7 weeks since the surgery and now............

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 17, 2012
My son had a right hemicolectomy on Oct 30 this year. He had a few complications so was on pain medication and stool softeners for about 5 weeks post op. He was getting constipated from the pain meds and now he is off the pain medication is having a lot of diarrhea but no blood. I have read that diarrhea is very common after this type of surgery and have left a message for his GI. In the meantime I am hoping some of you can tell me if you've experienced this and if you were able to treat the diarrhea with meds like Immodium or anything over the counter. I'm to scared to give him something to stop the diarrhea incase it irritates the bowel, I don't know what to do :(
Hey Michelle...:hug:

Both of my children have this problem and it is caused by bile salt malabsorption.

There is a prescription medication called Questran Lite that can be very successful at alleviating the problem. It is a powder but it can be very unpalatable unfortunately. There is also a medication called Welchol that is in tablet form that can also be used. I'm not sure if there are any restrictions with prescribing for someone your son's age but no doubt the doc would know.

Now, my own children use psyllium husks that I purchase in the health food section of the supermarket. It is trial and error to hit on the right amount to use but generally it is best to start out small and build up, so say a level teaspoon and move up from there. My two mix in a drink but it can be sprinkled on cereal, gravies, soups etc.

If you do go down this path, Questran/psyllium, then there are time restrictions as to when you can take other medication/supplements. Have a look through this thread as it has some good discussion contained within it. :)

My daughter has made significant changes to her diet, that in my opinion would be too harsh for a child, and I think this has likely played some part in her success but I also believe that over time there has also been some natural take up by the bowel.

Dusty. xxx
I should have said they have both had great success with the psyllium. They still watch what they eat and when they eat at times and for them the biggest enemy is probably oils.

Dusty. :ghug:
Thank you so much Dusty :hug:

We have a health food store in our town that I will go to tomorrow and get some of the psyllium husks to try. I would much rather try a more natural approach before going to prescriptions. Every time he gets a new or different symptom I panic. It's so unfair that things like diarrhea most people don't even think about much less worry about but for us it can develope into such a big problem in such a short amount of time :frown:

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and your guidance :)

I surely do hear you Mum. :hug: One of the things that I think I found the hardest to come to terms with was that my children lost the ability to be spontaneous...very little is done without forward planning. It will get better though, I know it is hard to see it right now hun but it will. :)

Dusty. xxx
No help as I have no experience with this, nut wanted to send some (((HUGS))) your way...hoping things improve soon :)
Hugs to you mama!!!

psyllium husks works great. My hubby and I do this but Grace can't because she gets backed up, even on a small amount of this.
Thank you everyone, your support means soooooo much !!

Your right Dusty, it's hard for him to even make plans to go out of the house at all right now. The poor kid has been stuck in the house for months :( the first 4 months were due to pain and obstructions, then the surgery and now the recovery it's so unfair.

I am going to get some of the psyllium husks tomorrow (our health food store was closed today) and sure hope it helps but I am very grateful that he at least isn't in pain like before when he couldn't go at all. Would be so nice if we could find a balance with this miserable disease :ymad:

Thank you everyone again for your support and suggestions :ghug:
Things are a little better now thanks Dusty. The psyllium husks seem to be doing the trick :) He is feeling better and has colour back in his face finally. This is gonna be a long road and a lot of trial and error but thankfully we have you and the many others here for support and guidance :ghug: I was really hoping that after surgery everything would just be "normal" for at least a few years but realize after learning so much about this disease there is no normal :( can be sooooo frustrating somedays but I try to be thankful that it isn't worse than this as I know many other parents here are dealing with much worse and my heart breaks for them.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas!!
It is so good to hear things are improving...:mademyday:

It surely is a long road Mum. The normal we once knew is no more but we do fall in with a new normal. :) I hope things keep heading into positive territory and your lad is able to get out and enjoy life again, bless him. :hug:

Good luck and warm wishes for continued success!

Merry Christmas! :heart:
Dusty. xxx
Hi Stressed Mom. We haven't met but I see you've been dealing with this for nearly 10 years. Wow, I have to go find your intro thread. I hope things keep getting better for him. I'm sure you could teach us all a lot about new normals....I just wish the normal target would quit moving around so much!!
Hi Mark, it's very nice to hear from you. I totally agree about that normal target moving around all the time, makes it impossible to hit :ymad:

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