Anybody have any of these symptoms.. don't know what is going on

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Jan 5, 2011
Hi all..

I have had Crohns for 10 years and I have never had these exact symptoms before.
I am prone to getting fistulas, haven't had one in 5 years but did have an absess in the ilieum last June.
My husband and I are currently trying to have a baby so at first I wasn't sure if it was that but tests came up negative... and I just don't want to get sick again now!!!!!!!!!
So I have the obvious lots of bloating and sore tommy. But I am very nauseaus.. I have been woken up in the morning with nausea and I have never had bad nausea before. I know this is bad but it is usually after I have a couple glasses of wine ( I rarely drink and if so not much) but that has never been an issue before.
I am also sooooooo tired.. as we all know but this is different I can barely keep my eyes open.
I am watching what I eat etc. and I know this sounds like a little flare but I am really worried about the nausea and how serious that is.. it comes right from where you would give someone the himelick (I know that is the wrong spelling.. haha) manuveure, that exact spot right in between the ribs is where th pain and nausea is coming from and I have never had that before.. any thoughts, or similar situations?

My family doc wanted to put me on prednisone but the GI is saying that isn't a good idea until we know exactly what it is but I can't get in to see him so just wondering what I can do in the meantime??

Thanks all!!!!!
:ybiggrin: Did you take more than one pregnancy test?....if you def. are not pregnant, could possibly be reflux? I would also get blood work done to check iron levels etc to see if that could be a reason for the tiredness....

Am hoping the preg test was wrong! :ybiggrin:
Boy, that pain does sound familiar indeed! Have they done any simple xrays? Are you having pain anywhere else? The reason why I ask is because this may not be a simple flare. I had similar pain and had nausea the way you described. At the time it was suspected that I might have crohn's since my twin brother also had it. I had this pain/nausea come and go but everytime it came back it got worse. I had a simple abdominal x-ray completed before I was to drink some barium and they found that I had an obstruction in the terminal ileum. So if you are not pregnant I would get an abdominal x-ray completed. I don't want to scare you but I do want you to check it out. Tiredness will go with flares as well. Are you having any vomiting or blood in your stools?
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Thanks guys!! I was hoping I was pregnant but had a blood test and came up negative. I still haven't had my period though and am 7 days late which is so weird.. but could be stress i don't know??

I actually do have pain today in the very right lower part of my tummy. Right where my ilieum is because I have had an absess in that exact spot before. I have had a CT scan and colonscopy before to detect it but never an abdominal x-ray I should ask my doc. I will call him today and see if I can do that here??!!
I have had no blood and have had no nausea since sunday morning but now this pain today.
I am having fairly normal bowel movements, a couple times a day, diarrhea of course but I generally always do. Does this sound about right??

Thanks again you guys I really appreciate it... why is it as soon as we start trying for a baby I get sick! Boo! I'M sorry I am having a bit of a pitty party today!
Those symptoms could be a partial obstruction as well. I get lots of pain and nausea the few times I have had those but still can be passing stool - as the obstruction I get is in the ileum, so any stool already in the colon will continue on out.

I would definately go to the doctor soon if the pain is not your "usual" pain.
Get it checked out as soon as you can. These symptoms sound a lot like mine before my surgery. I hope it's not a flare though.

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