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Jun 23, 2010
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for me. On Saturday I'm going to Wonderland for the first time since broski was born, and i was wondering if there's anything i should do or not do to help make sure broski stays happy, and there are not leaks.

If it helps, he's an ileostomy, born on March 26th, 2011, & i'm 14 years old.

Ohhhh; and I loveeeee roller coasters.

Thanks in advance. :)
Grab yourself some Tegaderm (you can get it at Shoppers Drug Mart, usually in the home care department) and put it around the outside edges of your flange. It's the stuff they put over your IV when you're in the hospital. It's waterproof and stays on till you want it to come off. Also, if you're still worried about it, bring some supplies with you just in case :)

I'm assuming you're in your Ontario (unless there are other Wonderland's around!)...I haven't been to Wonderland in about 15 before you were I hope you have a great time though!

I'd also be careful about roller-coasters, not sure where the seatbelts land on those things as I didn't have a stoma the last time I was on one. You wouldn't want to be half way through the ride and find your broski squished!

Welcome to our little group :)
Thanks Nyx. :)

Way ahead of you on the Tegaderm, I use it every time I change my flange. It makes me feel way more confident that i'll have no leaks.
I'll try to check out the seat belts before I get on any ride, hoping there will be some with one that doesn't go down to my waist.
& Yeah, Oakville, Ontario. :)

Thanks for the advice. :)
Have fun! Don't get to deterred if you can't go on some rides there are still plenty of fun rides and things to do and hopefully a friend will stay behind with you if needed. I would bring an extra set of everything in case you need it(like the bag and extra materials to change the bag just in case) it also may help to change your bag the night before or that morning. Have fun
They got rid of Smurf Village??!! I used to love the blue ice cream you got there....well, that just ruined my
It makes sense they stopped making the cartoon in the late 80's. They closed Smurf Village 15-20 years ago. you're making ME want to return...Wonderland ROCKS! Have fun Grey! It has been a decade for me, I think...time to go back!
Too bad about Smurf Village - but you CAN watch reruns of it on Boomerang (TV station) ...they run all kinds of classic cartoons from our youth!!!
Hi Kitty,
What I have found is that once you find the system that works for you and you trust it, you don't have to worry about amusment parks, or the beach, or skiing, so anything really. I use Hollister new Image and I use the thin Hollister belt to make use the bag stays on me, and I like the support it gives when the bag is filling and getting heavy.

I keep spare wafers and bags in the car, but I really don't have to think about it. I've learned to trust the system from it's consistant performance over the last year.

Have fun!!!
Hey Kitty - I would agree with Cindy that you should be most careful about where the restraint systems sit and make sure they don't cut into your stoma. You don't want to bang or bruise Broski and end up with an abcess or anything like that.

Have fun!! I am looking forward to roller coasters this summer as well - last summer I was too scared as I thought I would sh*t myself riding them. No worries now with Bilbo!

- Amy