Any Alternatives to Prescriptions?

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Oct 18, 2012
Is there anyone that has gotten treatments that don't require taking prescription meds for the Pain and Disease? Really tired of the "try this, maybe that will work,:shifty-t: if not we can use this" then the "Oh and the side effects?":yfrown:....Help

Hi Suzanne and welcome to the community :)

If you're looking for an alternative, my two suggestions would be:

1. Enteral nutrition
2. Low Dose Naltrexone - While it's still technically a prescription, it's still definitely an alternative treatment at present with very few side effects.
There are definitely alternatives, but everyone has to find their own version in order to make it work for them. I'm not sure that there is one silver bullet. However, I am a firm believer that diet is a big key to the "drug-free" puzzle. Check out the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the GAPS diet.

I also second the recommendation about low dose naltrexone. I have some information on my blog about my own experiences and there is also a sub-forum here. In addition, I take numerous supplements that I believe really help.

Welcome to the forum and good luck to you!
I've been on the elemental diet which is where you drink a special formula which is composed of amino acids, fats, sugars, vitamins, and minerals that are easily absorbed. I was on peptamen 1.5, I know there's a few more vivonex, tolerex, boost, and ensure to name a few.
My current treatment which has put me in remission is LDN. I've been on it for almost 5 months, and I couldn't name one bad thing about it. I've only noticed two side effects, occasional vivid dreams, and temporary constipation after the first month of being on it, but that hasn't happened since. It's defenatly a good drug to try for one it doesnt have awful side effects, and it's cheap around 20.00 for a months supply.
I hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to ask me. :)
Hi Suzanne, I have been doing some research on alternatives to meds I have thought about stem cell treatments... I was told about a clinic in Cancun the name is world stem cells,llc ...they seem to have a great success rate on Crohns and IBD. They let you talk to the patients who have received treatments and the clinic was said to be professional. I have checked out their website and it looks very exciting maybe you might want to take a look too it's at
Hope this helps and Good luck
It seems there are even more non prescription options being expored:

1- I was given an article recently which was showing parasitic worms as an alternative treatment. The entire idea seems very promising.
2- I have also read about fecal transplants from a donor in order to correct the bacteria in the intestines.
3- I had a yoga instructor with Crohns as well, and she saw her yoga practice as being part of her treatment. She had been symptom free for many years.
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