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Nov 15, 2010
So, hate to bring up another ugly topic, but I just went through my first abscess and the doctor told me they were common for Crohn's. Never do I want to experience that again. Does anyone have any stories for me? Any ways to prevent them?
Yes, I get abscesses and perianal fistulas, but I'm not sure that I know how to prevent them since my bottom seems to be a revolving door for them! I'm getting better at knowing the signs for impending abscess or other forms of infection: high temperature, night sweats, severe lack of appetite, etc. and I call my GI right away to get antibiotics for them.

I get abscesses and perianal fistulas on average about six times a year, and each time, it really messes me up. As soon as I can 'feel' the abscess or fistula, I start hot compressing (really hot water with flannel or makeup remover pads) the abscess straight away. I also use a sitz bath to find some relief. Although the antibiotics bring its own share of challenges, they tend to clear up the abscess/fistulas.

I know that, for some people, fistulas and abscesses create a much bigger problem than they have for me. But oh my, they can be painful!
Hey fellow BCers! Glad to know I'm not alone. This is a side effect I wasn't prepared for and I wasn't prepared for the pain either. Had it lanced and ow, I don't want to experience that again.
I never got any temperature or sweats, so I worried I won't know when I'll get one again (hopefully never).
Hi Cordilla...
I hope you are starting to feel better. Abcesses smart. No fun at all.
I have had 3 peri rectal abcesses surgically drained. ( I was lucky, it was under general anesthesia)I was very ill for the 1st two, and got to the Dr before I was really ill the 3rd time. Still had to be hospitalized, but all 3 healed up without needing additional drainage. If you even think you are getting another one, beat feet to the Dr. They can be dangerous and lead to sepsis of you don't get treatment in time.
Try warm baths and showers to keep things very clean. Not too hot though, which is drying. If I am flaring I shower even more often, and slather things with A&D ointment to try to prevent a fissure, which could lead to another abcess.
Get better quick...I hope you are feeling better soon and that there are no more nasty abcesses in your future.
Joni O
I had an internal abcess 5 weeks after my 3rd surgery. It was at the surgery site where it was 1. resected 2. taken apart for 5 weeks then 3. put back together again. I told my surgeon after my 3rd surgery that I felt pain. I was told by her that it was just normal healing. A few weeks later one night I started to have sever pains where I was not even able to move my right leg and my fever went over 104. I was rushed to the emergency room in unbearable pain. They stablalized me and told me that I was very ill and might need a 4th surgery. I refused and then got transfered back to the hospital where the surgeon was who did my surgeries. No one else would treat me. I was told that the surgeon I had needed to take care of the situation. No one wanted to be liable. When I got transfered and she walked in I kicked her out of my room and yelled at her that it was her fault. I refused suregry and harsh treatments and stuck with IV meds that thankfully worked. Yes, it took over 2 weeks in the hospital but it did close on its own with the meds and no other major procedures.
Good for you for sticking it through, Jennjenn. Another surgery after all those is hard to contemplate.
Wow. Seems to me these abscesses are serious business. Why would they leave this out of all the symptoms you could possibly get with Crohn's?? I'm keeping an eye out for these little things. Alls I got to say was it was by far the worst pain I've experienced to date due to my Crohn's.
I am on abscess number 2 since being diagnosed in early 2009, the first one was very very painful, I couldn't sit or walk I had to have almost emergency surgery to drain it.
This second one, I knew something was wrong, I was having night sweats, spiking fevers with no other symptoms, and I am having drainage. I have a fistula from the first abscess and after my surgery on the 2nd my doc will know if this will be a second fistula. I also currently have 2 anal fissures, but I am on Flagyl right now for the abscess and fissures and it is helping.
Sitz baths do wonders, my first one I couldn't sit in the bath so I would use warm compresses while laying on my side.
Unfortunately it is an ugly and painful side effect of this disease.

Good Luck and if you feel like you might be getting another, call the doc right away. I caught the second one early enough so I am not going to be in pain like I was before.

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