Adult Son w/Crohn's Depression/Addiction

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Feb 21, 2013
Our 29 year old son was diagnosed with Crohn's at age 11; had surgery at age 23. Since then he has been depressed intermittently - at this point he is severely depressed. To deal with depression and Crohn's pain he has become addicted to both alcohol and pain meds, ending up suicidal. (He finished a 30 day treatment program at the end of December.)

We're at a loss as to where to turn with this. He no longer has health insurance, and so no access to a gastroenterologist. The primary physician he sees just throws pain meds at him, typically Vicodin. He also takes Seroquel for depression, which as I understand is not a good antidepressant for Crohn's.

He's been unable to work for several months due to the Crohn's flare up, as he is unable to eat for a week at a time due to diarrhea and pain, heads to ER due to dehydration, despite trying to drink liquids (Gatorade) and Ensure. This cycle continues over and over.

So, do we deal with the addiction or the Crohn's - they are so interrelated, it's maddening to know where to start. Without the availability of medical professionals due to lack of insurance, we feel incredibly frustrated and even frightened about the potential outcome of this situation.

I find it so difficult to choose an appropriate icon to represent this post... :(
You've got to deal with the alcohol addiction first. Large amounts of alcohol are not good for the gut and it will only make things worse. Not sure what state you live in, but maybe a medical card for cannabis might replace the need for booze.

Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear of your sons situation and the heartache you feel for him. Has he tried to reach out to others too? This site would be perfect or even a local group. Even though he is getting help with the addiction, he needs to have others around him going through the same thing.

As a parent we want to fix things for our children. He is blessed to have you in his life.
there are many avenues he can follow if he is willing. he can find places for financial support (I heard once you have surgery, you qualify for financial aid,) On this forum and other support groups he can find friendship and lots of other moms willing to give great advice too :)

Im glad you are here and hope you find what you need too.
Welcome to the forum, I'm so sorry you and your son are going through all this. It must break your heart as a mother as you just want to "fix" him.
He might also check into disability since he is unable to work due to crohn's there could be medical help there too. But I agree alcohol addiction first.
Honestly, if it were me, I would treat the Crohn's first. You're right that Crohn's and depression can be very intertwined. Whenever I flare up, I get terribly depressed. Some researchers feel there is a direct link between IBD and depression. I don't think it has been proven yet, but it is definitely possible. What I know for sure is, when I flare up, I immediately get very depressed. I lose my sense of humor, I cry at everything, I hate myself and my life and everything and I do sometimes wish for death. I lose myself and it's not fun. I can understand why someone would self-medicate. What your son needs to understand though is that he's really just medicating the symptoms, not the disease itself. If you treat the Crohn's and can get it into remission, then I would think he'd be in a much better frame of mind to start tackling the addiction issues. This is just my opinion based on my own personal experience. I hope your son can feel better soon and can get all his issues under control. Hang in there!
I so appreciate all the some ways this feels a bit like the chicken and egg conundrum regarding tackling the complexities of this illness. I suppose it is true that with a good gastroenterologist he could get the flare up under control and then work on the vodka addiction. I think the bottom line is the lack of health insurance - without that there is limited ability to get real help. Now to work on that...
There are some antidepressants that help with Crohn's symptoms, I think. Perhaps your son could discuss with his doc? I know Wellbutrin is sometimes prescribed, but I think there are others (Amitriptylene?).

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