Anyone else besides me very protective of your stomach?

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Is your stomach sensitive

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 90.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 9.6%

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Feb 18, 2011
After having surgery, of course...Is your stomach sensitive? Like when your doctor presses on it, do you jump? I personally don't like anyone coming near me. If someone has a knife (like when cooking) in there hand I don't go near them, they make me nervous! Oh, and I dont like tight pants or anything around my waist anymore.
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I haven't had surgery yet and I still don't like anyone touching my tummy. I cringe when the doctor asks "can I feel your belly".
I can't wear tight pants. I can't stand any pressure on my stomach. I can't sit and move around or twist my torso much or I get too sore.
I agree sometimes it feels like it is raw inside I wear pants by lilac because they have a stretchy tummy and they are not actual pregnant pants lol
Very protective. I'll hold my arm around my belly most of the time. Just incase.

About a month after I had my first surgery (open surgery, big 5inch incision right up my belly) a friend I hadn't seen in a while came running up behind me, wrapped his arms round my belly and picked me up. OMG! that was probably the most pain I ever had! He didn't know obviously but I think he still feels guilty. I dunno if it was that but i've always been nervous of getting hurt. I flinch every time my girlfriend grabbs me for a hug. My bosses daughter punched me in the gut not long after surgery (only messing around, but again she didn't know). A girl i'd just started dating once punched me in the gut for being cheeky. (she didn't know)

I dunno if i'm just unlucky but yeah i'm very protective.

When the doc presses on your belly, they're looking for what they call guarding. Supposidly it's an involuntry reaction to protect sensitive areas (your body backing up what you're saying). I dunno about you but I can, and do that voluntarily all the time.
I've noticed for ages that when they feel my belly they are looking @ my face to see what reaction there is.
My belly has always been super sensitive, my wife can touch my side & my belly reacts in a way that is as if I've been tickled by a giant feather except i dont giggle. Its weird really & been like it all my life. I also sometimes put my arm across my ft-its almost an unknowing way of protecting the area without meaning to.
Mine too! Can't stand tight pants. I'm looking for pregnant pants, I just need functional for now. :yoshijumpjoy:
Some nights I can't even stand to sleep on my side as I can feel gravity pulling on my insides, so I have to lay on my back where I am somewhat more comfortable. If my boyfriend has a restless night and tosses and turns all night - I am very uncomfortable as I can feel all his movements vibrating through my stomach.
I am the same - instead of jeans I wear jeggings that are one size too big so they "look" like regular jeans but are nice and stretchy around my belly (If I wear normal jeans I often have to undo the button and sometimes the zip!) Also, if I'm sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and I'm feeling a little poorly, any movement he makes goes right through me - very annoying and I feel bad for telling him to stop moving! The time he had a coughing fit was awful - him coughing and spluttering and flailing about, and me just gritting my teeth! He was fine, by the way :)
i did not partake in the poll because i think it is intended for people who have had surgery...but my stomach can be very tender. i think my boyfriend has finally learned to stop poking/pretend punching me in the belly -knock on wood- but he will randomly tap my stomach when i'm laying down. doesn't quite hurt, just uncomfortable. but, the tenderness can be bad sometimes; when i stretch back or bend forward, i cringe.
Yep, the docs have to prise my arms away from my stomach, even though I have virtually no pain now. Can't help it - I remember what it was like. And I've just ordered trousers for work that are a size bigger than I normally wear and have elasticated waistbands. Combination of sensitivity and the weight I've put on from the Pred.
I haven't had surgery either. But I do find it very hard to get comfortable in bed at night and I really can't sleep on my back. I toss and turn and keep husband awake. I feel terrible when he tries to give me a cuddle. Standard response "don't touch my stomach!". Romance killer!!! There are so many items of clothing hanging in my wardrobe that I just can't wear anymore. And so many pairs of underpants that ain't getting any action either!! I hadn't thought of pregnancy pants.... tempting, very tempting!!!!
wow. mine too! my very first symptoms were when i would lean into a countertop to reach something i would feel pain. i guard my stomach around my kids! always worried someone will bump me
I guard my stomach around my kids, too. They'll hug me too hard and I'll try to make a joke out of it, but it hurts. My cats also jump on my lap and know how to place one paw where it hurts the most, same with the dog.

I can't rest on my side, either, because of gravity pulling against my stomach and it hurts.
I'm terrified that one day I will get it in the belly from one of the challenging kids who I work with.
I'm on a risk assessment not to restrain for long periods of time due to variable joint inflammation, but, you never know, sometimes we can be 'taken by surprise'

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