Mlp Lucy constantly has fissures and the are the presentation of her disease, sometimes you can see them but mostly not, often the are accompanied by an external skin tag, that's how I know she has a new one. The also bleed on going to the loo and the are excruciatingly painful. The latest recommendation (and this changes with every GI visit) is to keep the area as dry as possible so no baths. With Lucy we stand her up in the shower after every bowel motion and thoroughly wash the area with the shower, gently dry the area and then apply a cream called orabase. Orabase is an OTC cream, it's brown and quite oily and acts as a barrier. We have also done the baths and used olive oil / liquid paraffin on the toilet roll for wiping. Have to say none of the above are effective treatments but the do make the cleaning process less painful for her.
Sorry to hear he has fissures now