Adrenal gland shot?!

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May 4, 2011
Something is VERY wrong since I hit the 12.5 mg prednisone daily dose.They say to tapper off gradually... WELL, I GO DOWN BY 0.6-0.7 mg and stay at that for the whole week! How's that gradual for you?

Still, I don't seem to be able to through the 12.5 mg F@&$ WALL!

I feel extremely weak all day to the point of being scare of going out...lightheaded too. So I raised back to 12,5 mg last Monday, felt better, and tapered off to about 11.7 mg for the second time and extreme tiredness again! It is NOT just like "I am tired", I am WEAK and lightheaded, more so in the morning. And it lasts. Day after day...

So I have this question: can someone be THAT sensible to pred tapering !? Could it be that my adrenal glands are shot? And how do I know!? My other problem: GPs seem not to be very knowledgeable concerning prednisone problems. What would you do? Try to get to see an endocrinologist? Is there a test I could pass to see what's wrong? Maybe I got diabetes while on pred (3months) without knowing...

I have no other symptom, no inflammation, NOTHING. So, it can't be lack of iron, etc. I am totally puzzled by this problem... Again,what would YOU do?

Pierre, Canada
Here's info on Prednisone withdrawal:
Severe fatigue
Body aches
Nausea or vomiting
Lightheadedness when standing (low blood pressure)

The symptoms you mentioned sound like withdrawal. Its something you'll have to talk to your doctor about. Other people on the forum have also had issue with withdrawal so you're not alone. You mentioned your GP but what about your GI? If you think your blood sugar may be an issue then have your doctor check it. Its just a prick of the finger and the results are instant.

Edit: Sorry didn't really say what I would do personally. :p I'd go in and see the doctor who prescribed it and tell them that I cannot get past __ dose because it makes me feel _____ and _____ etc. and I cannot function this way. I'd say that I have to work, take care of people, have obligations that require me to be able to function and that they need to help me get off of this medication in a way where I can function on a daily basis. I'd mention that I can't drive or do anything and it doesn't go away even after ___ days of the lower dose and only feel better when I go back to the original dose. There have to be other options besides, "just deal with it," cause it can take months to taper and you can't be out of commission for that long.

Edit 2: If the doctor who originally prescribed it does nothing still then I would contact any of my doctors no matter who they are and try to get their help cause they are also able to write prescriptions in case you need to refill the Prednisone for a longer taper and get the smallest dose possible (comes in 5 and 1mg).
I agree totally with Crabby - prednisone withdrawl is HORRIBLE for some! And yes, it sounds like when you get to that "special dose" it definitely sounds like you are having withdrawl symptoms.

That being said - if you don't get the answers you like - find a different doctor. There are things that can be done to help you. One question to ask your doctor: can you go one a different corticosteroid (or something like budesonide) that may be easier to taper off? I could be dreaming, but I am pretty sure I have heard of this being done - and because something like budesonide has lesser withdrawl symptoms, may be easier to taper.....

Just a thought....

Good luck!

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