Achy pains across my pelvis which radiate down my legs

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 29, 2010
Hi everyone

I'm brand new here and am wondering if anyone has had the same worries as me.

Wee bit of history - I was diagnosed at 19 but, having read a lot of your postings on here, seem to have been lucky so far and only have minor symptoms (well, major to me but relatively speaking......). I have had periods of bleeding then normality for the past 13 years but this flare up seems to be different.

I am experiencing both sharp and achy pains across my pelvis which radiate down my legs, heartburn and A LOT of gas - none of which I've had before (along with the usual bleeding etc). I'm also getting backache and shooting pains throughout my abdomen which I dont know if is Crohns related or not.

My concern is that it's being labelled as a Crohns flare up when it could indeed be something altogether different (it's symptoms of ovarian issues too I believe). I'm going to the hospital on the 8th Feb and will no doubt be given an appointment for a colonoscopy but this will all take weeks, if not months! What if it is something more serious and It's just been dismissed as pain relating to my Crohn's flare up?? I just dont trust them.

Anyone else ever had this concern? It's worrying me silly.


:( :sign0144:
Welcome! :)

I can completely relate to how you're feeling. is it possible to request and ultrasound, just to make sure things are alright? I believ that doc's can do internal exams as well to check out the ovaries. I would just be frank with your doctor about your concerns. Hopefully things get worked out soon!
I don't blame you for your concern. How about making appointments with your general practitioner and gyno? They could be looking at other areas at the same time just to rule out other problems. That is what I did last year. I thought possible endometriosis and they did testing to rule out ovarian cysts, etc. The general practitioner could rule out renal issues. Best of luck.
:welcome: Italie...I agree with the other posters. Go visit the OB/GYN just in case. Are they treating this with any Crohn's meds in the meantime?

I hope you get some answers and relief soon.
Welcome to the forum :) I can't really help with your concerns but this is a great place for advice and support. If you are worried, definately push someone for some answers!
Unfortunately it very well could just be the CD acting up, there's an array of symptoms with flares, and each flare can differ greatly from on another...of course the rule of thumb is, any changes (new symptoms) should always be reported to your GI...if after seeing your GI you still feel like something just isn't right, then definitely a trip to your gyno is a good idea..always better to be safe than sorry.

Don't think gas and heartburn have anything to do with the OB/GYN part , but the leg and back and pelvis pain is a whole nother story make that Gyn app. asap take it from me nothing to play around with better safe than sorry. By the way how old are you? Good Luck Keep us posted:0
Welcome, Italie. I can't help with the leg pain, but I sometimes get back pain with my Crohn's. I agree with everyone else... it wouldn't hurt to have your general practice doctor check things out in the meantime.
I would see a gyno just to be on the safe side also can your GP send you for an ultrasound of your ovaries? I know when I was first sick I made an appointment with both my GI and a Gyno but my GI appointment came in first so did that and found out I had crohns I kept my Gyno appointment to be on the safe side but a week out from it I had been feeling great after being on Pred for a few weeks so didn't want to waste their time, plus I had an ultrasound and it showed all was good. I do sometimes wonder if I have crohns I know I have inflammation in my small intestine but I just dont seem to be getting better or under control. I too had bad back pain and pain across my pelvis and down my legs as well as stabbing abdo pain, I thought maybe I had endometrosis. I would really like to have another colonoscopy just to see how my insides are. Good luck I hope you get some answers soon.
Thanks very much for all your replies. I phoned this morning and made an appointment to see my GP this afternoon to get it checked out. I feel as though I'm never away from the Doctor and I'm concerned that they are going to think i'm a hypochondriac so have been reluctant to go but, after your advice, I decided to do it. So thanks everyone for giving me that push. I'll let you know how I get on!

'Pain in the butt' - I'm 33, why do you ask??

'imisspopcorn' - I'm not actually on any meds at the moment. I had a retention enema to use for 2 weeks which calmed things down a little but since then I've just been waiting for my hospital appointment to come through. Everything moves so slowly here! :thumbdown:
I'm 45 now and at age 40 was Dx with cervical cancer stage 3 only missed one year pap test and I was never the type to sleep around which sometimes people assume thats the only way to gget it . Plus a dear friend of mine has ovarian cancer and i just panic I guess for anyone that would wait to long for an appointment I would never want anyone to go through what I went through and am still going through. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you . It's probally nothing . Sorry If I made you worry. Iv'e been a bit of a nut case on these pred. anyhow thats why I ask your age. Hope your appoinment went well with your GI . Good luck:)