Abdomen discomfort/diarrhea after breakfast

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Nov 5, 2012
I was firstly diagnosed as Proctitis in 2007 but confirmed to be crohn's in 2011. My flare-up normally is once every a few months and typically it's been some sense of discomfort (or low degree cramp) in abdomen and occasional diarrhea. I haven't been on any medication other than the suppository (to be honest, the suppository seemed to help when i was diagnosed with proctits but now since I know it's not just the very bottom part due to crohn, I am not even sure if it's doing anything for me).
After some good remission time I think I am in some flare-up now again. General symptom is just some minor discomfort in the abdomen area. What is confusing me now is the strange "upset" and diarrhea issue right after breakfast in the last 2 weeks. I have made my breakfast very simple trying to figure out what is causing it. 2 weeks ago I had eggs/rice cereal/avocado and would have a normal BM after wakup and a D after breakfast almost every day. So I eliminated eggs. The thing is I still felt an upset abdomen after breakfast but no D any more (typically things improved after I had lunch). After about 5 days' D-free after breakfast, today i got a big D again after breakfast (so just rice cereal and avocado). I am going to eliminate avocado tomorrow to see if it makes a difference. What is really confusing to me is I always felt crappy due to the upset abdomen after breakfast in the last 2 weeks (D or no D) but not for lunch and dinner. I fiture it can't be rice because I did eat rice for lunch or dinner.

Anyone has similar experience or any suggestion?
It might be time to have a word with your GI.

Feel better soon

Hugs and best wishes
Hello from another Ottawa member!

Are you keeping a food diary? I would recommend this as there is a chance that it is food related. Keep in mind that it might not be breakfast, but food from the night before that is the issue. The food diary might help you determine that. Also keep track of your exercise, maybe even sleep patterns as I have found both of those to have an impact on how things move as well.
A food diary would be a great idea like shamrock mentioned. There could definitely be some sensitivities to a food. And if your breakfast tends to be high-fiber or high-fat it could be aggravating your system.

I also wonder if your body is still reacting to whatever it is you ate the night before.....

I agree with the above, diary your activities, symptoms, stress, food and give your GI a call. Maybe try the BRAT diet for a bit and see if that helps things move along (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast). Keep your diet very simple across the board. Not just at breakfast time.

Good luck!
just a question really - are you sure its breakfast causing you problems and not what you had the previous dinner or evening snack ?

( i can eat a bad food in the evening and be fine, but the next morning would equal many bathroom visits).
Are you sure you're on the right track with eliminating foods? I found it very easy to assume that since I had diarrhoea after eating a particular food, that food must be the cause. It took me a while to realise that no specific food was responsible. It's not easy to work out, even with a food diary. If you eat eggs for breakfast and then get diarrhoea, the diarrhoea could have been the result of what you ate yesterday, the day before, or a cumulative effect of your diet over recent weeks, or not be due to diet at all. Eating a meal often triggers a bowel movement (even in healthy people), so diarrhoea after breakfast isn't necessarily a sign that you've eaten something that disagrees with you.
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I get that just about every morning and have for about 10 years. I have IBS, my son has crohn's. I always assumed it was due to coffee. So I went to decaf which helped a lot but I still have the issue to some degree. I honestly think it is due to dehydration in my case. Or there is something about food in the morning that it just runs through my system.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
I have been trying to eat a very simple breakfast. Has been good for a few days. I think people are right here: it might be some food not related to breakfast or might just be the intestine is weak during flare-up so it could react to something I am probably fine with normally.

This can be complicated considering it could be something in dinner or last lunch or whatever. The other thing I tried is reducing the portion. I used to eat a lot for dinner and now aiming at 80-90% full at least made me feel better after the meal.

So far it seems the key is we really have to listen to our body. when the tummy didn't feel that great, it's time to eat simple and eat less to let it "rest".
sounds like a good plan but can i surgest even smaller meals but more frequently - IE have five small meals instead , this should also help take the load of your stomach.

keep a note of what you eat , gradually over time you can look back over the notes and see if theres a pattern ( took me a year to work out that processed meats , or high fibre foods are a no no to me).
Thanks for the suggestion. more frequent smaller meals is definitely my goal.
The pattern detection is hard. It seems the knowledge of the pattern is extremely important when you feel the tummy is about or already in the flare-up. what's bothering me is when in remission, I often doubt if what I am having may "slowly" and "unnoticably" be brewing a "flare-up" for me. For example, I have been trying gluten free. Last year I found when I am in remission, gluten doesn't make any difference for me. Then last winter I got a bad 2 weeks flareup. This made me think maybe the gluten stuff slowly triggered it. But the thing is you never know for sure.
I guess better safe than sorry ....
it is really hard and often your wrong on your first assumption on what is causing you problems.

the way i managed to get some idear is as follows :-

day 1 mash . cod . peas
day 2 mash . cod . beans
day 3 mash . haddock . peas
day 4 mash . haddock . beans
day 5 chips . cod . beans
day 6 chips . cod . peas

im sure you can see where its going - its slow , its boring , its a pain in the butt (more ways than one) but you can get to work out the good , the bad and the one that makes real ugly.
Could it be meds wearing off. For example I take Asacol 3 times a day but overnight is the longest stretch without meds. . . maybe they are worn off by breakfast time.

Just a thought. . .
Could it be meds wearing off. For example I take Asacol 3 times a day but overnight is the longest stretch without meds. . . maybe they are worn off by breakfast time.

Just a thought. . .

Thanks. It shouldn't since I am not on any medicine other than a suppository I used at night. I was still experimenting with my breakfast and trying to keep a diary. It's been very interesting so far. No D with just avocado and green tea. I switched team to rice congee and got a D and then switched back to green tea and fine again... I will give it a few more days and switch back to congee to see what the difference is.
Also when I had D, it's always the same pattern: my regular BM after getting up (formed and good) and felt fine. Ate breakfast and in 10 mins started to feel bad but not really urgent. Then I had to go for a D to get rid of the discomfort.
Just wanted to report back since almost 2 months have passed. Unfortunately it's still almost the same. For me this is the longest "issue period" since in the last 5 years, the "symptoms" normally come and go within 1-2 weeks max and I would feel pretty much normal after that.
Due to the fact it's been 2 months I started trying oral medication. I have been on Salofalk tablets for a good month and I am really not sure if it's doing anything. Once every week I could have a D but the rest it's typically 1 regular BM a day after getting up. The D always happened in the morning and the breakfast remains the problematic one. What I have found is if I don't eat much for breakfast chances are I will be fine. But if I eat, I'd better keep it very small amount. It's like my bowl is super sensitive in the morning and can be irritated easily but after lunch I would be like almost normal and can eat a lot more without much an issue.
Because the issue with breakfast and I think in general because it's been 2 months my overall digiestive functioning is not as normal (and conscioulsy eating a bit less for dinner), i have lost quite a bit of weight (8-10lb). I think the weight loss could also be attributed to some anxiety because I was so used to "Just give it a week and I can pretty much be back to normal". I am certainly still very confused by that mainly because:
1. why tummy is so senstivei in the morning all the time.
2. In my personal expereince, the "flareup' has been really long this time.
Anyone has any similar experience or other suggestion to share?
3. The Salofalk tablets are 500 mg. I was doing 2 times a day and 2 tablets a time. Maybe the dosage is too low? (main side effect was a bit feeling of tired and very light nausea. But after one month on it, I think the side effect is pretty much gone for me now)

I had an appointment with my GI and he didn't think I should do a re-scope because for some reason he still felt this is "minor"?

I agree food diary's are a big help. I'm the
Opposite breakfast is my easiest tolerated meal.
Eggs,gluten free toast,chicken sausage that's
Awesome no casing,gluten.and tastes good.
Voice your concerns with your gi. Be your
Own best advocate. They don't listen to me
Then they won't be treating me. Hope you
Start feeling better
My D. is worse in the AM as well. Hadn't thought about my evening foods being the culprit since everything moves through so fast and I'm on pretty much liquids. It seems more so as I get up and moving around for the day that it hits and warm liquids (broth, coffee) seems to make it hit faster. I'll have to see if there is a correlation with the evening diet too.

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