Absess' around your stoma

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Mar 5, 2012
Portsmouth, UK
Has anyone else suffered with these?
I have just had a second one confirmed today.
It is on the under side of my stoma and the second one ive had in the last 6 months.
Its 3.5cm long and quite deep under the surface of the skin. I have to have an MRI later this week to se what the best plan of action is.
They might be able to drain it with a needle whilst having an ultra sound scan or it will need surgery.
Very sore and tender and have felt fluey for the last few days.
I understand this is a complication seen fairly frequently. However, I havent experienced it myself yet.

Have you had your stoma resited recently? Any particular thing they are thinking that caused it?
Yes...I had my first one a few months ago. I had to have surgery to drain it and was left with an open wound requiring a wound vac. A few months later, fistulas appeared right near it. It became so difficult to get a bag to stay on. It all became such a mess that I had a resite done and had a new stoma made a few inches from the old one. I have a wound vac on again over the old stoma site and just got out of the hospital last week. I tried and tried to save the old stoma, but I wish I had bit the bullet and just did the surgery earlier....the surgeon said that once you get abscesses, fistulas aren't far behind. Hopefully meds will get it under control for you, but there was no saving my old stoma.... :(
Ive not had it re-sited yet but i'm thinking that might not be too far away in the future.
I keep being told its another big op tho!!
Im told it the aggresive nature of my crohns that is causing the absess.
Ive been on Humira 6 months which was meant to put a halt to these pesky things.
My nurse thinks it might be the old one ome back again seeing as its in the same place again and might not of been cleaned/drained correctly last time.
I have had a fistula since the last time it was drained. Luckily it has not caused me too many probs. I just cut the hole bigger in the bag and it seems to collect the goo.
Just want to be well!!!
Yep - had a big peri stomal abscess which was drained. Then developed multiple fistula around stoma. Had to have stoma resited on the other side. Bloody awful disease innit!

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