Annoying stomach noises!

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Mar 20, 2009
Hi everyone!
The last time I posted on here was when I was having trouble with my joints a couple months back.

Since then, my Crohn's has caused me to have to leave college campus. Bummer! Since I left a month ago, I have been feeling 'alright.' Right now I just think my body is hating me for changing locations so many times.

I am on 9; 500 Mg pentasa, 1 1/2 merceptapurine a day. Lately, I have been having quiet uncomfortable and LOUD stomach growling. Normally, when I had those sounds in the past-it meant I would have to use the bathroom shortly. These noises don't seem to make me go to the bathroom. If I get those noises when I'm sitting down and I stand back up-I usually get extremely dizzy. I have noticed that my symptoms have reared there ugly head again since I left school.

Any ideas? Or if I should give my doctor a call?
Thank you everyone.
Hi Missy - sweet picture :O) Yes, I would say that you should call your doctor and have them check you out. If you are having consistent dizziness - I'd at least have some blood work done. Hopefully if you are starting to have a flare they can catch it early and maybe knock it down with a pred taper. Good luck!!!
Hi there, I like the picture too, made me smile... you could be experience gassy episodes, and digestion noises. Maybe trying some digestive enzymes before your meal may help, it does me. If it is painful that is for me I am headed for a flare, and need my antibiotics to help. I take high probiotics which also help put good bacteria in where the bad bacteria causes gas and bloat. Pentasa is a pretty much mild drug but the mercapturine made me ill, it affected my liver and went off it. Sorry I cant remember if it made me dizzy. Hard to tell when you are a blonde lol, kidding. You should have blood work done like Peaches says. Keep us updated ok?

I get the nosies as well, but not with pain. they are REALLY loud and worse during the night to the extent I have to put in earplugs so I can't hear them (I can't actually feel them. MY GI said skinny people often have noisy stomachs. I think this is rubbish since I never had it before diagnosis and a big flare in July. However, They aren't causing me issues at present. If you have pain with yours, probably best to get it checked out though!
I think it has to do with the normal peristalsis of our bowels trying to move food down the pipe, so to speak. If there is narrowing, there is increased resistance and the smooth muscles have to work harder to pass stuff along....I'm no where near as loud and grumbly since I had my resection.....Or it could just be the dreaded Crohn's alien trying to escape:)
Missy- Last time I received my Pentasa prescription I actually read the flyer that came with it. One of the side effects is dizziness. Don't know how long you have been on the Pentasa.

I get dizzy a lot but I think mine has to do with the weather and my sinues. It wouldn't hurt to get some blood work done to make sure everything is okay.
Thank you everybody for your responses!!!

Peaches-Thank you! I love this picture too. Got to love him for putting up with 3 years of a 'sickly' girlfriend haha. I'm going to give my doctor a call tomorrow because shortly after this (TMI), I used the bathroom 3-4 times in an hour. Ick! The only thing that is driving me crazy is I had been on pred. for 6 months and just ended the taper a few months ago. Bummer! :ybatty:

JettaLady- Glad the picture made you smile too! :) I got a call from my doctor a few months back asking me to come back into the lab for more blood tests because my first test (after a few weeks of starting 6MP), showed "strange" numbers referring to my liver enzymes. I the tests came back as nothing to really worry about.

Shazamataz- Thank you! I'm about 125 pounds and have never really noticed them until a few weeks ago. Aside from the normal hunger growls-these sound really deep and can feel them. It's so weird! Hope your stomach lets you sleep! :)

imisspopcorn- Awesome name! Haha. I'm starting to think that it's the second option-sure sounds like somethings trying to escape :)

Smurph- I've actually been on Pentasa for 9 years. It doesn't really seem to be working for me anymore. He boosted me up to 4500 Mg a day as a last effort to get it to work but that was about a year ago. :confused2:

I'll keep you all updated! Thank you :smile:
My stomach is very noisy and has been for years. It isnt painful at all just embarrassing.

Good Luck!
I attribute bowel noises to one of two things (in my experience). First, like imisspopcorn said, movement of food through narrowings of the bowel caused by disease...either inflammation or scarring. After a bad flare-up I had in 99, I developed those noises and they never fully went away until my resection in Fall of 08 where the worst narrowings were removed. Even periods prior my surgery where I felt really good, I had noises. Narrowings due to scarring were the likely cause.

Second it gas. I was having bad noises again last fall (09) and it wasn't until I was given Cipro and Flagyl last month that the noises (and flatulence, heartburn and burping) all disappeared. It made a difference within 24hrs believe it or not. My GI figured I had excess bacteria in my gut.

Unfortunately, we have to just deal with it. When friends/collegues hear it and ask me if I'm hungry, I just say its the opposite...I just ate!
I kind of like my gurggle guggle nosies. My GF always laughs. They don't cause me any pain or discomfort though. Just loud rumbles.
My stomach is SOOOO loud lately, and i'm far from skinny......I can actually hear and feel the air moving through my bowels, and then bam, urge to pass gas. LOL.
It's deffinately annoying, especially if i were out in public (i don't go out much these days), but it does make me laugh.
CrohnsHobo said:
I kind of like my gurggle guggle nosies. My GF always laughs. They don't cause me any pain or discomfort though. Just loud rumbles.
Me too. It is when all gets quiet that I start to worry. :lol2:

I am sorry that you had to leave school Missy. I had low blood pressure issues and it was likely the effects of the disease on other organs in my abdomen. It is something I use as an indicator now. I also try and keep an eye on my Hydration with that and headaches. An extra couple of mugs of water goes a long way to helping me stay on top of things for some reason.

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