Almost a month later and still no relief..

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Feb 2, 2012
6 I posted awhile ago about my recent issues with abdominal pain and diarrhea. It's been almost a month since the diarrhea became daily and the pain is not any different. Last night I had a very bad episode of diarrhea that was filled with blood. And I've had a horrible headache for about a week. My joints hurt so bad I barely want to get out of bed. Not sure if it's related or not. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've been to my PCP,2 gastros and 2 different ERs and have no answers. I'm sick of being told,it's just IBS. I'm pregnant but losing weight because of all the loose stools. I can barely evenlook at food,let alone try to eat it. When I do eat,it almost seems pointless,as within an hour it all comes back out. Somebody please give me some insight. I'm getting more depressed by the day and the pain is starting to really limit me. I'm scared that these unresolved(or untreated) issues are going to harm my unborn child..What do I do????:yfrown:
Try getting highly nutrient food/drinks in you since you're feeding not only you but a tiny person in you too. When you're flaring, you wont be absorbing a lot of the vitamins from food.
I also recommend probiotics since it helps a lot with me. Plenty of water is veryyyyyyyyyyyy important!
I've recently tried Bananas, Avacodos, apples (careful with the skin of apples since it has a lot of fiber) and egg whites for the protein (helps the healing process). I notice a chance in the amount of blood i was losing.
Plain white rice is always recommend!!

IDK what else to say. I don't know what meds you're on. Keep searching the internet, it has helped me.
Stress free is important!
Thank you for your response. I'm not currently on any meds. Since they haven't diagnosed me,they just keep giving me crap that doesn't help. I spend so much time on the net trying to find anything to help but it mostly ends up being a waste of time. I will try your tips though and I just hope I can get out of this "flare" or whatever it is. It's so frustrating to be sick everyday and worrying about my tiny baby..I really do appreciate your input :)
If the blood happens again I would take a sample and go back to the ER. You do not bleed with IBS. Are you currently having any care based around your pregnancy, who is monitoring the baby and have you let them know you are loosing weight?

Did you ever get to see the second GI again, or did they just leave you? Maybe a re-visit there could be an idea, they said they didn't know what was going on or what to do right? Well they can consult with someone and decide as far as i'm concerned!

If things get bad at any point just go to the ER. I know it is frustrating coming home again with no answers, but someone must be made to see that the situation can't continue and you need help! I am sure thinking of your child will give you the energy to fight :soledance:
Well Stargirl...I've been lucky to not have any more blood in my stool(at least not noticeable). I am seeing an OB for my pregnancy and they are aware of the weight loss. Not concerned because I'm so early in the pregnancy(but this isn't my first baby and I know something's wrong). I haven't been back to the 2nd GI cause I don't really see thepoint since they can't really do much testing since i am pregnant. I ended up back in the ER 2 days ago with SEVERE diarrhea,the same abdominal pain and projectile vomiting. Bloodwork normal and US normal(which isn't unexpected since you can't see intestinal issues on US). The baby is fine which was the only good thing about the ER least I know the baby is ok. I haven't been able to eat since the vomiting episode and I am passing complete water stools(sorry). The pushed IV fluids and sent me home with (literally) 3 antiemetic pills. Said to follow upwith my OB...which is also pointless since he already ruled out OB/GYN issues. I'm so beyond frustrated. Haven't been able to work,and usually too sick to even get off the couch. Nobody will listen since I've had abdominal pain so much recently..They don't seem to get the pain isn't getting better,because it's not being treated! I don't know what to do at this point. I'm scared that nobody will help me until it's too the point where I end up in the hospital.
perhaps you are getting headaches because of dehydration. Test yourself by pulling up your skin on your arm. If it goes up easily and slowly returns, you may be dehydrated; something quite common with pregnancy anyway. If so, tell doc, as that may require an e.r. visit for iv hydration for a few hours. Feel better! Perhaps drinking some ginger tea may help you a little?
Sorry you are getting the run around!
Have they done any tests like colonoscopy or MRI? I think more investigations are really necessary.
Complete nutritional drinks (Ensure Plus etc) would be helpful, and electrolyte replacement.

good luck.
Mickey,I have already been to the ER twice and had IV fluids. But until they treat the underlying issue,I will probably just continue to get dehydrated since all the water is coming out in my stools. But I'm sure you are right about the headaches being associated with dehydration..makes alot of sense.

Handle..Yes they have done some testing but nothing seeems to be conclusive. I had a colonoscopy in December 2011. The report showed terminal ileitis(which also wasn't treated in any way). They said it appeared "non-specific". And they did 4-5 biopsies which came back normal. I have a good friend with Crohn's that told me they did 15 biopsies to find her disease so i guess 4-5 seems a little low to me. Now they won't do any more testing since I am pregnant and any type of scope could cause a miscarriage..But so can untreated Crohn's. So here I sit,searching the net for any help I can find and trying everything with my diet to make it better. I was also diagnosed with IBS 11 years ago and they just keep saying "its just IBS". Which personally I think means "we don't know what to do so here's a bs answer."
Sad situation is that you have a little one sucking up your nutrition and fluids as well, so you may have to pull double duty on packing in as much nutrition as possible. I have found probiotics and digestive enzymes extremely helpful. Hope you find peace soon!

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