Advice for the partners of CD sufferers

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 7, 2011
Hi I'm Netsy' partner, just want to ask if there is anyway for me to help other than just be supportive. Sure I'm not the only partner who feels helpless.

Thanks Spike
Hi Spike! Netsy is lucky to have such an involved partner. It is important to have a strong support system when dealing with IBD. So, please don't feel helpless; your love and support is so needed.

There are many other partners on the forum like you, and I am sure you will help others by sharing your advice and experience. I look forward to seeing you around!
Hi Spike :) You are most welcome. I think the best thing to say to you is to be prepared for a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Crohns is very unpredictable and so are Crohnies for various reasons: pain, fatigue, side effects of meds etc.
But don't ever take it personally. It won't be your fault - it's down to this effin disease.
All the best to you both.
Hi, Spike. Netsy is lucky to have you by their side! The only thing I can think of is communication. It kinda includes the honesty, questions, etc. I constantly talk to my boyfriend about it. And if he has questions about what I go through (since it's such a personable disease), he asks me. No boundaries, there can't be. Well, to an extent. :D

Welcome to the forum though! <3
lots of flowers, gifts, trips away, meals out!! ha ha wish my partner would come on here for someone to advise!!! Only joking by the way my hubbie is great we don't talk about it all the time but as Jessica said he knows everything even all the horrible bits and bobs and that really helps that I can tell him everything.
:welcome:Hi Spike! I think the best thing my husband does for me is accept me completely, disease and all. If I'm too sick to go out, then he stays in with me and makes dinner, and we watch a movie. If I feel isolated, he bring friends over AND cleans up the mess lol. And if I have to leave a movie or family gathering early-he doesn't complain, we just leave. He takes care of me when I'm sick, and takes me out when I'm well.

He also cleans, cooks, does laundry without me mentioning it needs to be done. He's an awesome catch! In turn I thank him for everything he does and do lots of little things when I'm well so he knows he's appeciated.:thumright:
Just the fact that you posted this shows how caring you are. My boyfriend has been with me through EVERYTHING and I used to get so worried that he'd get fed up with putting up with all of my IBD issues (which most people without IBD would find pretty gross), but he has been so helpful and constantly supportive that there came a point at which I realized that he accepted me for all of it and theres NO need to worry anymore. I'm sure Netsy is there with you. All you can give is unconditional support really! No tangible gifts can do it better :)
Thanks for all the advice. Dont know about doing the house cleaning lol but the rest is easy. One thing i do an this will sound soppy is Tell her i love her at every chance, Hey hope she wont get fed up of hearing it lol