Abdominal discomfort.. Can barley take it

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Mar 2, 2013
So I just had my 2nd round of Humira injections, three days ago. I am bloated and my whole stomach is hard as a rock. I can even see like gas bubbles moving around very low in abdominal area. VERY VERY painful. I've tried gas x and digestive advantage.. Nothing is working. Last night I threw up in the middle of the night, and couldn't sleep. Now I don't have an appetite for anything because I'm scared it's just going to make everything worse. Is it from the Humira? Anything remedy or over the counter things that will work until Tuesday when I can call my doctor? Please help I'm in too much pain.
Oh my that is awful. I'd seriously consider a trip to the ER. My concerned would be there might be an obstruction.
I don't know of any OTC product that can deal with that pain. Have you tried a heating pad? Are you able to keep fluids down. I'd be concerned you're getting dehydrated.

Sending you my support. I hope you start feeling better soon.
I've never heard of Obstruction before. Sounds a whole lot like my symptoms though. Last night I slept with a heating pad but I think it was making me way too hot. And that could be part of the reason I got sick. Yes I am keeping them down.. I am always dehydrated it seems like though. Thank you
Unfortunately they can be very common in IBD. The reason I bring it up is because your stomach is hard and you are in a lot of pain. Obstructions can be very serious. I've had perforations from obstruction which have landed me in hospital for weeks. Please don't take any chances with this. At the very least they can give you iv fluids and pain meds. Perhaps some prednisone to reduce inflamation if that is the cause.

I hope you start feeling better soon.
Zebrina, have your symptoms got any better? If not a trip to the ER might be the right thing. In the meantime, paracetamol for pain, I find soluble is the best. Avoid any type of opiate pain med as they will make things worse. Fluids only, nice hot bath and try to relax if you can. I use visualisation if I have bad cramps. I imagine I am on a beach with waves lapping against the shore and the sun on my face. Again, if things are still bad, go to the ER.
Oh wow that sounds scary.. So normally they give you prednisone for it?

I think that depends on what the doctor finds. I've had them clear on there own in emerg. I get iv fluids and pain meds in the ER.
My symptoms haven't gotten much better. Last night I didn't throw up though, but I still didn't sleep at all from the pain. Warm baths do help me out and I haven't really been eating anything solid. I tried calling my doctors office but they are closed today. I really want to get in to see him tomorrow ASAP.
Gave in and went to the ER last night, it was terrible. I was there three hours just for them to tell me to make any appointment with my doctor. They gave me medicine for neusea and not even rehydrate me. I was so mad! Then today I called my doctor thinking he could get me in or answer my questions and he isn't taking anyone for a week :(
Another thought---perhaps if you call your personal family physician they will help you, it is part of their job to do so.
It is appalling that your GI refused to help for a week, you need to look around for another more responsive one.
ER treatment is also unbelievable. Are you near a teaching hospital by any chance.,they should be more helpful.
Hugs and best wishes
My doctors office called me back and said they got ahold of my doctor. They set up an appointment June 19th but they gave me a prescription of Flagyl (metronidazole). Has anyone had this medicine? I think it is helping. They said if it doesn't help they are going to put me on a steroid.
I've been on flagyl. I don't believe it does anything for inflammation (it's an antibiotic commonly given for IBD).
Do not touch alcohol or anything with alcohol in it including mouthwash.
I hope it works and you start feeling better soon.
I cannot stomach metronidazole literally. It turns me into Reagan from The Exorcist, in other words a projectile vomiting machine. But I think I am in the minority. Hope it makes you feel better soon.
I was on Cipro and Flagyl for a little while. Flagyl is an antibiotic commonly prescribed for IBD, and also given for IBD-related infections (like fistula, etc, though that is likely not what you have). It has a side-effect of causing some diarrhea which may help with the possible obstruction you have. But I think you really need an MRI or to go to the hospital to get that treated -- if you had a hospital that you know specializes in IBD I would go there.

In the meantime, I'm glad you got a GI appointment. Maybe call and ask to be put on a cancellation list in the hopes you can get in sooner.
prednisone what fixes me.
I have had all the same issues and when I go to the ER they call my Dr who gives me pain killers and prednisone.

Sorry I know the pain you feel.
The Flagyl isn't helping one bit. I'm back to laying in bed in tears on a heating pad. I think I need to be put on prednisone. I really just need something for the pain. My stomach is hard as a rock, I'm just so scared
I think you should get to the hospital. They need to treat you. Blood work, x-ray and something for pain.
Its not right that you should continue to suffer the way you have been.

Sending you my ongoing support.
I agree, if your stomach is hard, you should go to the ER. I can't understand why they didn't do a scan last time.
They did an X-ray and blood work and said everything came back normal, except in my X-ray there was some air pockets? I think. And said it could be from my Humira.
Seems like a CT Scan would've been more appropriate given your symptoms, but I'm not a doctor. I agree with the others, though - back to the ER you go. Are you passing stool at all?

Flagyl made me vomit like no other. I won't take it anymore.

I'm so sorry about the lack of care you've received from your GI & Hospital. Good luck to you!
Yes I am passing them, but my stool is just shooting right out of me. I feel like I'm going to throw up every ten minutes. Is that the Flagyl? Also feel like I'm having heartburn. It's hard to stay strong sometimes, I feel like I'm always crying now. I'm just scared to go back to the ER because I don't want them wasting my time and money again.
I don't know what's going on, but for me, the Flagyl was the cause of all my nausea. However, you may have something else going on that's also causing it. I don't know what to suggest to you, except that I'd think your life is worth more than your money (although I genuinely understand not wanting to waste money at the ER). I'm sorry you feel so terrible.
Alright I landed myself back in the ER because I've been throwing up all night let's see what happens now :(
ER is right where I would go.
I pray all is well....
Please keep us up to date with any additional prayer needs.
So my doctor finally did something and got me in to do a cat scan on Friday. I went home after and lied down. They said I wouldn't know the results until the middle of next week but I got a call and they told me to go to the emergency room and they were going to admit me because I have an obstruction. So you all were correct! I was so relieved but bawling at the same time, I have never really hospitalized for my Crohns except for colonoscopys and tummy pain so it was a big deal. I get here and they put a tube down my nose and throat.. By this time there was throw up all over myself, the student nurse, and the nurse. I couldn't stop throwing up from this thing. They put me in a normal room and said I would be here a few days. With no food or drinks :( they are trying to drain out all the gas and nasty stuff in there and I've gotten out ALOT. It looks so nasty. I'm having really bad chest pain I think it's from the tube though. So they have been giving me morphine a zofran through my IV. I've lost so much weight. Doctor came in and said they are trying to stay away from surgery because sometimes it could make it worse. So they are pumping me out for a few days. Other doctor said I am going to have to get surgery soon so maybe in a few weeks or months. For the moment they took me off Humira and put me on a steroid. I'm just so happy they got me in, if only they would have listened to me two weeks ago!!!!

Sorry so long haha
I'm sorry you had to go through all this crap but relieved that you were FINALLY treated.

Take care of yourself.
I'm so glad to hear you finally got treated! :( I really hope the obstruction manages to clear without surgery -- that would be lovely. If it does, they can hopefully just treat the (possible) narrowing that caused it with dilation, which I think is the least invasive option if I'm remembering right. Resection would only be if that fails.

I hope that you're feeling better soon. :hug:

Also going to move this to the Strictures & Obstructions subforum, if that's all right!
I used to have to go to the ER every month or 2 for obstruction, so I feel your pain. That nose tube is a treat, should be illegal to do that to conscious people lol! It is mighty effective at decompressing the obstruction though, hope you clear up without having to have surgery. The steroids should help too. Sending good thoughts your way!
The nose tube is the worst part! But I'm feeling better and I'm passing gas so that's a good thing :) thanks all of you for the support. I was to the point where I was getting depressed, I'm just happy I'm getting the treatment I deserve now. Thanks again!
Does taking the tube out hurt? Or make you throw up? I'm so nervous for them to take it out but I need it out so I can eat!! I can't afford to lose any more weight. They are saying my stomach looks 100xs better than when it did :) so now it's the waiting game with them clamping the tube for four hours to see if I get sick or anything so fingers crossed!
Hi Zebrina. I find the tube going in more difficult than coming out. It feels weird more than anything. Its very quick, 2-3 seconds and its out. I've never vomited when it comes out. Like you, I have puked on everyone and everything going in.

Enjoy your first meal.

Take it easy.

Well that's great to hear! They will probably monitor me tomorrow when they take it out, and keep me on a chicken broth and jello diet. I just want a big hamburger!!! I know that's not good for me but I feel like I could eat a cow. I have to keep it easy though or I'll land myself back in here.
I will keep you in my prayers. Having an obstruction is not fun at all. I'm glad you are finally getting some treatment and hopefully you will soon have some relief. Take care
Glad you're getting treatment and starting to get better, Zebrina. I'd say the fact that you want to eat a hamburger is a good sign. Crossing my fingers for you that the tube will be out soon!
They took the tube out!!!! It felt so nasty and smelled like socks but now I'm just happy it's finally out! They said I look 100xs better then when I came in.

One question though where your guys stomachs gassy after they took it out? Mine is rumbling. Could it be from me being hungry?
Hey, glad it's out!!! Did you find it painful?

My guess on the rumbling is a combination of hunger and gas. It's not being sucked out anymore.
But I'm no doctor. Check with the nurse if it persists.
No it didn't hurt just felt so weird. They put on jello and Serria mist! They want me to stay another night but I just want to be in my own bed and shower. Can I discharge myself? I really just want to leave.
Don't discharge yourself against doctors orders. Your insurance company will not pay for some or all of your coverage if you do that.
I will stay then. But for dinner I think they are trying to kill me... I had tomato soup, ice cream, milk, and coffee. Do they forget that some people can't have milk and it's going to make my tummy even grassier :(
I know it's a bit late, but if you happen to need to be admitted again definitely bring up your dietary requirements with them.

My hospital will work to whatever reasonable dietary requirements you have whilst there. e.g. Vegetarian, religious customs; low fibre/residue, diabetic; lactose intolerant, celiac or whatever.

Glad to hear you're feeling well! :D

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