A week in the hospital....AGAIN!!

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May 24, 2010
So here we go again....really sick again. Id been doing well after my minor surgery and thinking things were getting better...but all along, I was getting worst again. Last Sunday night, my family went out for dinner...my son and I both got sick from Salad and it landed me a week in the hospital!! I vomited from Monday 4am til Tuesday around 2pm...I went to hospital on Monday evening and they tried to stop the vomiting for hours.....nothing worked. White count was a lil elevated but my CRP and ESR levels were through the roof!! So I was admitted and started on antibiotics and Prednisone. On Thursday they decided to hit me with my first dose of Remicade and continued the steroids. I had terrible days on Friday and Saturday, and Sunday my levels fell dramatically. Today, Monday....I got to come home. It seemed like my bowels stoped working from Sunday til Friday....and finally the switch is back on and things are going.

I feel like Im on a different planet and not really sure what to think of the whole thing. Being so doesed up on meds and then being put on Remicade in my situation...Im wondering if I made the right choices. I just cant believe my whole world turned upside down in a matter of days...and now Im back to reality. Be a mom, a wife a person....pick up where I left off and continue on.

WOW....I just dont know what to think...Im confused and scared, dont understand why. Im looking forward to the next few days of feeling back to myself...hopefully. I would love input on your experiences with Remicade, did it work? How did you feel after your treatment and what side effects did you experience?
So sorry for what you are going through, I have no advice for you in terms of Remicade but want to write to let you know that you have people who will support you through this battle and always have an ear for you. I do not know you just yet but you can count me as someone to reach out to be one of those who will be there to listen. I hope that you are much better very soon, take good care. (((((hugs))))
I’m so sorry for all that you are going through. I have so been there.
Just wanted you to know that as long as you don’t have a bad reaction to it, Remicade is the best thing EVER!!! I felt better the first DAY I ever took it, and I was in a major flair. I look so forward to my Remicade appointments because I feel so wonderful after each one. I have been on Rem for the last 14 years, minus about 9 months when I had to go off of it because of an infection, and a few months before each surgery (it lowers your immune system so you can not take it before surgery). You will get more colds and flu’s on it however. Small price to pay for having your life back. It is no cure, but it is the next best thing in my opinion.
Thank you both for you kind words, It has been the toughest battle of my life. I have flared here and there in the past, but only for a few weeks....almost to December, and Ive been flaring for a year now. I dont think it has ever been totally in controll this year, Ive just been getting by on my good days, but looking back....have had far many more bad days this year. Its so hard, with a young family, and a working husband....some days seem like too much, and yet I keep pushin along.
Im mixed about the Remicade, but its done now...so Ill go with it. If it can make this disease lesson and hopefully go away for a bit....Im all for it....I want my life back. Im thankful to be out of the hospital now, and just pray I dont see those walls again soon.
Thanks for your kind words my friends
I am glad that your out of the hospital. Just got out myself today, and I know what you mean!! Remicade works a lot of wonders for people. I was on it for a while! I just wanted to say I hope that you continue to feel well :)
So being out of the hospital for a week now, Im feeling pretty good....or as good as I can expect! This is the first time in a long time where Im not having much pain...and when I do have it, its temportary. The only issue I continue to have is the fatique and energy loss. I hope through time, it will all subside and I can resume a normal life again. I miss being an energetic vibrant mom and wife. I miss waking up and feeling rested and refreshed and ready for life. I go to see GI tomorrow for follow up and then another dose of Remicade next Monday. So hopefully this week will bring more healing and feeling well....I am hopefull as this is the only time Ive felt good this year...being sick for a year is way too long~
wow, it was like i was reading my own post. I know just how you feel. I feel helpless and just don't know what to think or what to do. I have had three remicade infusions... felt ok after the first two but now all is going back down hill. I just want to be better and i hope you get good results. No one deserves to go through this. I too have small children and I want to be their active, fun mommy again, as well as all my other duties just as a person. Best of luck, and keep us informed!
I understand. I am a mom to 4 kids and have a great husband. I have been very sick for years and months. I am a person who used to be super mom with endless energy.. just spent a week in the hospital, feeling a bit better. You now know this but salad is a no no to most crohns people.. ouch! veggies in general are hard on us. I loved remicade and it was the only 7 months of normal I have had in 5 years.. I felt like a truck hit me the day of treatment then I felt normal.. I hope that it works well for you and you get your life back asap :)

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