Advice Needed - Official Compaint of Treatment

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Jun 25, 2013
Hi guys,

I'm looking for some advice regarding whether or not I should make an offical complaint regarding the treatment I have received for fistula's. (Sorry this is very long)

In January this year, I went into hospital to have a standard colonoscopy under general anaesthetic. Before the procedure I signed the consent form for the colonoscopy, but that was it.

While I was under, the surgeon found 3 fistula's (fistulae?), one recto-vaginal, one perianal and one colovesical. He put two seton sutures in the recto-vaginal and perianal ones, without my consent. When I woke up, the nurses told me I had seton sutures, and I had no idea what they were. They asked me 'did you not sign a consent form for sutures?' and seemed quite concerned when I said no. The surgeon then came round and explained to me what he had done, but described the sutures as 'little stitches'.

Later that day when my painkillers wore off, I was in agony. The next day I had to call the surgeon to find out what the hell had happened, as I was under the impression I was going in for a colonoscopy only, and didnt even know what a fistula was at that point. He explained if he didnt do it then, he would just have had to get me in later to do it anyway, which was fair enough. I ended up with 2 months off work.

Fast forward 6 months. I was in again 2 weeks for him to have a look, under GA again, to see if all was okay inside before I start Humira. He got me to sign the consent form again, this time it stated if they found more fistulae he would put sutures in. I signed.

When I came around, I asked the nurses what happened this time. Her reply was 'Nothing, he didnt have to do anything. Just go and see your consultant as normal, you wont have to see the surgeon again.' I was so relieved and happy!!

A week later, I was getting some pretty sharp pains from my sutures that were a bit too sharp for my normal pain. So I had a look down below with a mirror.....and found another bloody suture. When the nurse had told me nothing had happened. Heartbroken. I called my surgeons secretary that week, she was having a look at my discharge notes and calling me back.

She called me half an hour ago. Said that my surgery paperwork was wrong, and that I actually had 2 NEW SUTURES put in!!!! I felt stupid enough as it was not realising I had one new one, to be told that actually I have 2 :( as soon as I finish in an hour I will be going home for a thorough examination of my nether regions. I cant believe I didnt notice :(

I dont know where I stand now with anything. I cant get a hold of my consultant, apparently their office is shut. My surgeon wasnt available to speak to me personally. I dont know what to do :( I want to put an official complaint in, but I dont want to ruin relationships with my consultant and surgeon. So confused. I need to know what is going on with my body, what type my new fistula are, and where I go from here. Can I go on Humira with draining fistula? And so many?! I dont know if Humira will help my colovesical fistula or if I will need surgery on that in the future. I dont know how long it will take for me to get to start Humira. I dont know why I have been given so much false information and hope.

I'm in the dark with my condition, stuck in pain with no end in site, and just want some answers :( 5 confirmed fistula so far, my downstairs is like a car crash :'(

Thank you anyone who has managed to read all that. I needed to get it out.
Wow!! I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this.

I am not sure if you actually want advice or just to vent, but you have the right to vent away thats very frustrating.
First, you have every right to file a complaint against your doctor because you didn't consent and they are not being honest with you. Does the surgeon have an office manager? Do they work for a larger group of physicians? If so I might go there and not straight to him in a hope not to ruin that relationship.

Second, although you didn't consent, which is certainly not ok, from his perspective if you did need work done, especially when you are very ill doctors do have the ability to take immediate action for your well being- would you rather have been woken up to sign and put back to sleep immediately, or would you have preferred to go home and think it over? Also when they didn't tell you the second time around (once again I'm not saying its ok) it was a paperwork issue, and we are all human, so although it stinks, I'd try to forgive them on that one.

I once went under for a bowel resection and woke up with them telling me I had my appendix removed, surgeon changed his mind mid-surgery and didn't tell my or my doctors or family (I was 15). I understand the frustration, and there is no wrong thing to do here, I would keep your well being in mind and try to see past the emotions of it all.
Best of luck, and fast healing!
My son has recently had a bowel resection (he is 18) he had his appendix taken out during the procedure without prior warning and although we were a bit suprised to be told this after discharge (this was never mentioned whilst he was in hospital) we decided that it was better they took it out at the time rather than have to undergo further surgery.

I thoroughly understand how you must have felt but I am sure the procedures were undertaken in your best interest at the time. You are probably going through a lot of anxiety with your diagnosis which will make everything worse.

I have to admit though, although the consultant and specialist nurse keeps saying they are there for my son, we have felt like we are out there in the abyss, hence me being on this site.

My younger sister has had very similar problems to yourself and has been getting fistulas for around ten years, she has never been given a diagnosis to date.

I feel I have a lot to learm about my sons condition and have decided the only way to do that is to speak to others going through what he is going through.

I think if you speak to the surgeon about your possible complaint, you will be looked after very well.

I wish you all the very best with your future treatment.
Thank you for your replies <3

I think I wanted to rant more than anything else tbh. I know the surgeon putting the setons in was in my best interest, its more the second time with the nurses telling me no work had been done and I didnt have to see the surgeon again that I was bothered about.

I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Just feel so in the dark
I can only imagine how upset and frustrated you must be feeling, i too would feel the same You would be well within your rights to put in a greivance, I know everyone is very busy but that was something you definitely needed to know. You should ask to speak to the consultants secretary and then tell her you need to speak to him. It would be very unprofessional of him to ignore you.

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