On 3/17/15 my 17 year old daughter came to me stating she had Diaherra for a month. Rated stomach pain a two. No other symptoms. Going to school. Working after school job. Called pediatrician and was told there was a three week flu with loose stool going around. 2 days later, on 3/19/15 called doctor again. Now, low grade fever, but overall daughter still doing okay. Doctor says flu. 3/20/15 insist upon appointment because I just feel it is worse than the flu and daughter started throwing up. On 3/20/15 doctor runs blood work and does exam. He says based on her symptoms and prelim lab results he thinks she has UC, crohns or celiacs disease. Sends us home with anti nausea pills to wait for rest of results of blood work. Over the next 5 day days daughter "breaks". Sleeping, getting up to go to the bathroom ever hour, all day/night. Nothing else. Lost an incredible amount of weight. Not throwing up but I have a hard time getting any food in her because I can't get her to stay awake. Obviously no school. Took to the doctor 3 more times in the 5 day stretch. She also now has the common cold on top of everything. Got doctor to IV hydrate her once. He denied it the other two times stating it was unnecessary. Test results came back and he sent us to Children's Hospital for an exam the next day. Within 5 minutes of the exam they tell us they are admitting her into Children's for at least a week. At Children's they try to do a colonoscopy but it is so inflamed they can not get around first bend without fear of perfing her intestine, so they cannot complete the exam. Did the endoscopy from the other end. Did X-ray, MRI, everything. End result: ulcers from throat to colon. No fistulas or blockages in what they can see. Small intestine appear to be in good shape. Believe it to be crohns but will have to confirm once they complete the colonoscopy. She ended up in Children's 11 days. Blood transfusions. Tube down nose. Antibiotics IV's. IVs of potassium, magnesium, etc.... Major rehydration and then her body started swelling. She had on average 18 liters of loose stool a day when we got there. She was vaccinated as a kid but broke out in a rash and they thought chicken pox so here comes the infectious disease team and full protective gear. Ended up fine. Had eye inflamation. Here come the optomologist team for epaslaris (sorry spelling?). Ended up fine. The doctors were incredible at Children's. Now the issue is treatment. They decide to go straight to remicade because they need something to react fast. Afraid to treat because she still has the bad cold and tests for chicken pox, TB, etc...are not back. Finally do remicade. Most test results back and the risk of waiting outway the risk of not acting. Daughter still sleeping, only getting up to go to the bathroom. Day after Remicade: daughter wakes up, looks at me and says my stomach hurts. My heart sinks. Daughter says "I am hungry". Joy! Within 24 hours daughter complains to doctor because the kitchen will not give her corn dogs. Doctor said give the kid corn dogs ! They had to hook her up to more iVs to deal with Refeeding syndrome and regulate her electrolytes, but they couldn't take the slower route of slowly increasing her calorie count. End result: been out of the hospital since 4/4/15. Went back to school on 4/6/15. School has been awesome. First remicade, after hospital on 4/14/15. Next one planned 5/14/15 ( building dose). Future ones planned hopefully every 8 weeks. Daughter is back to sassy self. Eating well. Doctor wants her on 3-5 ensure a day. Eat whatever but stay away from popcorn and nuts for now. Still loose stool but hopefully over time.... Back to work. Gaining weight. Getting caught up at School. I am very hopeful. Sorry this is so long. My fear. We never caught it the first time and children's said she was probably in a flare 7 plus months. What happens if we miss it again? I know she will have regular GI apps and blood work but I am so paranoid now. Thanks for listening.