Another 1st time on prednisone

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Dec 14, 2011
So I have been in my second flare for a month no problem... Lialda was at least keeping the burning at bay, just waiting for things to calm down. Then about a week and a half ago my right foot swelled up and became unhappy to walk on. Shortly there after both my petela tendons decided to swell and become so painful I could hardly walk anymore. Knees would refuse to bend. This made it really hard to get up to go to bathroom. So called the doctor, and a stool sample later with them agreeing I am in a active flare with no infections. I was given prednisone. (lost another 25lb too.... So have a "normal bmi". Soon I will be underweight instead of my original state of being fat ha)

Took my first dose (40mg) Thursday at 9am... WOW!!! By 5:30pm all the secondary symptoms are gone. It's amazing how fast different secondary problems have gone away and started to heal. My poor toes on my right foot look sad they are all brused up now that the swelling and what ever was happening to the tendons stopped. Today they wiggle and are happy even if brused. I have gotten some good sleep in! And time between bathroom breaks have gone way up.

My only complication so far seems in some of my trips to the bathroom I have huge cramps so much so at times it feels like the whole gi track is cramping down at the same time. To the point I feel like I might vomit too. But as soon as the bit o stool passes everything goes back to happy again. Kind of weird it's like my gi track needs to relearn how to push in a single direction.
Sorry you have to be on the Pred, but glad it is making a difference. Those secondary symptoms are nasty. Sounds like the gut inflammation might have been causing some blockage, so I'd keep an eye on that and if you do start vomiting, get back to the docs.
HI, I am also in active flare at moment. It's good the pred are help your symptoms. I am on 80mg pred at moment, I still get the stomach cramps when things are moving through my sore part of bowel. I take a shot glass of lactulose syrup in my coffee and hot chocolate twice a day to soften stools to pass through easier and not cause so much pain. I am also on buscopan 2 tab x 3 times a day for bowel cramps. This has helped me get things moving through in a soft state. I'm a diabetic so blood sugars are up the wall, but the lactulose does not impact as it is a nonbinding sugar and I can hide it so well in my hot chocolate.

I agree with Grumbletum you don't want a blockage, keep and eye on it and maybe talk with your doc or nurse
So today I have hit 25mg/day

I have developed a bit of a cough and am moving fluid out of my lungs, is it possible to have weakened myself to get something bad going in the lungs at this level of prednisone? Should I wait and see what happens?

As soon as my tmpt blood test thingy gets back and says its ok they are going to start me on Azathioprine too here so if i have something bady i need to get it fixed quick! test results should be in any time next week, and they plan to start me at 100mg

I do have a gp apt already set for next Friday, should i do something sooner or just see how i feel in the morning?

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