To every single person who replied to me,
Thank you so much! You probably have no idea how much you guys really did help me out. All of the advice, especially the water one

influenced me a lot.
To dingbat, you were very right when you said my changed diet would grow to be like a second nature. It most definately has!
To shazamataz, thank you for your support. I've always tried to eat as nutritiously as possible, and your encouragement managed to boost my self confidence pertaining to eating.
To GI JOE, the fitness tip was also very helpful! I managed to persuade/force my dog to walk about my neighborhood every day to at least get a little bit of excersice and we love it. It's a bit harder to get it in during school, but sports and gym every day help out.
To Jared, I didn't realize that people with Crohn's are more dehydrated then others. I'm glad to you gave me a REALLY good reason to drink lots of water instead of "Just drink water, and lots".

The water tip is my personal favorite.
To Pen, I'm sorry that you had an emercency. I kind of have been ignoring the whole "don't eat corn" thing, but I guess I should think twice! The only thing I really eat with corn is popcorn and that's rarely. Good-bye corn, I guess!
To la la, Medical bills are probably going to be the worst part when I am on my own. Okay, I think I get it now, LOTS OF WATER!

In all seriousness, I honestly didn't even connect the two. I guess I need to go out and buy a huge water bottle then.
It's been over a year since I first posted on this forum and since then, life has gotten to be much better. I'm currently getting IV infusions every six weeks with Remicade and I've been doing absolutely fabulous. If anyone else is haven't problems, I would recommend it. At first I was getting Cimzia shots every month and it wasn't working out, but that doesn't matter any longer.
I plan to get to the rest of you all, but for now I must go. Once again, thank you everyone. I hope I can refer to this forum whenever I am in doubt about something, or if I'm looking for more advice. Who knows, maybe I can even relay what you guys have told me to another? I hope I can help someone, like you have with me. God bless!