Any healthy/maltodextrin free nutritional drinks?

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Dec 14, 2012
Hi guys, wondering if anyone knows of any nutritional drinks that don't have maltodextrin/ emulsifiers etc in them..?
I agree, it is very hard to find a nutritional drink that has no additives in it. There in one called Orgain Oragnic nutritional shake. I got it at whole foods, someone on here told me about it. It does not contain malodextrin, but it does contain inulin and carrageenan which I was not happy about. It seems like they add all this crap to these drinks. Probabaly best to make your own drink. They have different whey powders and other powders that you can make a smoothie out of and add your own stuff to it. I mean that is just an idea. I know it sucks and is a lot of work, but you are right, I have been having the same problem with finding one that does not contain all the crap!

Hey Jules, I'm good, it is a good question isn't it :p seriously I don't think any exist :(
Yea carnageen or however it's spelt is bad news, I didn't know how bad it was and it was an ingredient in the almond milk I used to drink, I think the reason they add all that extra crap in is to preserve the shelf life :( there's definitely a market for a healthy drink though, someone needs to jump on it haha, we need more paleo/SCD legal snacks and supplements. Hard to get any in australia
This is such a great question!! I'm doing a full-liquid diet and was combing through Whole Foods the other day looking for something like this! Boost and stuff is great in that it's high-cal, high-protein, but it makes me squirm to think about all the weird crap in it! Too bad there don't seem to be many good alternatives :( maybe home-made shake ideas if anyone has them?
Most of those "nutritional" drinks are garbage anyway. Find a green powder like Vitamineral Green(plenty of others out there but thats in many peoples opinion the best) and put it in the liquid you want. Full array of natural occurring vitamins made from mother nature not a lab(which are harder to digest).
Yea literally all of them are garbage, I can't even fathom how 8 weeks on nothing but fortisip is supposed to induce remission, there's actually a study that suggest maltodextrin supports the creation of biofilms among certain bacteria (I'd have to ask kiny to link it). Problem is I can't put on any weight and iv found myself going back to unhealthy eating, I.e rice bubbles and lactose free milk, rice n wheat wraps etc just to get some extra calories. If there was a healthy shake id guzzle a few of those down in between meals but alas none seem to exist :(
Honestly I've just been going with organic whole milk and organic almond milk, tossing in some matcha powder and coconut oil. It's definitely not the only thing you could bear to drink all day, but matcha is mad good for you, coconut oil supposedly is (and high-calorie to boot), and organic whole milk has plenty of calories and good protein, without the gross antibiotics and hormones? Some honey for sweetness does the taste with milk, when using almond milk i go for the vanilla flavour. That's breakfast and it packs around 210 calories. Not boost, but not awful either.
Awesome :) I was a big fan of almond milk but then saw the brand I liked had carnageenan in it, which is bad newZzzz
Have you tried Silk Pure Almond? Ingredient list is: almond milk (filtered water, almonds), cane sugar, sea salt, natural flavour, locust bean gum, sunflower lecithin, gellan gum.

I guess the gums and stuff are a bit ??? but nothing here is jumping out at me. Then again, I'm new to this whole ingredient-list-reading thing. It might sound a bit "unhealthy" but for weight-gain (I'm going in for surgery in two weeks and need to pack some pounds on with like no visible lumen on CT at my TI, terrified of solids) I've been pouring oil in pretty much everything. It also helps me feel full. Soup broths get two tablespoons of olive oil, tea gets coconut. It really helps amp up the calories for when you're desperate to pack on some pounds - I'm doing 3000 cals+/day. Plus those oils won't screw with your cholesterol...apparently?
Oh you're too nice! A resection, got a lil' abscess drain in too. Whoops! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do though, and the stuff I've read about those oils seem like they're very good things for our digestive tracts, especially the coconut if one decides to try to do some home made shakes with juicing and the like, and dairy/subs when possible to avoid the nasty stuff!
I love coconut oil it's the only thing I cook with :p and butter if I'm making banana pancakes. I hope your resection puts you into a never ending remission!
I can't see maltodextrin listed on the label.

Main ingredient is hydrolysed corn starch is that corn syrup?
I should throw our out. Sarah no longer needs to gain weight.

Good luck finding a good drink.
So what do people thing is this stuff alright if weight gain is your priority or are there better alternatives for trying to get extra calories when normal healthy diet alone doesn't seem to be enough ?
I like the unflavored Unjury Protein Powder. It dissolves really easily in anything, and it is just whey protein isolate and soy lecithin. It has helped me get my weight back up after flares.

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