Admitted to the hospital

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Jun 3, 2014
I ended up going to the ER last night because the pain in my stomach and joint aches along with the bathroom trips was just too much. They did a CT which looked okay. My bcc and liver enzymes was slightly up but nothing major. They decided to admit me and I finally got to my room around 5 am. They have sent off for a stool culture and tomorrow have scheduled a colonoscopy and a EGD. Also dilation but not sure what that is? They had me drinking the gallon of prep stuff but it wouldn't stay down so now I am drinking lemon lime Gatorade with miralax which tastes better but have a lot to drink. I was completely dehydrated and haven't had more than a few sips of water since yesterday. I am nervous that my colon will be clear but still have all The symptoms of a flare. It's been a long day and hope everyone has a great night.
Hi. I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital but I think you are in the best place. I hope you start feeling better soon.
Thank you DJW. I was told this morning that I tested positive for c-diff and that more than likely I caught it from one of the public restrooms that I used around five days ago while driving from tenn to Florida. I am Scared at the fact I don't know much about this and won't until the doctor comes in and they are doing a colonoscopy in three hours. I am upset that my husband is more worried about when I am getting out versus me
Actually being sick. It's embarrassing sitting here at 33 crying in the hospital but I can't help it.
Hi Mel, a dilation is done during a colonoscopy to try and help areas of narrowing. It has really helped me in the past. You are entitled to cry, it is an exhausting illness. Make sure you have plenty of meds for scope as it is uncomfortable.
Thanks daisy they are sedating me for the procedure. Does the dilation and removal of polyps make it hurt worse afterwards?
Not really, I found that any pain settled down quickly. And dilating my strictures meant I could eat without obstructions. I hate air being pumped in me so always make sure I have maximum sedation. It may make a real difference, fingers crossed.
Best of luck, Mel. It will all be over soon and at the end of it, they should have a better idea of your situation. Have you been diagnosed, or is this part of the investigation?
Thank you DJW. I was told this morning that I tested positive for c-diff and that more than likely I caught it from one of the public restrooms that I used around five days ago while driving from tenn to Florida. I am Scared at the fact I don't know much about this and won't until the doctor comes in and they are doing a colonoscopy in three hours. I am upset that my husband is more worried about when I am getting out versus me
Actually being sick. It's embarrassing sitting here at 33 crying in the hospital but I can't help it.

Your husband loves you!! My hubby had difficulty during my stay, but it is partially from not understanding, partially b/c I think a lot of men hate hospitals, and a whole lot of worry!! It's ok to cry and we are here to listen :).

Hope all goes well! Let us know ((((hugs))))
They canceled my procedure because of
The blood thinners I am on and are going to see if they can take me off. As of right now they are telling me I am positive for
C-diff and that this is a flare up. Waiting for the dr to
Com in. Thank you all
Boo! I know how it feels to prep for a colonoscopy and have it cancelled!! A very bad joke. I hope they can figure things out for you.

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