Abortion safety with Crohns?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 12, 2011
Richmond, VA
Please no comments regarding pro-choice vs. pro-life...

I have been married for 10 years and recently had a lapse in my birth control due to an urgent (same day) crohns related surgery. We had had sex the day prior to my surgery and then due to surgery I missed my next 2 pills (which are low dose)!!! I know the chances of me being pregnant are slim, but I am soooo scared as my body could not handle that at this point. I am on strong antbx and loosing weight daily due to no appetite. I want my body to heal and when I am more stable consider a baby... For a baby deserves the best chance and I just don't think my body can provide that now.

So, the question is: have any of you had to have an abortion while dealing with crohns? Which method is safest and is there anyway to get thru one without MORE antbx (I finally am being allowed to stop them and they have wrecked me!).

PS - I may be over worrying & too soon, but it would really help my peace of mind to hear another's story.
Have you done a pregnancy test? Or is it too soon? It's no use stressing over something that might not be necessary. :hug:
It's still too soon. And you are right... I never used to be such a over thinking worry wart, but lately the combo of strong antbx, cabin fever and more surgery to come has made my head just go nuts with over thinking.
Hi myriahdawn, I do hope that everything will be fine and you wont have to worry about it at all. I haven't heard any mention of abortion and Crohn's before so I just looked up the different types of procedures here: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/unplannedpregnancy/abortionprocedures.html I'm going to tag Judith in hopes that she might have some more information for you. Hope you're healing well. :)
Hi Myriahdawn,
I hope you are feeling better quickly.

You have a few options available:
Emergency Contraception / Medication to prevent implantation - Plan B. This must be taken within 72 hours (the earlier the better). This medication is similar to those used in the birth control pill. Side effects include Fatigue, Abdominal Pain, Heavy Menses. (I realize this option is probably outside of your window)

Medical Termination of Pregnancy - These are medications that stop the fetus from developing and results are similar to miscarriage. Side effects can include diarrhea, cramping, bleeding, nausea, etc. A short course of antibiotics may be given.

Surgical Termination of Pregnancy - This option can be performed under general anesthesia (while you are asleep) or sometimes using a local anesthetic (numbing medication used while you are awake / sedated). The procedure is done as an outpatient. Side effects include abdominal pain, cramping, nausea/vomiting (from anesthesia). Most patients are given a short course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

No matter what option you choose, earlier is better. Also, the antibiotic course is very short. Some physicians will give the antibiotic in an IV (for surgical procedures) plus a couple of tablets when you wake up or for some procedures antibiotics may be taken for 7 - 10 days (often less).

Having Crohn's places you in a higher risk category for complications from infection due to any procedure including pregnancy termination. This risk is increased if you are on certain drugs that suppress your immune system, such as [wiki]Prednisone[/wiki], [wiki]Humira[/wiki], [wiki]Remicade[/wiki], [wiki]Cimzia[/wiki], etc.

Also, abdominal cramping, a typical side effect of these procedures, may exacerbate your Crohn's symptoms. Your doctor may be able to give you some medication to reduce the cramping.

I hope everything works out for the best.
if you are worried about high risk pregnancies, there are high risk doctors dedicated to high risks patients like us who do care for patients with IBD.

I personally looked into one before my stroke to see if he'd take me on as a patient if I were to have a child.

Your Ob/Gyn would have the list as that is where I got my referral.

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