Wow, where do I begin...
Two and a half years ago during my student teaching I started to have stomach pains, they would last for a bit and then go away. So naturally, I though being a healthy 22 year old woman I just must be allergic to something. I tried gluten, dairy, etc without any help. I felt really tired all the time but being a new teacher, I just thought it was par for the course and decided to suck it up. Fast forward to about 6 months later, still having occasional stomach pains, being in my the middle of my first real year of teaching I got very sick, nausea, diarrhea and horrible stomach pains one night and eventually went to the emergency room. They dismissed me with a stomach flu (that I must have gotten from one of my germy students) but then a week later it happened again and made an appointment with a GI. After going to the GI, I was also dismissed but told if it happened again to come back. Two weeks later, more pain, vomiting, diarrhea and another trip to the GI. This time the GI left for the day before he saw me and luckily Kevin could see me. He actually listened to me and made me feel like I wasn't going completely insane.
A few weeks later I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and got the diagnosis of Crohn's (February 2011). Now almost a year, later I am facing my first surgery to remove a stricture in my small bowel. I have flares about once a month and unfortunately there is too much scar tissue for any drugs to really help it. I am currently searching for the right surgeon and confirming the diagnosis. I have to admit that I am stalling a bit and hoping to finish out the end of my school year and wait until June so I can actually have some recovery time and relax a bit.
If you couldn't tell from my post and my name (its what my freshman call me), I am a teacher. A high school math teacher to be exact and I absolutely love it. I cannot imagine doing anything else and I hate that some days I feel so terrible that I cannot even stand and I am missing teaching my students. My passion is definitely my biggest strength and my biggest downfall; I care too much and sometimes push myself too hard and stress out. I am still figuring out exactly what I can handle and sometimes have to just pack up and leave. I still have a hard time admitting that I can't do it all.
Two and a half years ago during my student teaching I started to have stomach pains, they would last for a bit and then go away. So naturally, I though being a healthy 22 year old woman I just must be allergic to something. I tried gluten, dairy, etc without any help. I felt really tired all the time but being a new teacher, I just thought it was par for the course and decided to suck it up. Fast forward to about 6 months later, still having occasional stomach pains, being in my the middle of my first real year of teaching I got very sick, nausea, diarrhea and horrible stomach pains one night and eventually went to the emergency room. They dismissed me with a stomach flu (that I must have gotten from one of my germy students) but then a week later it happened again and made an appointment with a GI. After going to the GI, I was also dismissed but told if it happened again to come back. Two weeks later, more pain, vomiting, diarrhea and another trip to the GI. This time the GI left for the day before he saw me and luckily Kevin could see me. He actually listened to me and made me feel like I wasn't going completely insane.
A few weeks later I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and got the diagnosis of Crohn's (February 2011). Now almost a year, later I am facing my first surgery to remove a stricture in my small bowel. I have flares about once a month and unfortunately there is too much scar tissue for any drugs to really help it. I am currently searching for the right surgeon and confirming the diagnosis. I have to admit that I am stalling a bit and hoping to finish out the end of my school year and wait until June so I can actually have some recovery time and relax a bit.
If you couldn't tell from my post and my name (its what my freshman call me), I am a teacher. A high school math teacher to be exact and I absolutely love it. I cannot imagine doing anything else and I hate that some days I feel so terrible that I cannot even stand and I am missing teaching my students. My passion is definitely my biggest strength and my biggest downfall; I care too much and sometimes push myself too hard and stress out. I am still figuring out exactly what I can handle and sometimes have to just pack up and leave. I still have a hard time admitting that I can't do it all.