Always fatigued ... Any advice ?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 9, 2012
I know that fatigue and low energy levels are very common issues in patients with crohns and it is caused by many things.

I also have CMV GI disease, which also adds greatly to the problem

I know that doctors are good at explains the causes of fatigue and lack of energy,,,,, but they're of no help in how to deal with it.

My energy levels are always low and I'm easily fatigued

My question:

How do you deal with fatigue ?
What is CMV have you had a full bloodwork? You might need iron or b vitamins like b12. I struggle with fatigue too but smaller more frequent meals and hydration helps.

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CMV, stands for CytoMegaloVirus, it's a causes a flu-like illness, most of us already got it, it stays hidden and dormant in your body, but when your immunity is low because of prednisolone, imuran etc,,, the virus get re-activated
The type of illness it cause varies, symptoms too
It can be either in the blood, which is calleD CMV infection, and easily treated
Or it
Can be in an organ, like me in the duedenem

It gives you fatigue which might last few months

My blood work is now normal