Allergies tonight!

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Staff member
Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
What the heck is up with my allergies tonight?!?!? Haven't had problems for at least a couple weeks, tonight I'm all stuffed up and sniffling away!!!!!!!
Ugh sorry to hear about that. Allegra works great for me but most say Claritin D is best. Is there a 24 hour pharmacy by you? I think whenever the seasons shift people get sick and have allergies too.
I've downed benadryl and Tylenol.....and a drink or two.....and of course now I have two cats sleeping on me!!!
With all the prescriptions I've been given, I try to keep it natural whenever possible! 1 Tbsp of raw, local honey once a day... give it a couple of weeks. I hope you find some relief!
I wouldn't recommend raw honey to paso because she is on Remicade. I think it would be risky to have anything non pasteurized from a company. Also, honey can contain allergens in many cases. Maybe regular non raw honey if tolerable.
Nogutsnoglory: Ive never heard of this precaution before! I'm on Remicade and eat raw honey. Can you please tell me more or refer me to a link? Thank you!
"Some people eat raw honey in the belief that the tiny particles of pollen in local honey can be considered an inoculation that will make your seasonal allergies less intense. By eating small amounts of the trees or flowers you are allergic to in the honey, the theory is, you build up your tolerance to these allergens. However, this theory is flawed and the side effects are dangerous, according to Chris Wagner, a nurse at Dallas Children's Medical Center, in an interview on WFAA-TV Dallas/Fort Worth. Wagner said he has seen cases of anaphylactic shock in people who eat raw honey with allergens in it. Anaphylactic shock an allergic reaction at its worst, as its symptoms are widespread and include difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting, heart failure and possible death. Signs of less severe allergic reactions that may result from eating honey include, itching, puffy skin and rash. Because you cannot control how much pollen is in the raw honey you eat, Wagner does not recommend consuming it to help treat allergies."

"The National Institutes of Health report you should never consume raw honey in order to prevent food poisoning, particularly if you are already immunocompromised."

I have nothing against raw honey except that the spores concern me being immunocompromised myself. Also learned months ago that honey increases TNF alpha
I have nothing against raw honey except that the spores concern me being immunocompromised myself. Also learned months ago that honey increases TNF alpha

This all was so helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time. The journey of living with Crohn's and healing one's body is such a learning process. I've realized the importance of creating your own health plan, but to write it in pencil. Raw honey is being erased!

Thanks again.

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