Activated Charcoal for Gas/Flatulence?

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Aug 28, 2012
I am SOOOOOOO tired of my gas! Episodes are far too frequent come on very suddenly and aren't always pretty like scented roses. They can be worse overnight while I am sleeping and I wake up noticing a distinct smell in the room...(sorry, TMI maybe? lol):stinks:

the only thing that helps me is ginger tea and gas-x but I need a little extra help on my worst days.

I read somewhere that activated charcoal could be helpful to control them. Has anyone with crohn's ever tried this? What are your thoughts? Did it cause constipation or other side effects? Does it react with other medications?
I have heard this also, but have not tried it out. I have activated charcoal for any stomach bugs, or bad food problems. It works good for that.

It will absorb medications making them ineffective, so you would not want to use it close to any oral medications. It is used if poisons or medicine overdoses occur, as it absorbs many times its weight in toxins.

It can constipate you, put it takes quite a lot to do that.

try Diarrhea Stop by Renew Life, get a bottle of imodium and i know bentonite clay works well too. hope 1 of those helps you. :)
I've heard of people having results with turmeric capsules and / or apple cider vinegar, but personally only thing that worked was eliminating the problem food. Maybe your results will be better.
Well since I wrote this post back in August I realized that while I can't control all of the gassy situations, food was definitely a contributing factor....especially drinking milk (which I LOVE too much). I stopped drinking milk and after only a few days the gas and bloating decreased. I haven't been able to determine any other foods but I do now use Immodium Multi-Symptom SPARINGLY to help me at least in public situations. Whatever I do behind closed doors I just let happen lol.

Its still annoying, I'm just thankful that is a lesser annoyance now than it was a few months ago. I am also going to look into the suggestions made by you crushingcrohns and InstantCoffee. Thanks for sharing! Every tip/lead helps! :)

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