Very protective. I'll hold my arm around my belly most of the time. Just incase.
About a month after I had my first surgery (open surgery, big 5inch incision right up my belly) a friend I hadn't seen in a while came running up behind me, wrapped his arms round my belly and picked me up. OMG! that was probably the most pain I ever had! He didn't know obviously but I think he still feels guilty. I dunno if it was that but i've always been nervous of getting hurt. I flinch every time my girlfriend grabbs me for a hug. My bosses daughter punched me in the gut not long after surgery (only messing around, but again she didn't know). A girl i'd just started dating once punched me in the gut for being cheeky. (she didn't know)
I dunno if i'm just unlucky but yeah i'm very protective.
When the doc presses on your belly, they're looking for what they call guarding. Supposidly it's an involuntry reaction to protect sensitive areas (your body backing up what you're saying). I dunno about you but I can, and do that voluntarily all the time.