I ended up going to the ER last night because the pain in my stomach and joint aches along with the bathroom trips was just too much. They did a CT which looked okay. My bcc and liver enzymes was slightly up but nothing major. They decided to admit me and I finally got to my room around 5 am. They have sent off for a stool culture and tomorrow have scheduled a colonoscopy and a EGD. Also dilation but not sure what that is? They had me drinking the gallon of prep stuff but it wouldn't stay down so now I am drinking lemon lime Gatorade with miralax which tastes better but have a lot to drink. I was completely dehydrated and haven't had more than a few sips of water since yesterday. I am nervous that my colon will be clear but still have all The symptoms of a flare. It's been a long day and hope everyone has a great night.