I think I see where you are coming from. It is 'nice' when you are not well and you have people fussing round you, being the centre of attention etc. Maybe you worry that when you are well, you will no longer be special. However, with something like Crohn's the pain during a flare far outweighs any benefit! And there is the risk of long term damage.
I have to admit, I am in the middle of being tested for a neurological condition, and when they found lesions on my brain I did have a moment of thinking 'ha, I knew something was wrong, now you'll have to help me'. Is this the sort of thing that goes through your mind when you have tests come back abnormal?
I am afraid I second Dusty's opinion that you seek help, and try to discover the reasons behind your thinking. Maybe you also need a more effective support network around you, people who will continue to care about you and pay you attention when you are feeling good, so you don't need to get people's sympathy all the time.
I'm sorry if this is way off the mark, just trying to understand a little!