Ihave had Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) for many years and my reumy wants to put me on Enbrel (anti TNF). 5 weeks ago I had an emergency rthemi colectomy, they removed 12" of intestine and told me I had crohns. I know that Remicade is used to treat crohns but is any one here on Enbrel? Has anyone else got AS and crohns? and how are you being treated.
Ihave had Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) for many years and my reumy wants to put me on Enbrel (anti TNF). 5 weeks ago I had an emergency rthemi colectomy, they removed 12" of intestine and told me I had crohns. I know that Remicade is used to treat crohns but is any one here on Enbrel? Has anyone else got AS and crohns? and how are you being treated.