A Note For ALL members

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Cara Fusinato

Sarcastic Forum Comedian
Sep 5, 2006
Greetings - - - in an effort to reach even more of our Crohn's community, I (with Mike's support and approval) have created a 1 page flyer "ad" for this message board. If we each take it to our GI doc. and our GP doc. we will reach A LOT of Crohn's sufferers that would benefit from this amazing resource. If this board has helped and supported you (and I know it has), this is a good way to give back. The flyer (at this time) is a 1 page, easily printable, easily photocopy-able WORD document -- someone with Adobe Writer, please convert for me so I have both formats -- just print one or two and take along to your health care provider. Urge them to copy and pass it out to anyone with Crohn's, especially the new diagnoses. Soon, this document should be posted as a URL for downloading, but until then, please drop me an e-mail at [email protected] and I will send it to you (don't worry, I'm not collecting addresses or anything like that!). It's my contribution to helping others through this awesome resource. Won't you help out?
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All moderators / administrators just got a copy of the final draft in your traditional e-mail box. Check it out!
Bum link, Mike. It just gives instructions for how to upload. I see that there's a sign-in & password option, so maybe we need that?
It does work, it is just a bit confusing. Next to the logo "Megaupload" it asks you to enter in three letters. Do so (successfully) and you will need to wait 45 seconds before you may download the document.

Skeet has also provided us all with business cards for the forum. Please find them here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7YLNQ0GU
Oooops! There it is! Sorry. Guess I missed that the first time around.

Nice job, Cara!
About the business cards:

I use blank, white, matte finish business card stock. It comes pre-perforated and the cards separate easily and cleanly. There's a wide variety of styles & finishes available, including colored and bordered. Prices can vary , but I usually buy the Office Max brand instead of Avery because they're the same stuff but cheaper. I have a business card design program, but you can do it in Word if you're interested in making your own. Download a free template at the Avery Dennison website:


(Lots of other free templates available there also. I use their label templates for mailing labels & storage containers & such.)

Once you have the template, you can noodle around with it until you have what you want. Insert clip art, use different fonts, put whtever you want. Design it in the first block, then copy & paste it to the others (that's something that my program does for me.)

The forum cards should print just fine in gray scale if you don't have a color printer.
For those of us slightly computer impaired . . . here is how to download the flyer.
Click the link in Mike's post. Type the 3 letters in the box. Wait 45 seconds and close the little annoying ad that pops up and vibrates. Click download. Choose to open it (and then you can save it) or directly save to where you want on your computer. Print and take to Docs, support group meetings, etc. If this process is terrifying . . . you can still e-mail me at [email protected] and I will gladly send you the WORD document.
Is it just me or my email? I never recieve any emails supposed to go to moderators. I dont mean to butt in.
I did send to the email address listed for you. If you click on your name, you can send an PM or email. That's what I did. Perhaps your email has changed from the one you signed up with?
hmm....maybe i'm having email problems, sorry if i affeneded you. I'm completly sorry. and Will try to make it up to you.

I checked the email address and it is the right own, maybe its something on my end.
No, not offended . . . How odd that it didn't come through. Try sending me an email and I will try responding and see if it works. Just out of scientific curiosity.
I like both the flyer and the business cards. Hopefully I will remember to take some with me the next time I go to the GI. Nice work!
I just printed off 10 and plan on passing them around in different doctors offices. It's a great idea. Nice job Cara. I'm sure with us doing this it'll reach out and touch someone in some way. This forum has been a great place for me so far, Alot of good info and nice people. =)
I've already told my Psychologist about it but I dont think that will be TO much help lol.
This is great! I love hearing you all downloading the flyer, printing out a couple, and taking them along to the docs. I can't wait until I hear people saying they got a flyer for us from their doc! THEN I will be thrilled. Glad I could be of service with my talent for copying and pasting!
This is truly what community is all about. Everyone helping and encouraging each other. I love it! And think of all the as-yet-unmet strangers out there who will find support and comraderie here through these efforts. What a great bunch of folks!
I've sent the flyer & business cards to both of your addresses, Chris. Here's hoping they'll steer someone else who needs help right to our door!
converted it to PDF and posted on my blog for easy download. Hope this helps.

Download PDF Flyer It is linked to at the top right of the post, next to the Crohn's Forum link.
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Any chance of getting a working link to the flyer? The ones listed seem to have expired due to inactivity.