A question

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Apr 22, 2010
This may be sort of a stupid question...but does anyone else have problems with bad pimples? Even though I wash my face, and use acne wipes, I STILL get bad pimples. Lately I have been getting pimples from hell!! I have two on the bottom of my chin, one got so big it looks like the side of my lip was swollen, now I have one that just popped up and its huge to, on the middle of my chin. I also got one, which is finally going away that was on the top of my upper lip and that one got pretty big to.

Not only are these painful, but they are really embarrassing!! One goes away, for only another one to pop up. It is REALLY frustrating! I know acne is common, and people get them all the time, but these are huge! Do you think it could be from the remicade and a lower immune system? Thats what I was thinking, since I'm immunocompromised, that I just can't fight off the infection as easily, which causes them to get bigger than " normal" if that makes since.

Just wanted to see if anyone else has gotten these bad "pimple from hell" is what I call them. And also see if there's anything I can do, either to help prevent them, and/ or treat them when they pop up to help them go away faster, and not get as big. Any advice, tips will be really appreciated.
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I have the same problem and I wash my face twice a day. Yes, they get worse when I'm on the pred, but even off I get them. They take forever to go away, and the blackheads I just can't get under control (especially on my nose). Now, when I'm having a serious flare up I get clusters of them on the corners of my mouth, my chin, and my forehead.

Also, there's two sists (one on my right cheek & the other next to my adam's apple) that I've had since I was 15. I've tried using a needle to pop them (worked for my brother in-law) and that didn't work. So next time I'm at my GP I'm going to ask him to pop them for me.

And don't get me started on the body acne.

Still haven't found a way to seriously combat them though. We may both need to get a referral to a dermatologist.
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Either a dermatologist or even your GP can prescribe something. And no I don't have that problem and never have. Its a gene that skipped me.
I've been finding that I get pimples more often, especially on other parts of my body if there has been some type of skin disturbance (like the psoriasis/eczema I'm dealing with!).....it sure HURTS to sit on them too!

Knock on wood - I'm doing pretty well right now - but just had my remicade so expect to possibly see some more pop up in the next couple of weeks....can't win!
I know it may not be the same as I don't have crohns, but I found that, after popping pimples, put Neosporin on them. It always worked for mine. They'd be gone within a couple of days.
You may need an antibiotic to make them go away, I had what I thought were those big "underground" pimples on my face, turned out to be MRSA...
I had to go on an oral antibiotic and use an antibiotic ointment.
May be worth a trip to your dr to see. They can culture it and see if it is something besides acne. Also, acne treatments that I tried (Proactiv, Clearasil, etc) just made it worse.
Good luck!
My daughter suffered acne and she found that taking vitamin D and or sunshine helps get rid of them....she has done it all, and being outside has helped. Most young people are indoors alot. She was in University and in her dorm , rarely out so now she finds it better.
I have had mild to moderate acne since I was a young teenager, and I am now 29. I went to the derm at some point during high school, and she threw some topical Rxes my way including differin gel, but they didn't do anything and were really expensive. I have always been diligent about taking my makeup off at night and taking care of my skin in general, but no regimen seemed to do anything for the acne. I tried Proactiv and it seemed to work for a while, but eventually lost any effectiveness. Then I was just tooling around on the internet and stumbled across www.acne.org and the guy who founded that sight created his own regimen. He has products he sells or you can use stuff you can buy at the grocery store. Anyway, I figured "what the heck" and ordered his stuff b/c a lot of people seemed to prefer his stuff over the drug store stuff, and OMG it works for me. I have not had skin like this since I was pregnant with my son, which was some hormonal anomaly. I've been using it since January and I feel so much better about myself. I really wasn't expecting much of anything but was very pleasantly surprised. Especially b/c it uses Benzoyl Peroxide as the acne-fighter, which is also what's in Proactiv. But it must be the method of delivery or something b/c the difference is like night and day between the acne.org regimen and proactiv.

Of course you may want to talk to a derm like someone said to make sure it is acne and not something else. But I can personally vouch for acne.org and what that guy sells.

Also I am not diagnosed with Crohns and am not on any medication. Just wanted to throw that out there.

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