Abdominal pain dx not as crohns but reflux; now what?

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Aug 26, 2010
abdominal pain dx not as crohns but reflux; now what?

Hi all -

Yesterday I went to see my GI because I had had 4 moderate to severe episodes of upper abdominal pain with vomiting over the past three months
(2 times in Dec, 2 times in February). Based on my description of the pain (upper abdomen, not involving bowel movements) he said the pain was not crohn's but most likely reflux, specifically midepigastric and LUQ discomfort.

He said this reflux could be due to an increased sensitivity in my digestive system because of the entocort i have been taking.

Besides the abdominal pain, I have been feeling better. I have gained some weight since December, I have typically only 2 poops a day, and my energy has been good. Based on my positive indications otherwise he is going to slowly taper me off of the entocort. He recommended that I follow an antireflux diet (no fried, fatty, spicy foods, caffeine, no fruit juice, no veggies, etc) for three weeks then slowly add foods back in.

I left the appointment feeling very happy that the pain was not crohns specifically and that I was given the green light to taper off of the entocort.

I am now worried/second guessing the diagnosis. Could this pain really only be reflux? Could I have an ulcer? Should I insist on tests (colonoscopy, upper endoscopy) to really identify what is going on?

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

ps I am also on 6 mp
I would get an Endoscopy, I did, and it was the best thing I did, turns out I have a Hiatus Hernia and I am guessing from the dreaded Prednisone. I was on Nexium but that too has drawbacks, it is a bone robber and steals calcium. I only take it when I need to and I eat smaller meals and eat more often, never a full big meal. My worst is cinnamon and OJ, so I dont drink juice and limit my cinnamon. I would get a scope just to be sure there is nothing going on with your gall bladder or liver, so easy to get the pains for Acid reflux and could be something else. I assumed I hate AR too because my sister has it. I got checked.
Prednisone won't really cause a hiatus hernia but can certainly irritate one.
I think it may be worth waiting and seeing if your symptoms settle with his advice-there's no rush.
Even if you have an ulcer or reflux or hiatus hernia, simply following his advice and also reducing the entocort will help. If it doesn't he will probably either suggest acid reducing meds or arrange a scope then. I personally wouldn't rush to have another tube stuck down my throat until I'd tried a few simple measures.
Thanks for your suggestions!

Thanks for your suggestions. I think I will follow the reflux diet for a week or so and see where things stand.

Both of your comments were really helpful. It helps so much to get feedback from others who have crohn's/colitis. Talking with family and friends isn't as helpful because they just don't get it!

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