
Iriechic , i am not on any steriods , but i am still on pentasa . Ihow many infusions have you had ? I have had two already . Pop has gotten better but not much else
Marcus44, 6mp was damaging my liver , glad to hear your of the pred ! Hoping the remicade starts to help us both , right now i have bright red poop so not sure what that is from waiting on a call back from my DR . Keep us posted in how your doing
I've had two infusions also. I'm tapering off of Hydrocortisone because the side effects have been pretty cruddy. Temporarily my GI want me on very low dose of 6-MP until the Remicade takes full effectiveness (they say for some 12-24 weeks for full effects). My liver function and bone marrow will be monitored close while on 6-MP. I don't really want to take it but I'm not the GI specialist and I do trust mine. Ally my best!!!

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